jsfest / 2014-oakland-cfp

Call for proposals for all speakers and events at JSFest Oakland.
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The Node.js Way #74

Open FredKSchott opened 10 years ago

FredKSchott commented 10 years ago

To fully master Node.js, you need to understand its personality.

A framework's personality and guiding principles influence everything around it. While it's possible to write JavaScript in a hundred different ways, the Node.js philosophy affects everything from the different arguments a callback can take to the actual architecture of Node.js applications. Some of these patterns are easy to spot, but most are quite subtle. In all, it takes months or even years to fully grasp them all on your own.

"The Node.js Way" is a collection of everything I've learned over the last few years, from working with Node.js on open-source projects, in the enterprise, and while writing The Node.js Handbook. It includes design patterns, best practices, and tribal knowledge, all distilled and compiled into four main sections: Structure (ex: "Build modules to serve a single purpose"), Community (ex: "Choose composition over inheritance", "Write modules for others to read"), Async (ex: "Leverage flow control", "return early"), and Stability (ex: "Handle errors close to the source").

The goal of this talk is to shorten that learning curve from years down to just 20 minutes. While this talk will be most valuable to the intermediate and advanced, it will all be understandable and exciting to beginners as well.

This talk is intended for NodeConf One-Shot.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

Accepted for NodeConf ONE-SHOT

mikeal commented 9 years ago

If you haven't already, please register yourself as a speaker for JSFest:


If you get it in within the next few days you'll probably get a much nicer conference badge :)

And for any clever buggers who think they can register for free using that link, we will be checking the names against the accepted speakers list :)