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Building a pirate radio station with WebRTC (or why it's impossible) #15

Open brianloveswords opened 10 years ago

brianloveswords commented 10 years ago

So over the next few months one of my projects is to build a pirate radio station using WebRTC. A bunch of us at the Mozilla Foundation are ex-college/public radio DJs and we've been talking about doing some sort of pirate radio station for years now, and I think the technology is at least somewhat ready to make that happen in the browser.

I plan on documenting as much of the process as possible: the successes, the hardships, what's easy, what's hard. The “(or why it's impossible)” part is for if I fail to do it – that way I can leave my trail of broken dreams as a cautionary tale for others not to follow (or for those stalwart enough, to pick up and reassemble).

mikeal commented 10 years ago

I can only accept this talk if you play at least one clip from the film "Pump up the Volume."

Also, your intro music must be "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen.

brianloveswords commented 10 years ago


mikeal commented 10 years ago


dominictarr commented 10 years ago

/cc @feross

gsf commented 10 years ago

Could this also take into account running a WebRTC station alongside LPFM? There should be a lot of them popping up around the country soon. http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/low-power-fm-broadcast-radio-stations-lpfm

feross commented 10 years ago

@brianloveswords Sounds like an awesome project! Lmk if you ever want to chat about challenges and potential ways to solve them. I'm working on WebTorrent (https://github.com/feross/webtorrent) right now and trying to make it as peer-to-peer as possible by eliminating most of the signaling server apparatus and making peers do that work (i.e. peers introduce peers to each other). We should compare notes when you/I are further along!

yannickmodahgouez commented 9 years ago

Hey Brian, I twitted you earlier but this exactly what we are doing here at http://unltd.fm, we don't exactly call it "pirate radio" but that's the spirit : live broadcasting straight from the browser. I would really love to read the slides from your talk. Cheers.