jsh58 / Genrich

Detecting sites of genomic enrichment
MIT License
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More peaks in merged replicates than the sum of single replicates #64

Closed amitjavilaventura closed 3 years ago

amitjavilaventura commented 3 years ago


I am developing a Snakemake pipeline to run ATACseq with Genrich (either single or merged replicates). Still working on it, so not everything is available yet.

My problem is that, when I call peaks with single replicates I get less replicates (in total: 17360+12992) than when calling peaks using several replicates at the same time (37517 peaks). Wouldn't have it to be the contrary?

Here's my snakemake rule for Genrich with different replicates:

        rule genrich_merge:
                t = lambda w: expand("results/02_bam/{condition}.sorted.bam", condition = SAMPLES.loc[SAMPLES["CONDITION"] == w.condition].NAME),
                # path to genrich
                genrich = config["params"]["genrich"]["path"],
                # pe/se parameters
                pe_se   = lambda w: config["params"]["genrich"]["se"] if config["params"]["genrich"]["pe_or_se"] == "se" else "",
                # pvalue/qvalue threshold
                p_or_q  = config["params"]["genrich"]["p_or_q"],
                pqval   = config["params"]["genrich"]["pqval"],
                # readme file
                readme  = "results/03_genrich/merged/{condition}/readme.txt",
            threads: 5
                {params.genrich} -j \
                -t '{input.t}' \
                -o {output} \
                -p 4e-5 \
                -y -d 150 2>> {log}
                echo 'This peaks have been called using more than 1 replicates ({input}) for each condition, the parameters {params.pe_se} and a {params.p_or_q}value threshold of {params.pqval}.' > {params.readme}

Other questions:

Thank you.

jsh58 commented 3 years ago

Your questions are addressed in the README and in #14, #19, #44, #51, #56.