jsha / blocktogether

Share your blocks and subscribe to others'
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Too easy to click "sign up" instead of "log in", leading to silent URL invalidation and user confusion #283

Open dankegel opened 4 years ago

dankegel commented 4 years ago

Somehow my BlockTogether page's checkbox for 'share' got unchecked, and as a result, the old URL no longer works, and I had to recheck the box and get a new URL.

I certainly didn't intend to do this. I don't have that many subscribers at the moment, but it's enough to hurt to have to ask them all to resubscribe. I don't even want to think about having to do that if the blocklist becomes popular.

Perhaps the UI needs more safeguards? Also, I don't remember unchecking that box, so maybe something odder happened... but an accidental click or two is entirely possible.

I could also blame my cat.

dankegel commented 4 years ago

It's happened twice since then. What's going on?

dankegel commented 4 years ago

Figured it out. Accidentally clicking the "sign up" button instead of the "log in" button is what does this.

Probably need to not offer the "sign up" button if you're already signed up, or something.