jsha / blocktogether

Share your blocks and subscribe to others'
GNU General Public License v3.0
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What can we do to improve reliability? #311

Open Scott-Tracy opened 4 years ago

Scott-Tracy commented 4 years ago

BlockTogether is a vital service. What is needed to reduce downtime?

shadowblocker commented 4 years ago

Not sure about others, but we have socially vulnerable people who are to some extent reliant on our block-together blocklist to protect them from online abuse and trolling.

If all of the recent database throughput and capacity problems are down to the performance of the backend server I'd bet that there are dozens of us who would be willing to help cover some of the associated costs with either upgrading the server hardware if physical, or getting a high tier VPS/virtual server.

vissjb commented 4 years ago

We may need to look at forking the project and standing up another instance, though I'd much rather provide more resources to this one.

jsha commented 4 years ago


First off, apologies for the downtime and slow communication. I've been making some hard decisions and concluded it's time to shut down Block Together over the next couple of months. I've posted more details on the site at https://blocktogether.org/.

If you'd like to spin up a fork, you're more than welcome to, and I'm happy to give some advice

vissjb commented 4 years ago


Thanks for all your work. I get comments all the time from people who are so thankful for the service you've provided. I think I will probably stand up an instance for the folks that subscribe to the list which I maintain, but I would tailor it to our use case, since I also don't have the resources or experience to replicate what you've done.

Maybe that would be a way to spin down BlockTogether, by transitioning it to something that anyone could customize and host on a scale specific to their needs.