jshackles / Enhanced_Steam

Enhances the Steam Experience
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implementing UncensorPat.ch integration for store search and game pages #1610

Open UncensorPat opened 6 years ago

UncensorPat commented 6 years ago

This set of changes adds integration into https://www.UncensorPat.ch into EnhancedSteam, allowing for filtering by uncensor patch in the search page, and showing uncensor patch information on the individual game store pages. Given the nature of the data, it defaults to being off and is therefore opt-in.

I have trialled the changes and it seems functional, robust, and responsive.

I see that most API calls are done through the EnhancedSteam API, these changes just use direct API calls to UncensorPat.ch, but I'd be happy to collaborate in order to integrate my API better with EnhancedSteam (it was created for this sole purpose, after all).

This is the same commit information from #1609 without all of the spurious changes that occurred when I attempted to amend the commit author - I really can't apologise enough about that.