jshackles / Enhanced_Steam_Firefox

Enhanced Steam for Mozilla Firefox
GNU General Public License v3.0
135 stars 23 forks source link

Support Pale Moon #67

Open Tailszefox opened 9 years ago

Tailszefox commented 9 years ago

Pale Moon is a fork of Firefox that retains some of the features of the previous versions, while keeping the main browser up to date. It's mostly compatible with Firefox, though the closest version from an extension point of view is Firefox 24. You can find more info on https://www.palemoon.org/

The latest versions of Enhanced Steam are not compatible with Pale Moon 25, despite the fact that they fully work with it by forcing installation. This is due to the fact that install.rdf specifies that the maximum version supported is Firefox 26; Pale Moon reports itself as being compatible up to Firefox 24.

However, instead of changing the minimum version, it's possible to simply add a supplementary GUID corresponding to Pale Moon only, as such:

        <!-- PaleMoon -->

Would it be possible to add this simple fix so that users of Pale Moon can easily install the next versions?

DAOWAce commented 9 years ago

ES development for Firefox browsers is has ceased: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/enhancedsteam#announcements/detail/234525530731921313

Tailszefox commented 9 years ago

Unfortunate, especially considering that Pale Moon won't be adopting any of those Firefox changes any time soon.

I guess the only solution for now will be to make a static version specifically for Pale Moon. That means it will continue working until something on the Steam website breaks it.