jsherfey / dnsim

Dynamic Neural Simulator - a modular modeling tool for large ODE systems.
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MAJOR bug: (Artifex Ghostscript bug) N>1 multiplicity sims are unable to save DNSIM plots (e.g. voltage) when run on the cluster #56

Open asoplata opened 9 years ago

asoplata commented 9 years ago

This is a really weird one, since I can't figure out how I haven't run across it before, nor why it hasn't occurred for anyone else. Note that everything I say will apply to trying to run a cluster job; local sims are a different story. I first noticed this when trying to run my own cells, but I gradually simplified it down to even occurring on the Example Batch Script that Jason has sent some people (sent to me on 2015/03/27).

Can other people PLEASE try recreating this bug (e.g. just running the script below, only needing to change codepath) using up-to-date copies of the GitHub version of DNSIM or the other altered versions of DNSIM (e.g. ones they got from Jason directly), if you use those versions on the cluster? Basically, whichever version you use on the cluster.

If I take this minimal/extremely simple MATLAB script, where the only simulation run is the one sent to the cluster but not using coder, and I try to run it with multiplicity set to > 1, then I get an Artifex Ghostscript system error in which case the system is unable to save any voltage trace plots (and other plots). Edit: Note that you have to change where your DNSIM code is installed, but other than that, if you've ever run a sim on the cluster successfully before, then this should work without you having to change anything else.

%% Demo: DNSim batch simulations
% Purpose: demonstrate how to run simulation batches varying model parameters
% on local machine or cluster with or without codegen.
% Created by Jason Sherfey (27-Mar-2015)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% model specification
spec.nodes(1).label = 'HH';                       % name of this node population
spec.nodes(1).multiplicity = 2;                   % size of this node population
spec.nodes(1).dynamics = {'V''=current/c'};       % node dynamics for state variables that can be "seen" by other nodes
spec.nodes(1).mechanisms = {'iNa','iK','itonic'}; % note: corresponding mechanism files (e.g., iNa.txt) should exist in matlab path
spec.nodes(1).parameters = {'stim',7,'c',1};      % user-specified parameter values (note: these override default values set in mechanism files)

% simulation controls
tspan=[0 3000];     % [beg end], ms, simulation time limits
SOLVER='euler';     % numerical integration method
dt=.01;             % integration time step [ms]
dsfact=10;          % downsample factor (applied to simulated data)
codepath='~/x010-dnsim/dnsim'; % path to dnsim toolbox

% % local simulation with codegen
% data = runsim(spec,'timelimits',tspan,'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'dsfact',dsfact,...
%   'coder',1,'verbose',0);
% plotv(data,spec,'varlabel','V');


% output controls
rootdir = pwd;     % where to save outputs
savedata_flag = 0; % 0 or 1, whether to save the simulated data (after downsampling)
saveplot_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to save plots
plotvars_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to plot state variables

% what to vary across batch
scope = 'HH';       % node or connection label whose parameter you want to vary
variable = 'c';     % parameter to vary (e.g., capacitance)
values = '[1]'; % values for each simulation in batch (varied across batches)

  Prerequisites for submitting jobs to cluster:
  1. add path-to-dnsim/csh to your environment.
     e.g., add to .bashrc: "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dnsim/csh"
  2. run matlab on cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub'

% % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % LOCAL BATCHES (run serial jobs on current machine)
% cluster_flag=0; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub')
% % without codegen
% values = '[1 1.5]';
% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...
%   'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...
%   'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...
%   'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0);
% % with codegen
% values = '[2 2.5]';
% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...
%   'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...
%   'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...
%   'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% CLUSTER BATCHES (submit to queue for running parallel jobs on cluster nodes)
cluster_flag=1; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub')

% without codegen
% values = '[3 3.5]';

% % with codegen
% values = '[4 4.5]';
% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...
%   'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...
%   'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...
%   'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1);

This is the job1.out output log, which shows the error message

command =  job1
cwd =  /usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627
HOSTNAME =  scc-ba3.scc.bu.edu
JOB_NAME =  5880217
JOB_NAME =  B20150723-145627_job1

                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 15, 2013

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Looking in known mech list for iNa
Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iNa.txt
Looking in known mech list for iK
Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iK.txt
Looking in known mech list for itonic
Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/itonic.txt

Model Description

Specification files:

HH     (n=2):
    dynamics: V' = ((-HH_iNa_INaf(HH_V,HH_iNa_mNaf,HH_iNa_hNaf))+((-HH_iK_IKf(HH_V,HH_iK_nKf))+((HH_itonic_Itonic(t))+0)))/(1)
    mechanisms: iNa, iK, itonic
    parameters: stim=7, c=1

HH          -           

Connection parameters:

Model Equations:
    HH_V'                = ((-((120).*HH_iNa_mNaf.^3.*HH_iNa_hNaf.*(HH_V-(50))))+((-((36).*HH_iK_nKf.^4.*(HH_V-(-77))))+((((7)*(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset)))+0)))/(1)
    HH_iNa_mNaf'         = ((2.5-.1*(HH_V+65))./(exp(2.5-.1*(HH_V+65))-1)).*(1-HH_iNa_mNaf)-(4*exp(-(HH_V+65)/18)).*HH_iNa_mNaf;
    HH_iNa_hNaf'         = (.07*exp(-(HH_V+65)/20)).*(1-HH_iNa_hNaf)-(1./(exp(3-.1*(HH_V+65))+1)).*HH_iNa_hNaf;
    HH_iK_nKf'           = ((.1-.01*(HH_V+65))./(exp(1-.1*(HH_V+65))-1)).*(1-HH_iK_nKf)-(.125*exp(-(HH_V+65)/80)).*HH_iK_nKf;

Initial Conditions:
    HH_V(0)             =[0, 0, ]
    HH_iNa_mNaf(0)      =[0, 0, ]
    HH_iNa_hNaf(0)      =[0, 0, ]
    HH_iK_nKf(0)        =[0, 0, ]

Matlab-formatted (copy and paste to repeat simulation):
% Auxiliary variables:
    HH_itonic_offset     = inf;

% Anonymous functions:
    HH_iNa_aM            = @(IN) (2.5-.1*(IN+65))./(exp(2.5-.1*(IN+65))-1);
    HH_iNa_bM            = @(IN) 4*exp(-(IN+65)/18);               
    HH_iNa_aH            = @(IN) .07*exp(-(IN+65)/20);             
    HH_iNa_bH            = @(IN) 1./(exp(3-.1*(IN+65))+1);         
    HH_iNa_INaf          = @(IN,m,h) (120).*m.^3.*h.*(IN-(50));    
    HH_iK_aN             = @(IN) (.1-.01*(IN+65))./(exp(1-.1*(IN+65))-1);
    HH_iK_bN             = @(IN) .125*exp(-(IN+65)/80);            
    HH_iK_IKf            = @(IN,n) (36).*n.^4.*(IN-(-77));         
    HH_itonic_Itonic     = @(t) (7)*(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset);  

% ODE Handle, ICs, integration, and plotting:
ODEFUN = @(t,X) [((-((120).*X(3:4).^3.*X(5:6).*(X(1:2)-(50))))+((-((36).*X(7:8).^4.*(X(1:2)-(-77))))+((((7)*(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset)))+0)))/(1);((2.5-.1*(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(2.5-.1*(X(1:2)+65))-1)).*(1-X(3:4))-(4*exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/18)).*X(3:4);(.07*exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/20)).*(1-X(5:6))-(1./(exp(3-.1*(X(1:2)+65))+1)).*X(5:6);((.1-.01*(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(1-.1*(X(1:2)+65))-1)).*(1-X(7:8))-(.125*exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/80)).*X(7:8);];
IC = [0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0];

[t,y]=ode23(ODEFUN,[0 100],IC);   % numerical integration
figure; plot(t,y);           % plot all variables/functions
try legend('HH\_V','HH\_iNa\_mNaf','HH\_iNa\_hNaf','HH\_iK\_nKf'); end

odefun_file =


Simulation interval: 0-3000
Starting integration (euler, dt=0.01)
Processed 600 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 0.715 s)
Processed 1200 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 1.798 s)
Processed 1800 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 2.876 s)
Processed 2400 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 3.956 s)
Processed 3000 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 5.034 s)
saving plots - voltage traces: /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/images/rawV/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_rawV
Error: Problem converting PostScript. System returned error: -1.Failed to convert to output format; Ghostscript status: -100.Error: /rangecheck in --string--heck
Operand stack:
   picstr   90003
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1121/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:71/200(L)--   --dict:94/160(L)--   --dict:8/76(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
Current file position is 6579
Artifex Ghostscript 8.54: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

     in ghostscript (line 186)
     in LocalPrint (line 314)
     in print (line 240)
     in biosimdriver (line 196)
     in job1 (line 1)
saving cluster log (/usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627/pbsout/job1.out) to /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/logs/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_job1.out.
sim_data and spec assigned to base workspace.

I have tried submitting the jobs/running the above script both through the CLI with/without X-Forwarding, and even in the MATLAB command window inside a VNC session, and the error always occurs, so I'm pretty sure it's not due to 'how' I'm submitting it to the cluster. I've run it with both the regular MATLAB 2013a and also the MATLAB 2014b available on the cluster (Thanks for showing me that, Mike), and so if it's a MATLAB version problem...then it's been around for a long and it's still around.

What I'm most concerned about is that no one else has reported/made mention of this issue, even though Jason, and AFAIK at least Julia and Ben, have been running cluster batches where some celltype multiplicites are greater than 1. While yes, this does in part sound like a screw-up on the cluster's (or MATLAB's) part in that MATLAB's cluster stuff isn't handling the graphics printing/saving correctly (apparently MATLAB first prints figures into a PostScript thing, which apparently requires live graphics support by the OS, before printing that to, say, a PNG), judging from the previous sentence, we have working DNSIM code where this error is not encountered. Therefore, it is possible that there is some difference between the DNSIM code that is on the GitHub and the altered DNSIM code people are using in the 'wild' that may be responsible for this bug. If that is the cause of the bug, then it's going to be one NASTY fix.

It could also just be a difference between my 'setup' somehow and someone else's which is why I really need someone else to test at least the GitHub-default ('dev' branch) version of the code for this bug on their end! Based on the simplicity of the simulation I'm running, I REALLY don't think it's an issue with my specific pipeline, though.

Just to reiterate, until we figure this out, or I switch to a 'wild/non-GitHub' version of the DNSIM code that doesn't experience this problem, I/people using the GitHub version CANNOT run sims on the cluster that use a multiplicity >1, aka a simulation that uses more than 1 of a certain celltype.

Thanks for any help.

mfromano commented 9 years ago

Going to try to recreate it now. I'll let you know how it goes. I do think that it would be a good idea to do one giant merge at some point. It will suck but I think that it would be a good idea.

Best, Mike

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 3:36 PM, asoplata notifications@github.com wrote:

This is a really weird one, since I can't figure out how I haven't run across it before, nor why it hasn't occurred for anyone else. Note that everything I say will apply to trying to run a cluster job; local sims are a different story. I first noticed this when trying to run my own cells, but I gradually simplified it down to even occurring on the Example Batch Script that Jason has sent some people (sent to me on 2015/03/27).

Can other people PLEASE try recreating this bug (e.g. just running the script below, only needing to change codepath) using up-to-date copies of the GitHub version of DNSIM or the other altered versions of DNSIM (e.g. ones they got from Jason directly), if you use those versions on the cluster? Basically, whichever version you use on the cluster.

If I take this minimal/extremely simple MATLAB script, where the only simulation run is the one sent to the cluster but not using coder, and I try to run it with multiplicity set to > 1, then I get an Artifex Ghostscript system error in which case the system is unable to save any voltage trace plots (and other plots).

%% Demo: DNSim batch simulations% Purpose: demonstrate how to run simulation batches varying model parameters% on local machine or cluster with or without codegen.% Created by Jason Sherfey (27-Mar-2015)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% model specification spec=[]; spec.nodes(1).label = 'HH'; % name of this node population spec.nodes(1).multiplicity = 2; % size of this node population spec.nodes(1).dynamics = {'V''=current/c'}; % node dynamics for state variables that can be "seen" by other nodes spec.nodes(1).mechanisms = {'iNa','iK','itonic'}; % note: corresponding mechanism files (e.g., iNa.txt) should exist in matlab path spec.nodes(1).parameters = {'stim',7,'c',1}; % user-specified parameter values (note: these override default values set in mechanism files) % simulation controls tspan=[0 3000]; % [beg end], ms, simulation time limits SOLVER='euler'; % numerical integration method dt=.01; % integration time step [ms] dsfact=10; % downsample factor (applied to simulated data)% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE codepath='~/x010-dnsim/dnsim'; % path to dnsim toolbox% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE % %% SINGLE SIMULATION% % local simulation with codegen% data = runsim(spec,'timelimits',tspan,'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'coder',1,'verbose',0);% plotv(data,spec,'varlabel','V'); %% SIMULATION BATCHES % output controls rootdir = pwd; % where to save outputs savedata_flag = 0; % 0 or 1, whether to save the simulated data (after downsampling) saveplot_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to save plots plotvars_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to plot state variables % what to vary across batch scope = 'HH'; % node or connection label whose parameter you want to vary variable = 'c'; % parameter to vary (e.g., capacitance) values = '[1]'; % values for each simulation in batch (varied across batches) %{ Prerequisites for submitting jobs to cluster: 1. add path-to-dnsim/csh to your environment. e.g., add to .bashrc: "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dnsim/csh" 2. run matlab on cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub'%} % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% % LOCAL BATCHES (run serial jobs on current machine)% cluster_flag=0; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub')% % % without codegen% values = '[1 1.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0);% % % with codegen% values = '[2 2.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1); % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% CLUSTER BATCHES (submit to queue for running parallel jobs on cluster nodes) cluster_flag=1; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub') % without codegen% values = '[3 3.5]'; [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},... 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,... 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,... 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0); % % with codegen% values = '[4 4.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1);

This is the job1.out output log, which shows the error message

command = job1 cwd = /usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627 HOSTNAME = scc-ba3.scc.bu.edu JOB_NAME = 5880217 JOB_NAME = B20150723-145627_job1 < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64) February 15, 2013

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Looking in known mech list for iNa Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iNa.txt Looking in known mech list for iK Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iK.txt Looking in known mech list for itonic Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/itonic.txt Model Description----------------------------------

Specification files:

Populations: HH (n=2): dynamics: V' = ((-HH_iNa_INaf(HH_V,HH_iNa_mNaf,HH_iNa_hNaf))+((-HH_iK_IKf(HH_V,HH_iK_nKf))+((HH_itonic_Itonic(t))+0)))/(1) mechanisms: iNa, iK, itonic parameters: stim=7, c=1

Connections: HH HH -

Connection parameters: Model Equations:---------------------------------- ODEs: HH_V' = ((-((120)._HH_iNa_mNaf.^3._HH_iNahNaf.(HH_V-(50))))+((-((36)._HH_iKnKf.^4.(HHV-(-77))))+((((7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset)))+0)))/(1) HH_iNamNaf' = ((2.5-.1(HHV+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iNa_mNaf)-(4_exp(-(HH_V+65)/18))._HH_iNa_mNaf; HH_iNa_hNaf' = (.07_exp(-(HHV+65)/20)).(1-HH_iNahNaf)-(1./(exp(3-.1(HH_V+65))+1))._HH_iNa_hNaf; HH_iKnKf' = ((.1-.01(HHV+65))./(exp(1-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iK_nKf)-(.125_exp(-(HH_V+65)/80))._HH_iK_nKf;

Initial Conditions: HH_V(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_mNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_hNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iK_nKf(0) =[0, 0, ]

Matlab-formatted (copy and paste to repeat simulation):%-----------------------------------------------------------% Auxiliary variables: HH_itonic_offset = inf; % Anonymous functions: HH_iNaaM = @(IN) (2.5-.1(IN+65))./(exp(2.5-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iNa_bM = @(IN) 4_exp(-(IN+65)/18); HH_iNa_aH = @(IN) .07_exp(-(IN+65)/20); HH_iNabH = @(IN) 1./(exp(3-.1(IN+65))+1); HH_iNa_INaf = @(IN,m,h) (120)._m.^3.h.(IN-(50)); HH_iKaN = @(IN) (.1-.01(IN+65))./(exp(1-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iK_bN = @(IN) .125_exp(-(IN+65)/80); HH_iK_IKf = @(IN,n) (36).n.^4.(IN-(-77)); HH_itonicItonic = @(t) (7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset); % ODE Handle, ICs, integration, and plotting: ODEFUN = @(t,X) [((-((120).X(3:4).^3.X(5:6).(X(1:2)-(50))))+((-((36).X(7:8).^4.(X(1:2)-(-77))))+((((7 )(t>(0) & t<HH_itonicoffset)))+0)))/(1);((2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(3:4))-(4_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/18))._X(3:4);(.07exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/20)).(1-X(5:6))-(1./(exp(3-.1_(X(1:2)+65))+1)).X(5:6);((.1-.01(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(1-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(7:8))-(.125_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/80))._X(7:8);]; IC = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];

[t,y]=ode23(ODEFUN,[0 100],IC); % numerical integrationfigure; plot(t,y); % plot all variables/functionstry legend('HH_V','HH_iNa_mNaf','HH_iNa_hNaf','HH_iK_nKf'); end%-----------------------------------------------------------

odefun_file =


Simulation interval: 0-3000 Starting integration (euler, dt=0.01) Processed 600 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 0.715 s) Processed 1200 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 1.798 s) Processed 1800 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 2.876 s) Processed 2400 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 3.956 s) Processed 3000 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 5.034 s) saving plots - voltage traces: /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/images/rawV/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_rawV Error: Problem converting PostScript. System returned error: -1.Failed to convert to output format; Ghostscript status: -100.Error: /rangecheck in --string--heck Operand stack: picstr 90003 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- Dictionary stack: --dict:1121/1686(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:71/200(L)-- --dict:94/160(L)-- --dict:8/76(L)-- Current allocation mode is local Last OS error: 2 Current file position is 657900 Artifex Ghostscript 8.54: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

 in ghostscript (line 186)
 in LocalPrint (line 314)
 in print (line 240)
 in biosimdriver (line 196)
 in job1 (line 1)

saving cluster log (/usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627/pbsout/job1.out) to /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/logs/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_job1.out. sim_data and spec assigned to base workspace. finished

I have tried submitting the jobs/running the above script both through the CLI with/without X-Forwarding, and even in the MATLAB command window inside a VNC session, and the error always occurs, so I'm pretty sure it's not due to 'how' I'm submitting it to the cluster. I've run it with both the regular MATLAB 2013a and also the MATLAB 2014b available on the cluster (Thanks for showing me that, Mike), and so if it's a MATLAB version problem...then it's been around for a long and it's still around.

What I'm most concerned about is that no one else has reported/made mention of this issue, even though Jason, and AFAIK at least Julia and Ben, have been running cluster batches where some celltype multiplicites are greater than 1. While yes, this does in part sound like a screw-up on the cluster's (or MATLAB's) part in that MATLAB's cluster stuff isn't handling the graphics printing/saving correctly (apparently MATLAB first prints figures into a PostScript thing, which apparently requires live graphics support by the OS, before printing that to, say, a PNG), judging from the previous sentence, we have working DNSIM code where this error is not encountered. Therefore, it is possible that there is some difference between the DNSIM code that is on the GitHub and the altered DNSIM code people are using in the 'wild' that may be responsible for this bug. If that is the cause of the bug, then it's going to be one NASTY fix.

It could also just be a difference between my 'setup' somehow and someone else's which is why I really need someone else to test at least the GitHub-default ('dev' branch) version of the code for this bug on their end! Based on the simplicity of the simulation I'm running, I REALLY don't think it's an issue with my specific pipeline, though.

Just to reiterate, until we figure this out, or I switch to a 'wild/non-GitHub' version of the DNSIM code that doesn't experience this problem, I/people using the GitHub version CANNOT run sims on the cluster that use a multiplicity >1, aka a simulation that uses more than 1 of a certain celltype.

Thanks for any help.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsherfey/dnsim/issues/56.

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

mfromano commented 9 years ago

Okay, not getting the error with my version. I pushed my version to my github and made it private. Austin and Jason, I added you as collaborators. Jason, let me know if this is not okay. With this version (not sure if others are the same), you do need to run startup.m from the directory before running dnsim.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Michael Romano michaelfromano@gmail.com wrote:

Going to try to recreate it now. I'll let you know how it goes. I do think that it would be a good idea to do one giant merge at some point. It will suck but I think that it would be a good idea.

Best, Mike

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 3:36 PM, asoplata notifications@github.com wrote:

This is a really weird one, since I can't figure out how I haven't run across it before, nor why it hasn't occurred for anyone else. Note that everything I say will apply to trying to run a cluster job; local sims are a different story. I first noticed this when trying to run my own cells, but I gradually simplified it down to even occurring on the Example Batch Script that Jason has sent some people (sent to me on 2015/03/27).

Can other people PLEASE try recreating this bug (e.g. just running the script below, only needing to change codepath) using up-to-date copies of the GitHub version of DNSIM or the other altered versions of DNSIM (e.g. ones they got from Jason directly), if you use those versions on the cluster? Basically, whichever version you use on the cluster.

If I take this minimal/extremely simple MATLAB script, where the only simulation run is the one sent to the cluster but not using coder, and I try to run it with multiplicity set to > 1, then I get an Artifex Ghostscript system error in which case the system is unable to save any voltage trace plots (and other plots).

%% Demo: DNSim batch simulations% Purpose: demonstrate how to run simulation batches varying model parameters% on local machine or cluster with or without codegen.% Created by Jason Sherfey (27-Mar-2015)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% model specification spec=[]; spec.nodes(1).label = 'HH'; % name of this node population spec.nodes(1).multiplicity = 2; % size of this node population spec.nodes(1).dynamics = {'V''=current/c'}; % node dynamics for state variables that can be "seen" by other nodes spec.nodes(1).mechanisms = {'iNa','iK','itonic'}; % note: corresponding mechanism files (e.g., iNa.txt) should exist in matlab path spec.nodes(1).parameters = {'stim',7,'c',1}; % user-specified parameter values (note: these override default values set in mechanism files) % simulation controls tspan=[0 3000]; % [beg end], ms, simulation time limits SOLVER='euler'; % numerical integration method dt=.01; % integration time step [ms] dsfact=10; % downsample factor (applied to simulated data)% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE codepath='~/x010-dnsim/dnsim'; % path to dnsim toolbox% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE % %% SINGLE SIMULATION% % local simulation with codegen% data = runsim(spec,'timelimits',tspan,'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'coder',1,'verbose',0);% plotv(data,spec,'varlabel','V'); %% SIMULATION BATCHES % output controls rootdir = pwd; % where to save outputs savedata_flag = 0; % 0 or 1, whether to save the simulated data (after downsampling) saveplot_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to save plots plotvars_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to plot state variables % what to vary across batch scope = 'HH'; % node or connection label whose parameter you want to vary variable = 'c'; % parameter to vary (e.g., capacitance) values = '[1]'; % values for each simulation in batch (varied across batches) %{ Prerequisites for submitting jobs to cluster: 1. add path-to-dnsim/csh to your environment. e.g., add to .bashrc: "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dnsim/csh" 2. run matlab on cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub'%} % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% % LOCAL BATCHES (run serial jobs on current machine)% cluster_flag=0; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub')% % % without codegen% values = '[1 1.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0);% % % with codegen% values = '[2 2.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1); % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% CLUSTER BATCHES (submit to queue for running parallel jobs on cluster nodes) cluster_flag=1; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub') % without codegen% values = '[3 3.5]'; [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},... 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,... 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,... 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0); % % with codegen% values = '[4 4.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1);

This is the job1.out output log, which shows the error message

command = job1 cwd = /usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627 HOSTNAME = scc-ba3.scc.bu.edu JOB_NAME = 5880217 JOB_NAME = B20150723-145627_job1 < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64) February 15, 2013

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Looking in known mech list for iNa Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iNa.txt Looking in known mech list for iK Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iK.txt Looking in known mech list for itonic Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/itonic.txt Model Description----------------------------------

Specification files:

Populations: HH (n=2): dynamics: V' = ((-HH_iNa_INaf(HH_V,HH_iNa_mNaf,HH_iNa_hNaf))+((-HH_iK_IKf(HH_V,HH_iK_nKf))+((HH_itonic_Itonic(t))+0)))/(1) mechanisms: iNa, iK, itonic parameters: stim=7, c=1

Connections: HH HH -

Connection parameters: Model Equations:---------------------------------- ODEs: HH_V' = ((-((120)._HH_iNa_mNaf.^3._HH_iNahNaf.(HH_V-(50))))+((-((36)._HH_iKnKf.^4.(HHV-(-77))))+((((7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset)))+0)))/(1) HH_iNamNaf' = ((2.5-.1(HHV+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iNa_mNaf)-(4_exp(-(HH_V+65)/18))._HH_iNa_mNaf; HH_iNa_hNaf' = (.07_exp(-(HHV+65)/20)).(1-HH_iNahNaf)-(1./(exp(3-.1(HH_V+65))+1))._HH_iNa_hNaf; HH_iKnKf' = ((.1-.01(HHV+65))./(exp(1-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iK_nKf)-(.125_exp(-(HH_V+65)/80))._HH_iK_nKf;

Initial Conditions: HH_V(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_mNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_hNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iK_nKf(0) =[0, 0, ]

Matlab-formatted (copy and paste to repeat simulation):%-----------------------------------------------------------% Auxiliary variables: HH_itonic_offset = inf; % Anonymous functions: HH_iNaaM = @(IN) (2.5-.1(IN+65))./(exp(2.5-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iNa_bM = @(IN) 4_exp(-(IN+65)/18); HH_iNa_aH = @(IN) .07_exp(-(IN+65)/20); HH_iNabH = @(IN) 1./(exp(3-.1(IN+65))+1); HH_iNa_INaf = @(IN,m,h) (120)._m.^3.h.(IN-(50)); HH_iKaN = @(IN) (.1-.01(IN+65))./(exp(1-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iK_bN = @(IN) .125_exp(-(IN+65)/80); HH_iK_IKf = @(IN,n) (36).n.^4.(IN-(-77)); HH_itonicItonic = @(t) (7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset); % ODE Handle, ICs, integration, and plotting: ODEFUN = @(t,X) [((-((120).X(3:4).^3.X(5:6).(X(1:2)-(50))))+((-((36).X(7:8).^4.(X(1:2)-(-77))))+((((7 )(t>(0) & t<HH_itonicoffset)))+0)))/(1);((2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(3:4))-(4_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/18))._X(3:4);(.07exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/20)).(1-X(5:6))-(1./(exp(3-.1_(X(1:2)+65))+1)).X(5:6);((.1-.01(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(1-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(7:8))-(.125_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/80))._X(7:8);]; IC = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];

[t,y]=ode23(ODEFUN,[0 100],IC); % numerical integrationfigure; plot(t,y); % plot all variables/functionstry legend('HH_V','HH_iNa_mNaf','HH_iNa_hNaf','HH_iK_nKf'); end%-----------------------------------------------------------

odefun_file =


Simulation interval: 0-3000 Starting integration (euler, dt=0.01) Processed 600 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 0.715 s) Processed 1200 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 1.798 s) Processed 1800 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 2.876 s) Processed 2400 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 3.956 s) Processed 3000 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 5.034 s) saving plots - voltage traces: /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/images/rawV/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_rawV Error: Problem converting PostScript. System returned error: -1.Failed to convert to output format; Ghostscript status: -100.Error: /rangecheck in --string--heck Operand stack: picstr 90003 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- Dictionary stack: --dict:1121/1686(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:71/200(L)-- --dict:94/160(L)-- --dict:8/76(L)-- Current allocation mode is local Last OS error: 2 Current file position is 657900 Artifex Ghostscript 8.54: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

 in ghostscript (line 186)
 in LocalPrint (line 314)
 in print (line 240)
 in biosimdriver (line 196)
 in job1 (line 1)

saving cluster log (/usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627/pbsout/job1.out) to /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/logs/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_job1.out. sim_data and spec assigned to base workspace. finished

I have tried submitting the jobs/running the above script both through the CLI with/without X-Forwarding, and even in the MATLAB command window inside a VNC session, and the error always occurs, so I'm pretty sure it's not due to 'how' I'm submitting it to the cluster. I've run it with both the regular MATLAB 2013a and also the MATLAB 2014b available on the cluster (Thanks for showing me that, Mike), and so if it's a MATLAB version problem...then it's been around for a long and it's still around.

What I'm most concerned about is that no one else has reported/made mention of this issue, even though Jason, and AFAIK at least Julia and Ben, have been running cluster batches where some celltype multiplicites are greater than 1. While yes, this does in part sound like a screw-up on the cluster's (or MATLAB's) part in that MATLAB's cluster stuff isn't handling the graphics printing/saving correctly (apparently MATLAB first prints figures into a PostScript thing, which apparently requires live graphics support by the OS, before printing that to, say, a PNG), judging from the previous sentence, we have working DNSIM code where this error is not encountered. Therefore, it is possible that there is some difference between the DNSIM code that is on the GitHub and the altered DNSIM code people are using in the 'wild' that may be responsible for this bug. If that is the cause of the bug, then it's going to be one NASTY fix.

It could also just be a difference between my 'setup' somehow and someone else's which is why I really need someone else to test at least the GitHub-default ('dev' branch) version of the code for this bug on their end! Based on the simplicity of the simulation I'm running, I REALLY don't think it's an issue with my specific pipeline, though.

Just to reiterate, until we figure this out, or I switch to a 'wild/non-GitHub' version of the DNSIM code that doesn't experience this problem, I/people using the GitHub version CANNOT run sims on the cluster that use a multiplicity >1, aka a simulation that uses more than 1 of a certain celltype.

Thanks for any help.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsherfey/dnsim/issues/56.

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

mfromano commented 9 years ago

Sorry, the repo is located at git@github.com:mfromano/dnsim.git or https://github.com/mfromano/dnsim.git

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Michael Romano michaelfromano@gmail.com wrote:

Okay, not getting the error with my version. I pushed my version to my github and made it private. Austin and Jason, I added you as collaborators. Jason, let me know if this is not okay. With this version (not sure if others are the same), you do need to run startup.m from the directory before running dnsim.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Michael Romano michaelfromano@gmail.com wrote:

Going to try to recreate it now. I'll let you know how it goes. I do think that it would be a good idea to do one giant merge at some point. It will suck but I think that it would be a good idea.

Best, Mike

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 3:36 PM, asoplata notifications@github.com wrote:

This is a really weird one, since I can't figure out how I haven't run across it before, nor why it hasn't occurred for anyone else. Note that everything I say will apply to trying to run a cluster job; local sims are a different story. I first noticed this when trying to run my own cells, but I gradually simplified it down to even occurring on the Example Batch Script that Jason has sent some people (sent to me on 2015/03/27).

Can other people PLEASE try recreating this bug (e.g. just running the script below, only needing to change codepath) using up-to-date copies of the GitHub version of DNSIM or the other altered versions of DNSIM (e.g. ones they got from Jason directly), if you use those versions on the cluster? Basically, whichever version you use on the cluster.

If I take this minimal/extremely simple MATLAB script, where the only simulation run is the one sent to the cluster but not using coder, and I try to run it with multiplicity set to > 1, then I get an Artifex Ghostscript system error in which case the system is unable to save any voltage trace plots (and other plots).

%% Demo: DNSim batch simulations% Purpose: demonstrate how to run simulation batches varying model parameters% on local machine or cluster with or without codegen.% Created by Jason Sherfey (27-Mar-2015)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% model specification spec=[]; spec.nodes(1).label = 'HH'; % name of this node population spec.nodes(1).multiplicity = 2; % size of this node population spec.nodes(1).dynamics = {'V''=current/c'}; % node dynamics for state variables that can be "seen" by other nodes spec.nodes(1).mechanisms = {'iNa','iK','itonic'}; % note: corresponding mechanism files (e.g., iNa.txt) should exist in matlab path spec.nodes(1).parameters = {'stim',7,'c',1}; % user-specified parameter values (note: these override default values set in mechanism files) % simulation controls tspan=[0 3000]; % [beg end], ms, simulation time limits SOLVER='euler'; % numerical integration method dt=.01; % integration time step [ms] dsfact=10; % downsample factor (applied to simulated data)% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE codepath='~/x010-dnsim/dnsim'; % path to dnsim toolbox% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE % %% SINGLE SIMULATION% % local simulation with codegen% data = runsim(spec,'timelimits',tspan,'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'coder',1,'verbose',0);% plotv(data,spec,'varlabel','V'); %% SIMULATION BATCHES % output controls rootdir = pwd; % where to save outputs savedata_flag = 0; % 0 or 1, whether to save the simulated data (after downsampling) saveplot_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to save plots plotvars_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to plot state variables % what to vary across batch scope = 'HH'; % node or connection label whose parameter you want to vary variable = 'c'; % parameter to vary (e.g., capacitance) values = '[1]'; % values for each simulation in batch (varied across batches) %{ Prerequisites for submitting jobs to cluster: 1. add path-to-dnsim/csh to your environment. e.g., add to .bashrc: "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dnsim/csh" 2. run matlab on cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub'%} % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% % LOCAL BATCHES (run serial jobs on current machine)% cluster_flag=0; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub')% % % without codegen% values = '[1 1.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0);% % % with codegen% values = '[2 2.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1); % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% CLUSTER BATCHES (submit to queue for running parallel jobs on cluster nodes) cluster_flag=1; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub') % without codegen% values = '[3 3.5]'; [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},... 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,... 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,... 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0); % % with codegen% values = '[4 4.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1);

This is the job1.out output log, which shows the error message

command = job1 cwd = /usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627 HOSTNAME = scc-ba3.scc.bu.edu JOB_NAME = 5880217 JOB_NAME = B20150723-145627_job1 < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64) February 15, 2013

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Looking in known mech list for iNa Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iNa.txt Looking in known mech list for iK Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iK.txt Looking in known mech list for itonic Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/itonic.txt Model Description----------------------------------

Specification files:

Populations: HH (n=2): dynamics: V' = ((-HH_iNa_INaf(HH_V,HH_iNa_mNaf,HH_iNa_hNaf))+((-HH_iK_IKf(HH_V,HH_iK_nKf))+((HH_itonic_Itonic(t))+0)))/(1) mechanisms: iNa, iK, itonic parameters: stim=7, c=1

Connections: HH HH -

Connection parameters: Model Equations:---------------------------------- ODEs: HH_V' = ((-((120)._HH_iNa_mNaf.^3._HH_iNahNaf.(HH_V-(50))))+((-((36)._HH_iKnKf.^4.(HHV-(-77))))+((((7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset)))+0)))/(1) HH_iNamNaf' = ((2.5-.1(HHV+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iNa_mNaf)-(4_exp(-(HH_V+65)/18))._HH_iNa_mNaf; HH_iNa_hNaf' = (.07_exp(-(HHV+65)/20)).(1-HH_iNahNaf)-(1./(exp(3-.1(HH_V+65))+1))._HH_iNa_hNaf; HH_iKnKf' = ((.1-.01(HHV+65))./(exp(1-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iK_nKf)-(.125_exp(-(HH_V+65)/80))._HH_iK_nKf;

Initial Conditions: HH_V(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_mNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_hNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iK_nKf(0) =[0, 0, ]

Matlab-formatted (copy and paste to repeat simulation):%-----------------------------------------------------------% Auxiliary variables: HH_itonic_offset = inf; % Anonymous functions: HH_iNaaM = @(IN) (2.5-.1(IN+65))./(exp(2.5-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iNa_bM = @(IN) 4_exp(-(IN+65)/18); HH_iNa_aH = @(IN) .07_exp(-(IN+65)/20); HH_iNabH = @(IN) 1./(exp(3-.1(IN+65))+1); HH_iNa_INaf = @(IN,m,h) (120)._m.^3.h.(IN-(50)); HH_iKaN = @(IN) (.1-.01(IN+65))./(exp(1-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iK_bN = @(IN) .125_exp(-(IN+65)/80); HH_iK_IKf = @(IN,n) (36).n.^4.(IN-(-77)); HH_itonicItonic = @(t) (7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset); % ODE Handle, ICs, integration, and plotting: ODEFUN = @(t,X) [((-((120).X(3:4).^3.X(5:6).(X(1:2)-(50))))+((-((36).X(7:8).^4.(X(1:2)-(-77))))+((((7 )(t>(0) & t<HH_itonicoffset)))+0)))/(1);((2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(3:4))-(4_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/18))._X(3:4);(.07exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/20)).(1-X(5:6))-(1./(exp(3-.1_(X(1:2)+65))+1)).X(5:6);((.1-.01(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(1-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(7:8))-(.125_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/80))._X(7:8);]; IC = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];

[t,y]=ode23(ODEFUN,[0 100],IC); % numerical integrationfigure; plot(t,y); % plot all variables/functionstry legend('HH_V','HH_iNa_mNaf','HH_iNa_hNaf','HH_iK_nKf'); end%-----------------------------------------------------------

odefun_file =


Simulation interval: 0-3000 Starting integration (euler, dt=0.01) Processed 600 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 0.715 s) Processed 1200 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 1.798 s) Processed 1800 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 2.876 s) Processed 2400 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 3.956 s) Processed 3000 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 5.034 s) saving plots - voltage traces: /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/images/rawV/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_rawV Error: Problem converting PostScript. System returned error: -1.Failed to convert to output format; Ghostscript status: -100.Error: /rangecheck in --string--heck Operand stack: picstr 90003 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- Dictionary stack: --dict:1121/1686(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:71/200(L)-- --dict:94/160(L)-- --dict:8/76(L)-- Current allocation mode is local Last OS error: 2 Current file position is 657900 Artifex Ghostscript 8.54: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

 in ghostscript (line 186)
 in LocalPrint (line 314)
 in print (line 240)
 in biosimdriver (line 196)
 in job1 (line 1)

saving cluster log (/usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627/pbsout/job1.out) to /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/logs/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_job1.out. sim_data and spec assigned to base workspace. finished

I have tried submitting the jobs/running the above script both through the CLI with/without X-Forwarding, and even in the MATLAB command window inside a VNC session, and the error always occurs, so I'm pretty sure it's not due to 'how' I'm submitting it to the cluster. I've run it with both the regular MATLAB 2013a and also the MATLAB 2014b available on the cluster (Thanks for showing me that, Mike), and so if it's a MATLAB version problem...then it's been around for a long and it's still around.

What I'm most concerned about is that no one else has reported/made mention of this issue, even though Jason, and AFAIK at least Julia and Ben, have been running cluster batches where some celltype multiplicites are greater than 1. While yes, this does in part sound like a screw-up on the cluster's (or MATLAB's) part in that MATLAB's cluster stuff isn't handling the graphics printing/saving correctly (apparently MATLAB first prints figures into a PostScript thing, which apparently requires live graphics support by the OS, before printing that to, say, a PNG), judging from the previous sentence, we have working DNSIM code where this error is not encountered. Therefore, it is possible that there is some difference between the DNSIM code that is on the GitHub and the altered DNSIM code people are using in the 'wild' that may be responsible for this bug. If that is the cause of the bug, then it's going to be one NASTY fix.

It could also just be a difference between my 'setup' somehow and someone else's which is why I really need someone else to test at least the GitHub-default ('dev' branch) version of the code for this bug on their end! Based on the simplicity of the simulation I'm running, I REALLY don't think it's an issue with my specific pipeline, though.

Just to reiterate, until we figure this out, or I switch to a 'wild/non-GitHub' version of the DNSIM code that doesn't experience this problem, I/people using the GitHub version CANNOT run sims on the cluster that use a multiplicity >1, aka a simulation that uses more than 1 of a certain celltype.

Thanks for any help.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsherfey/dnsim/issues/56.

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

kupiqu commented 9 years ago

Hi Mike,

I would recommend if you could be more explicit on the changes you make (a commit that says added stuff is not very informative), and split as much as you can the changes (features) that are independent (a branch called major_restruct is also not very informative, presumably takes a lot of time to finish and then it is more complicated to merge as dev branch and your branch deviate further and further in time).

Note also, that it is likely that the changes that you make may benefit other people so better to work on independent features locally first, test them as much as you can, and then request a merge to dev as soon as possible, so everybody can benefit.

Would you all agree on trying to follow this approach? As far as I recall this is what Jason, Austin and I agreed on, several months ago...

Thank and best, Salva

mfromano commented 9 years ago

Hi Salva,

I apologize...I messed up that commit. I thought that I was pushing to a separate, private repo on my own github, and did not realize that I was pushing to the main version.

Best, Mike

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:52 AM, kupiqu notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi Mike,

I would recommend if you could be more explicit on the changes you make (a commit that says added stuff is not very informative), and split as much as you can the changes (features) that are independent (a branch called major_restruct is also not very informative, presumably takes a lot of time to finish and then it is more complicated to merge as dev branch and your branch deviate further and further in time).

Note also, that it is likely that the changes that you make may benefit other people so better to work on independent features locally first, test them as much as you can, and then request a merge to dev as soon as possible, so everybody can benefit.

Would you all agree on trying to follow this approach? As far as I recall this is what Jason, Austin and I agreed on, several months ago...

Thank and best, Salva

El Divendres, Juliol 24, 2015, a les 06:26:39, Michael Romano va escriure:

Okay, not getting the error with my version. I pushed my version to my github and made it private. Austin and Jason, I added you as collaborators. Jason, let me know if this is not okay. With this version (not sure if others are the same), you do need to run startup.m from the directory before running dnsim.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Michael Romano michaelfromano@gmail.com wrote:

Going to try to recreate it now. I'll let you know how it goes. I do think that it would be a good idea to do one giant merge at some point. It will suck but I think that it would be a good idea.

Best, Mike

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 3:36 PM, asoplata notifications@github.com wrote:

This is a really weird one, since I can't figure out how I haven't run across it before, nor why it hasn't occurred for anyone else. Note that everything I say will apply to trying to run a cluster job; local sims are a different story. I first noticed this when trying to run my own cells, but I gradually simplified it down to even occurring on the Example Batch Script that Jason has sent some people (sent to me on 2015/03/27).

Can other people PLEASE try recreating this bug (e.g. just running the script below, only needing to change codepath) using up-to-date copies of the GitHub version of DNSIM or the other altered versions of DNSIM (e.g. ones they got from Jason directly), if you use those versions on the cluster? Basically, whichever version you use on the cluster.

If I take this minimal/extremely simple MATLAB script, where the only simulation run is the one sent to the cluster but not using coder, and I try to run it with multiplicity set to > 1, then I get an Artifex Ghostscript system error in which case the system is unable to save any voltage trace plots (and other plots).

%% Demo: DNSim batch simulations% Purpose: demonstrate how to run simulation batches varying model parameters% on local machine or cluster with or without codegen.% Created by Jason Sherfey (27-Mar-2015)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% model specification spec=[]; spec.nodes(1).label = 'HH'; % name of this node population spec.nodes(1).multiplicity = 2; % size of this node population spec.nodes(1).dynamics = {'V''=current/c'}; % node dynamics for state variables that can be "seen" by other nodes spec.nodes(1).mechanisms = {'iNa','iK','itonic'}; % note: corresponding mechanism files (e.g., iNa.txt) should exist in matlab path spec.nodes(1).parameters = {'stim',7,'c',1}; % user-specified parameter values (note: these override default values set in mechanism files) % simulation controls tspan=[0 3000]; % [beg end], ms, simulation time limits SOLVER='euler'; % numerical integration method dt=.01; % integration time step [ms] dsfact=10; % downsample factor (applied to simulated data)% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE codepath='~/x010-dnsim/dnsim'; % path to dnsim toolbox% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE% THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO CHANGE % %% SINGLE SIMULATION% % local simulation with codegen% data = runsim(spec,'timelimits',tspan,'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'coder',1,'verbose',0);% plotv(data,spec,'varlabel','V'); %% SIMULATION BATCHES % output controls rootdir = pwd; % where to save outputs savedata_flag = 0; % 0 or 1, whether to save the simulated data (after downsampling) saveplot_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to save plots plotvars_flag = 1; % 0 or 1, whether to plot state variables % what to vary across batch scope = 'HH'; % node or connection label whose parameter you want to vary variable = 'c'; % parameter to vary (e.g., capacitance) values = '[1]'; % values for each simulation in batch (varied across batches) %{ Prerequisites for submitting jobs to cluster: 1. add path-to-dnsim/csh to your environment. e.g., add to .bashrc: "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dnsim/csh" 2. run matlab on cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub'%} % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% % LOCAL BATCHES (run serial jobs on current machine)% cluster_flag=0; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub')% % % without codegen% values = '[1 1.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0);% % % with codegen% values = '[2 2.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1); % -------------------------------------------------------------------------% CLUSTER BATCHES (submit to queue for running parallel jobs on cluster nodes) cluster_flag=1; % 0 or 1, whether to submit jobs to a cluster (requires: running on a cluster node that recognizes the command 'qsub') % without codegen% values = '[3 3.5]'; [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...


'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,... 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',0); % % with codegen% values = '[4 4.5]';% [~,~,outdir]=simstudy(spec,{scope},{variable},{values},...% 'dt',dt,'SOLVER',SOLVER,'rootdir',rootdir,'timelimits',tspan,'dsfact',dsfact,...% 'savedata_flag',savedata_flag,'saveplot_flag',saveplot_flag,'plotvars_flag',plotvars_flag,'addpath',codepath,...% 'cluster_flag',cluster_flag,'coder',1);

This is the job1.out output log, which shows the error message

command = job1 cwd = /usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627 HOSTNAME = scc-ba3.scc.bu.edu

JOB_NAME = 5880217 JOB_NAME = B20150723-145627_job1 < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64) February 15, 2013

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Looking in known mech list for iNa Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iNa.txt Looking in known mech list for iK Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/iK.txt Looking in known mech list for itonic Found mech file. Using: ~/research/modeling/database/itonic.txt Model Description----------------------------------

Specification files:

Populations: HH (n=2): dynamics: V' = ((-HH_iNa_INaf(HH_V,HH_iNa_mNaf,HH_iNa_hNaf))+((-HH_iK_IKf(HH_V,HH_iK_nKf))+((HH_itonic_Itonic(t))+0)))/(1) mechanisms: iNa, iK, itonic parameters: stim=7, c=1

Connections: HH HH -

Connection parameters: Model Equations:---------------------------------- ODEs: HH_V' = ((-((120)._HH_iNa_mNaf.^3._HH_iNahNaf.(HH_V-(50))))+((-((36)._HH_iKnKf.^4.(HHV-(-77))))+((((7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset)))+0)))/(1) HH_iNamNaf' = ((2.5-.1(HHV+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iNa_mNaf)-(4_exp(-(HH_V+65)/18))._HH_iNa_mNaf; HH_iNa_hNaf' = (.07_exp(-(HHV+65)/20)).(1-HH_iNahNaf)-(1./(exp(3-.1(HH_V+65))+1))._HH_iNa_hNaf; HH_iKnKf' = ((.1-.01(HHV+65))./(exp(1-.1(HHV+65))-1)).(1-HH_iK_nKf)-(.125_exp(-(HH_V+65)/80))._HH_iK_nKf;

Initial Conditions: HH_V(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_mNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iNa_hNaf(0) =[0, 0, ] HH_iK_nKf(0) =[0, 0, ]

Matlab-formatted (copy and paste to repeat simulation):%-----------------------------------------------------------% Auxiliary variables: HH_itonic_offset = inf; % Anonymous functions: HH_iNaaM = @(IN) (2.5-.1(IN+65))./(exp(2.5-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iNa_bM = @(IN) 4_exp(-(IN+65)/18); HH_iNa_aH = @(IN) .07_exp(-(IN+65)/20); HH_iNabH = @(IN) 1./(exp(3-.1(IN+65))+1); HH_iNa_INaf = @(IN,m,h) (120)._m.^3.h.(IN-(50)); HH_iKaN = @(IN) (.1-.01(IN+65))./(exp(1-.1_(IN+65))-1); HH_iK_bN = @(IN) .125_exp(-(IN+65)/80); HH_iK_IKf = @(IN,n) (36).n.^4.(IN-(-77)); HH_itonicItonic = @(t) (7)(t>(0) & t<HH_itonic_offset); % ODE Handle, ICs, integration, and plotting: ODEFUN = @(t,X) [((-((120).X(3:4).^3.X(5:6).(X(1:2)-(50))))+((-((36).X(7:8).^4.(X(1:2)-(-77))))+((((7 )(t>(0) & t<HH_itonicoffset)))+0)))/(1);((2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(2.5-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(3:4))-(4_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/18))._X(3:4);(.07exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/20)).(1-X(5:6))-(1./(exp(3-.1_(X(1:2)+65))+1)).X(5:6);((.1-.01(X(1:2)+65))./(exp(1-.1(X(1:2)+65))-1)).(1-X(7:8))-(.125_exp(-(X(1:2)+65)/80))._X(7:8);]; IC = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];

[t,y]=ode23(ODEFUN,[0 100],IC); % numerical integrationfigure; plot(t,y); % plot all variables/functionstry legend('HH_V','HH_iNa_mNaf','HH_iNa_hNaf','HH_iK_nKf'); end%-----------------------------------------------------------

odefun_file =


Simulation interval: 0-3000 Starting integration (euler, dt=0.01) Processed 600 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 0.715 s) Processed 1200 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 1.798 s) Processed 1800 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 2.876 s) Processed 2400 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 3.956 s) Processed 3000 of 3000 ms (elapsed time: 5.034 s) saving plots - voltage traces: /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/images/rawV/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_rawV Error: Problem converting PostScript. System returned error: -1.Failed to convert to output format; Ghostscript status: -100.Error: /rangecheck in --string--heck Operand stack: picstr 90003 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- Dictionary stack: --dict:1121/1686(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:71/200(L)-- --dict:94/160(L)-- --dict:8/76(L)-- Current allocation mode is local Last OS error: 2 Current file position is 657900 Artifex Ghostscript 8.54: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

in ghostscript (line 186) in LocalPrint (line 314) in print (line 240) in biosimdriver (line 196) in job1 (line 1) saving cluster log (/usr3/graduate/asoplata/batchdirs/B20150723-145627/pbsout/job1.out) to /usr3/graduate/asoplata/x010-dnsim/dnsim/HH-c/20150723/logs/job0001_HH-c1_time0-3000_job1.out. sim_data and spec assigned to base workspace. finished

I have tried submitting the jobs/running the above script both through the CLI with/without X-Forwarding, and even in the MATLAB command window inside a VNC session, and the error always occurs, so I'm pretty sure it's not due to 'how' I'm submitting it to the cluster. I've run it with both the regular MATLAB 2013a and also the MATLAB 2014b available on the cluster (Thanks for showing me that, Mike), and so if it's a MATLAB version problem...then it's been around for a long and it's still around.

What I'm most concerned about is that no one else has reported/made mention of this issue, even though Jason, and AFAIK at least Julia and Ben, have been running cluster batches where some celltype multiplicites are greater than 1. While yes, this does in part sound like a screw-up on the cluster's (or MATLAB's) part in that MATLAB's cluster stuff isn't handling the graphics printing/saving correctly (apparently MATLAB first prints figures into a PostScript thing, which apparently requires live graphics support by the OS, before printing that to, say, a PNG), judging from the previous sentence, we have working DNSIM code where this error is not encountered. Therefore, it is possible that there is some difference between the DNSIM code that is on the GitHub and the altered DNSIM code people are using in the 'wild' that may be responsible for this bug. If that is the cause of the bug, then it's going to be one NASTY fix.

It could also just be a difference between my 'setup' somehow and someone else's which is why I really need someone else to test at least the GitHub-default ('dev' branch) version of the code for this bug on their end! Based on the simplicity of the simulation I'm running, I REALLY don't think it's an issue with my specific pipeline, though.

Just to reiterate, until we figure this out, or I switch to a 'wild/non-GitHub' version of the DNSIM code that doesn't experience this problem, I/people using the GitHub version CANNOT run sims on the cluster that use a multiplicity >1, aka a simulation that uses more than 1 of a certain celltype.

Thanks for any help.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsherfey/dnsim/issues/56.

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsherfey/dnsim/issues/56#issuecomment-124528676.

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

kupiqu commented 9 years ago

Oh, no need to apologize. It's a different branch so it does not interfere with anything.

I was just trying to encourage to work on "features" to make changes easier to manage as well as to allow people to benefit from them earlier...

asoplata commented 9 years ago

Thanks Mike - if forcing MATLAB to run the startup file fixes this, then that would be awesome, and it's certainly possible (I know that MATLAB starts in different directories, for example, whether you start it graphically in VNC versus on the command line). I will try to test that today.

What's weird is the error also occurred on Jason's code, which if anything should be the most advanced version. He cleverly discovered that it seems to have something to do with when the number of points being plotted on a time series (for multiplicity>1) are above some value. E.g. if you run a simulation for 8000 ms at 0.01 ms dt, and don't downsample at all, and have multiplicity>1, it fails. HOWEVER, if you just do 2000 ms, or downsample 8000 ms sufficiently e.g. by 40x, then it works/the time series are successfully plotted and saved! And no matter how many cells are overlaid on the plot! So downsampling = a temporary fix until we figure out what's going on.

I now understand that a big part of why no one's encountered this is that there is massive fragmentation at the data analysis layer of DNSIM - everyone who's on different projects is using independent analysis code. (This thread isn't the place to discuss this, but maybe collaborating on a data analysis LIBRARY for DNSIM rather than strict program is something we should work towards eventually).

asoplata commented 9 years ago

Update: running the startup script does not seem to solve this. Also, this bug is back for me with a (re-)vengeance, as, even though I'm downsampling and doing everything necessary that got it working for small networks (like a 5TC-5RE cell network), the bug comes back for most or ALL of my plots (raw voltage, raw calcium, power, spikes) about 70% of the time for larger networks, e.g. 30TC-30RE.

Thankfully, because no one else seems to have this problem, it only occurs AFTER the simulations have been run, and I'm the only one using the "native" analysis/plotting that's currently on the DNSIM Github, I think we can conclude that it's due to something having to do with that analysis code -- i.e. the plotting like with plotv.m, plotspk.m, etc.

Jason, can you confirm that, that day we were testing this when you figured out the downsampling workaround, you did NOT get this error with your other, different analysis code?

I'm beginning to think that this is some deep bug in either MATLAB's plotting in general, or its plotting specifically in its Linux implementation, especially when graphics are disabled. Or a problem in this Artifex Ghostscript library it outsources its plotting to. Right here is an SO thread on the EXACT error I'm getting (although I've seen more than one error output with number "-1" which defeats the purpose of numbering errors). I've got a number of ideas to investigate this with, including trying the third-party plot saving function export_fig Does anyone have experience with that 3rd-party function?

mfromano commented 9 years ago

I've used export_fig and it works really well.

I still don't get how MATLAB, though proprietary, still has massive bugs in the actual language. It's ridiculous. I hate MATLAB, I hate Mathworks. And I need this week to end...sigh


On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 3:42 PM, asoplata notifications@github.com wrote:

Update: running the startup script does not seem to solve this. Also, this bug is back for me with a (re-)vengeance, as, even though I'm downsampling and doing everything necessary that got it working for small networks (like a 5TC-5RE cell network), the bug comes back for most or ALL of my plots (raw voltage, raw calcium, power, spikes) about 70% of the time for larger networks, e.g. 30TC-30RE.

Thankfully, because no one else seems to have this problem, it only occurs AFTER the simulations have been run, and I'm the only one using the "native" analysis/plotting that's currently on the DNSIM Github, I think we can conclude that it's due to something having to do with that analysis code -- i.e. the plotting like with plotv.m, plotspk.m, etc.

Jason, can you confirm that, that day we were testing this when you figured out the downsampling workaround, you did NOT get this error with your other, different analysis code?

I'm beginning to think that this is some deep bug in either MATLAB's plotting in general, or its plotting specifically in its Linux implementation, especially when graphics are disabled. Or a problem in this Artifex Ghostscript library it outsources its plotting to. Right here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22764867/ghostscript-error-with-print-function-in-matlab?lq=1 is an SO thread on the EXACT error I'm getting (although I've seen more than one error output with number "-1" which defeats the purpose of numbering errors). I've got a number of ideas to investigate this with, including trying the third-party plot saving function export_fig http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23629-export-fig Does anyone have experience with that 3rd-party function?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsherfey/dnsim/issues/56#issuecomment-137554085.

Michael Romano

M.D./Ph.D. candidate Boston University School of Medicine 203-521-5575

asoplata commented 9 years ago

*Changed name from MAJOR bug: N>1 multiplicity sims are unable to save DNSIM plots (e.g. voltage) when run on the cluster to MAJOR bug: (Artifex Ghostscript bug) N>1 multiplicity sims are unable to save DNSIM plots (e.g. voltage) when run on the cluster