jsheunis / fMRwhy

Facilitating BIDS-compatible multi-echo fMRI analysis and quality control with SPM12 and Matlab
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Test updated version of preproc+QC workflow #35

Open jsheunis opened 2 years ago

jsheunis commented 2 years ago


The updated version is available in the lydia branch.

This branch (sitting on top of lcid branch) contains the following updates:

% Default behaviour is that session-specific T1w images are used for coregistration of functional
% data in the same session (options.anat_template_session = '')
% Custom behaviour is introduced if a template session is selected (e.g. options.anat_template_session = '1')
% In the latter case the template session T1w image is copied to other sessions (and renamed accordingly)
% in order to simplify processing steps and avoid duplication+overwriting of results. This
% is then followed by the same procedure as session-specific coregistration.
% Copying is only done in the derivatives directory, BIDS dataset data are left untouched.
% This has obvious (possibly bad) implications for interpreting the preprocessed data,
% but it is deemed fine (for now) if we remain aware of this.
options.anat_template_session = '';


jsheunis commented 2 years ago

@lydiatgit you can test the updated workflow as follows:

Overwrite your current fMRwhy code base with the lydia branch.

Then, add the following to your settings file:

options.coreg_type = 'per_task';
options.realignment_type = 'per_task';

Then call the workflow as previously:
