jshridha / docker-blueiris

Blueiris in a docker using wine!
Apache License 2.0
106 stars 52 forks source link

Run as service #32

Closed leonowski closed 3 years ago

leonowski commented 3 years ago

So, I've been trying to work out a way to make this run similar to the Windows version of Blue Iris. I'm not sure if this is even a good approach, but a side effect of this effort is that Blue Iris now uses the correct time. The "fix" was to import a windows registry reg file that I used to try and set up the service automagically (along with specifying the correct TZ env var for the container). It does seem to work as there are 2 separate BlueIris.exe processes running. Unfortunately, when I close the GUI process, it seems to also close the service. I'm still working on that.

Because of the way services work in Windows, I thought that it may be possible for the container to run continuously even if it is in a bad state. To try and get around that, I created a small "check_process.sh" script that runs every 30 seconds. If it doesn't find any BlueIris.exe processes, the script will send a kill to PID 1. I disabled automatic restart for the blueiris.sh script in supervisord so that this check_process.sh script can handle this. Since PID 1 is being killed in the container, the container now needs the --init option turned on. For docker-compose, the option is documented here .

I haven't explored the possibility of the service requiring a Blue Iris license to run. I have also observed, in my testing, the service running without the UI - I just haven't figure it all out yet. I wanted to get this PR in to discuss anyway.

There are also some startup improvements in this:

Lastly, I'm still having trouble with recordings on the 64-bit version. Can anyone else confirm that it is a problem for them? For me, my Blue Iris will crash when I attempt to record anything. This doesn't seem to happen on the 32-bit version.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I'll try running leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service for a bit. I do have a license. Do I have to go into Blue Iris settings and check the box to run as a service or does it do it automatically?

Also, if you haven't purchased a license, I did find a discount code on the interwebz; I think it was 15% off. Totaled to like $66. I figured even if I don't run Blue Iris long term; $66 is worth the peace of mind of the same question you're asking, "Does the free version have less functionality?"

As for the 32-bit vs. 64-bit. I did have the Blue Iris crash on 64-bit, but it happened randomly; when I click record it does fine. I have had less issues on 32-bit, but I still have had a few issues. Like right now, 8080 is up and running fine, but 81 randomly stopped serving. I'm also seeing a lot of 004e:fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__stdio_common_vswprintf options 26 not handled and 004e:fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s options 24 not handled in the logs. I'm not sure where I should put the details since I'm running on leonowski/docker-blueiris currently.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski When I check the box to run Blue Iris as a service, it asked for a username/password. I assume I don't have to give it one? After that it told me to restart Blue Iris. I was thinking I could just hit the power button in the top right and it would automatically restart with the script that you said runs everything 30 seconds? It didn't seem to ever restart, so I did a docker restart on the container. When it comes back up I get this error: image

This puts me in a pretty sore state as I can't open Blue Iris to turn the "run as service" off. I'm not sure how to recover other than to blow my setup away and start from scratch. In the future I'll be sure to swap my volume mount to point to like /tmp and test before modifying my real setup.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

When I got into the container and ran the blueiris.sh, I got some log output:

root@f1a8dc97aafd:~# ./blueiris.sh
0044:fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"BlueIris" failed to start: 2
002c:err:module:process_init L"C:\\windows\\system32\\bash.exe" not found
root@f1a8dc97aafd:~# 00c0:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 00000000019A0000 0 000000000031E890 4 stub
00c0:fixme:nls:RtlGetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000038, 000000000031E554, 000000000031E570 000000000031E550
00c0:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x38 000000000031E554 000000000031E570 000000000031E550) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0060:err:service:validate_context_handle Access denied - handle created with access 15, needed 2
00c0:fixme:shell:InitNetworkAddressControl stub
TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

I also saw someone say "I think you have to run the executable as administrator for it to allow “install as service”." on reddit. I really have no idea if this is necessary or possible: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueIris/comments/g5ki6h/failed_to_install_blueiris_5_as_a_service/

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

Here is the window where it asks for username/password for reference: image

leonowski commented 3 years ago

I guess I should have been more clear on what this PR does. I made it because of the problem of trying to auto-create the service through the Blue Iris GUI (it does not work). So, these changes I put in automatically sets it up as a service upon installation. It will then kill the container. After starting the container again (with the persistent data store /root/prefix), the GUI launch will run in the 2 process mode (GUI + service). If you check the options, it will have the "Run as Windows service" box checked

I put these in the notes, but there are new run options that need to be specified:

--init - to allow the internal script to kill PID 1 -e TZ=yourtimezone - to pass the TZ env var

In addition to this, you must mount /root/prefix as a persistent store somewhere on your system. Also, privileged mode is still required during the install.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski Is it possible for me to disabled the "start as a service" without opening the Blue Iris UI?

leonowski commented 3 years ago

So, I checked in a couple of things into this strange branch. It looks like mfc42 was another dependency for something in blueiris, so I added that. I also noticed that the service does indeed run with this build, but it kept closing fairly quickly for some unknown reason. To my surprise, it seemed like launching the windows Task Manager in the container kept the service running. I will still have to explore this - wine is very strange and I'm new to it. Actually, it seems like if I keep any windows process up, the service stays up (like a cmd prompt). But, taskmgr seems to be a good thing to run since you can keep track of the blueiris.exe.

If this service stuff works out, we could have 2 modes when launching this container controlled by env vars: A "headless" mode that just runs the service and whatever minimal components are needed and a admin mode that can launch the management GUI to do things like add cameras and such.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I'm going to pull the latest on that and run it for awhile.

I've been having Blue Iris randomly lock up about once a day. Once it's locked up I can't seem to do anything. A docker restart on the container brings it up just fine, but while it was locked up it isn't recording. It also happens to have the update screen up, may or may not be related. image

I'll report back later, after running your latest updates for the day.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

I also noticed that the time/timezone is correct everywhere except the timestamp that is in the camera view. However when I used this solution before, it worked everywhere: https://github.com/jshridha/docker-blueiris/issues/17#issuecomment-685886361

Here is an example of the time/timezone. You can see that the time on my mac and the time on the ubuntu vnc thing match, but the time in the video window does not. image

Also, I haven't said this enough. Thank you for all the work you have been doing! It seems like you're very knowledgable and I really appreciate that you're diving deep into this. Let me know in what ways I can help, as I'll fill whatever gaps I can.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

This latest check-in for this branch seems to be working better. I need to update the README still, but here are the important points:

The downside to this is that if you want to go in and do things like add more cameras or manage the server, you will have to destroy the container again, and then relaunch without the -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-service.conf. Things should restart fairly quickly, but blueiris will be down for that short period of time between restarts.

Other interesting notes about this version:

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I'll give this last post a read when I have some time and update to the latest (probably tonight or tomorrow afternoon).

As for the kernel version, I googled and found a few commands:

server:~$ uname -r
server:~$ uname -a
Linux server 4.15.0-91-generic #92-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 28 11:09:48 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
server:~$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 4.15.0-91-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-013) (gcc version 7.4.0 (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1)) #92-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 28 11:09:48 UTC 2020
TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

I had a spare minute so I updated things as you mentioned above. Also my timezone issue I described a few comments back seems to be gone.

I'll run things as a service for a day or two and report back.

Here's my docker-compose for reference:

    image: leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    init: true
    - RESOLUTION=1440x768x24
    - TZ=America/Chicago
    - 8080:8080
    - 5900:5900
    - 81:81
    - /tmp/blue-iris:/root/prefix:rw
    command: -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-service.conf
TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

I spun up another container to test this setup: https://github.com/danecreekphotography/node-deepstackai-trigger/wiki/Integrating-with-BlueIris

In the process I noticed the time/timezone in the video window was wrong again. I did a quick docker restart on that container and the time/timezone immediately corrected itself.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I just now realized what you meant when you said "recording continuously". I thought you were referring to just hitting this button: image

I'm messing around with setting up node-deepstackai-trigger and am having some issues when I select: image Basically the Blue Iris program stays running but the cameras just freeze.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

I was able to determine the problem. The problem happened when recording started and these options were turned on:

Direct to disk recording should allow the h264/h265 streams from my cameras to be saved directly to disk without re-encoding by blueiris. I believe the problem happens because turning on overlay actually requires re-encoding since it is adding information to the original stream. In any case, I don't need to use the overlay feature since my cameras can do this directly and this can save some CPU cycles on blueiris. We should add this problem to the notes.

The interesting problem that arose from this is that blueiris would get in a state of continuous restarts if something bad happens with the camera settings. To get out of this, you can disable the camera by changing the registry under:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Cameras(your_camera)name\

There is a value for "Enabled" set to 1. If you set it to 0 and restart the container, you can get out of this state. You can change the .reg files in a text editor directly (in the wine prefix /root/prefix).

This got me thinking - it might be good to have a script or some type of "safe mode" that disables all cameras. This will allow you to at least get into the Blue Iris GUI to fix some things.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski Have you tried using this Blue Iris docker image with node-deepstackai-trigger? I'm trying to trigger my camera. I am able to get node-deepstackai-trigger to call the correct Blue Iris endpoint. I seem to be having some sort of networking issue. The Blue Iris container/service/network name is blue-iris. Here's what the logs say:

[Web request] /aiinput/person.jpg: Calling trigger uri http://blue-iris:81/admin?trigger&camera=house_east&user=[redacted]&pw=[redacted]

When I run the same thing from a web browser on my development machine substituting blue-iris with my server's IP, it triggers the camera just fine:

http://[my server's IP here]:81/admin?trigger&camera=house_east&user=[redacted]&pw=[redacted]

However if I do the same thing from triggers.json it will show:

[Web request] /aiinput/person1.jpg: Calling trigger uri http://[my server's IP here]:81/admin?trigger&camera=house_east&user=[redacted]&pw=[redacted]

but still it won't trigger the camera.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

Since you're exposing port 81 on the host, you can use the host ip instead of the container name and it should work.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I tried that, unfortunately no luck 😢 .

leonowski commented 3 years ago

As a test, you can launch the container and override the entrypoint and user like this:

docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash --user=root --rm danecreekphotography/node-deepstackai-trigger

Once inside the shell, do a apt update followed by apt install curl. Then, you can try to use curl from inside this test container. Maybe it can help you figure out the networking issue. You can install other tools too to help you figure out things from inside the container.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski It looks like it's an issue with the security around Blue Iris' web server. I just pulled down the danecreekphotography/node-deepstackai-trigger repo and added a console.log to the Promise.all to print the return of this call:


Looks like it returns the entire Blue Iris login page. So, seems like I have something configured incorrectly in Blue Iris to allow this to work.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

Seems like the issue is that docker is assigning a 172 address and I think Blue Iris isn't allowing 172 addresses. I'm not quite sure what to do in this case. I don't really know the difference between 192 and 172 addresses...

leonowski commented 3 years ago

The docker default subnet for container network is 172.17. 0.0/16. So, you can get any IP from that for containers. That is in the private range like 192 addresses. It shouldn't affect your ability to reach the IP you can reach blueiris at. I just tested this and blueiris's web server works fine inside the docker container from other containers. You can test this by trying to curl or netcat the private IP address and port from the host or other containers.

How are you webserver settings set up? Use Secure session keys and login should be turned off. You may want to turn off auto banning as well. Also, set authentication to be required from all connections.

2020-09-07 11_28_34-blueiris - Remote Desktop Connection
TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski You're my savior man. That worked. Thank you!

leonowski commented 3 years ago

This last update adds the ability to run Linux scripts from inside the WIndows/Wine environment. This is good for configuring alerts in Blue Iris. Got it from this:


That way, you don't have to do any fancy windows stuff to trigger something. Just call a trusty linux script to do something (like curl another web service).

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I grabbed the latest again and am running it.

I've noticed a lot of:

00f4:fixme:variant:get_date_format ignoring flags 400

in the logs, any idea what that is?

I've also been seeing a lot of: image in the web UI, I've had to switch from the HTML5 player to JavaScript to make it usable; otherwise it refreshes the UI every few seconds.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

I don't know what the get_date_format warning message is for. I have not looked into it yet. I see the same thing.

I have the same problem in the Web UI as well and have to switch to the javascript player too. I then tested it against a real Windows installation and I'm running into the same issue. It seems to be a problem with Blue Iris. Haven't found a solution yet.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski With a bit of digging, looks like others are having he same issue as of recently. I wonder if it'd be worth eventually working towards tagging docker images based on blue iris versions? That way we could swap a tag to switch easily?


leonowski commented 3 years ago

The issue was actually outside of Blue Iris and with the UI3 package. Extracting the latest version to the UI directory in your wine prefix will fix this: https://github.com/bp2008/ui3/releases/tag/118

The container is not set up to keep track of versions and Blue Iris doesn't seem to keep a storage area for historical releases. They just have their main download. We could change the startup script to use an ENV VAR for the download URL if you have your own file that you want to use.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski In an attempt to upgrade versions I deleted BlueIris.exe from here: https://github.com/leonowski/docker-blueiris/blob/bb32638307ca4426c65a44522ae968dd6e9c757d/blueiris.sh#L3

It seems to download using: https://github.com/leonowski/docker-blueiris/blob/bb32638307ca4426c65a44522ae968dd6e9c757d/blueiris.sh#L19 Then at some point the container dies and is restarted, then it downloads again, and then the same over and over and over until I stop it.

I also get this error message in the UI: image

leonowski commented 3 years ago

Hi @TonyBrobston

Sorry about that. I was wrong about the upgrade process. I had tested it using the same exe install files, but not with an actual newer build of the installer exe. It looks like this was the wrong way to go. Do you still have access to the deleted blueiris.exe? If not, I can post them somewhere for you to get. I had renamed mine instead of deleting them.

I have changed the supervisor config to not restart blueiris.sh. That will allow you to continue running in the X11 desktop environment after the main blue iris processes close. So, you can do the update using the update button in the Blue Iris settings. I realize this doesn't help you now after deleting the exe - so, let me know if you need it. Once you get the blue iris GUI up, run the process to update and it should close and restart blueiris for you.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I ended up just manually reconfiguring my Blue Iris. Since I've been in there a lot it only took me like 20 minutes.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

Sorry for such a long PR with so many comments and changes. I think this is good to go if you guys think so too.

I changed the way the service behaves in the default mode. The container will not stop when blueiris stops in the normal mode. It will stay up so you can do things like updates or manage the wine environment. It will still stop if you switch to the service mode.

I added a menu for Blue Iris stuff in the right click menu of Fluxbox. You should see it under a main "Blue Iris" menu item in fluxbox. Just right click on the desktop to see it. I included:

If you guys think this is good, I think it should go in the latest dev.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

Forgot to mention: Added the curl and jq packages. Helpful for running scripts in container and will probably be useful for integration with the AI triggers.

Also, I removed the cifs-utils package. I don't really think it's needed.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

this PR should

close #17 close #28

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@leonowski I'll pull the latest of this branch and run it.

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

@jshridha I think we should consider merging this to dev soon. I've been running the updates and things have been good. I do have a small concern that it may eventually randomly crash; so it would be good to have it long running without stopping/starting the container.

I'm also currently using the node ai tool and have everything running in docker. It has been working great, compared to just plain old motion detection. I've been working on fine tuning my triggers. Unfortunately my neighbor put a t-shirt over a mail box (long story) and deepstack thinks there's a 85-97% chance it's a person 🤦 (depending on the lighting and different things). I'll likely start to play around with the mqtt part and tie some automations into Home Assistant.

Here's an example docker-compose (I realize this is a bit out of scope):

version: '3.8'

    image: homeassistant/home-assistant
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host
    - ~/home-assistant:/config
    - /dev/ttyACM1:/dev/ttyACM0

    image: leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    init: true
    - RESOLUTION=1440x768x24
    - TZ=America/Chicago
    - 8080:8080
    - 5900:5900
    - 81:81
    - /SURVEILLANCE/blue-iris:/root/prefix:rw
    - aiinput:/root/prefix/drive_c/BlueIris/aiinput
    command: -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-service.conf

    image: danecreekphotography/node-deepstackai-trigger:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=America/Chicago
      - triggers
      - settings
      - 4242:4242
    - aiinput:/aiinput

    image: deepquestai/deepstack:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /SURVEILLANCE/deepstack/datastore:/datastore

    file: ./settings.json
    file: ./triggers.json

luck-y13 commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to run leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service on my unraid server with no success. The blueiris.sh fails every time.

Here is the docker command: docker run -d --name='BlueIris5' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Denver" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TZ'='America/Denver' -e 'RESOLUTION'='1440x768x24' -p '8083:8080/tcp' -p '84:80/tcp' -p '5900:5900/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/blueiris5/bi/':'/root/prefix':'rw' --init 'leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service'

Here is the log ` 130150K .......... 100% 83.7M=2m40s

2020-09-10 16:21:34 (811 KB/s) - ‘blueiris.exe’ saved [133284136/133284136]

Running Wine/winetricks as root is highly discouraged. See https://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#Should_I_run_Wine_as_root.3F

Executing mkdir -p /root 0024:err:environ:run_wineboot boot event wait timed out `


leonowski commented 3 years ago

Hi @luck-y13

After it starts, are you able to go to the web interface on port 8083? The blueiris script runs and it looks like something downloads, but there are required dialogs to jump through the GUI. The first thing you should see is an attempt to install wine-mono and wine-gecko. Eventually, the blue iris installer GUI should appear.

Do you get anything in the GUI?

luck-y13 commented 3 years ago

I get this Wine popup saying that /root/prefix is being updated. Then in the log it says that the wine timed out.


leonowski commented 3 years ago

I believe the privileged flag should be: --privileged and not --privileged=true

luck-y13 commented 3 years ago

I removed my data folder and removed the image leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service and tried to start it again, but this time using leonowski/docker-blueiris:latest. This time it had the pop ups for mono and gecko which installed fine and it prompted to install BI which also installed ok.

But now the log has 2020-09-10 17:47:24,120 INFO exited: blueiris (exit status 53; not expected) 2020-09-10 17:47:27,124 INFO spawned: 'blueiris' with pid 939 002b:fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" ( 002b:err:module:import_dll Library VCRUNTIME140_1.dll (which is needed by L"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIris.exe") not found 2020-09-10 17:47:28,170 INFO success: blueiris entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 002b:err:module:import_dll Library mfc140u.dll (which is needed by L"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIris.exe") not found 002b:err:module:import_dll Library FTD2XX.dll (which is needed by L"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\SeaMAX.dll") not found 002b:err:module:import_dll Library SeaMAX.dll (which is needed by L"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIris.exe") not found 002b:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Importing dlls for L"C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIris.exe" failed, status c0000135

luck-y13 commented 3 years ago

I believe the privileged flag should be: --privileged and not --privileged=true

I changed it to --privileged and no difference.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

I just tried this in unraid as well (I haven't really tried it on there, but I'm actually a very early user of Unraid so I had one running so I could try it).

I had to make sure the persistent directory was clear for the first launch and then use --privileged as an extra parameter in the Advanced view. Then it worked. The final output of the command according to the Unraid GUI was:

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='blueiris' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TZ'='America/Los Angeles' -p '8080:8080/tcp' -p '81:81/tcp' -p '5901:5900/tcp' -v '/mnt/cache/blueiris-test':'/root/prefix':'rw' --init --privileged 'leonowski/docker-blueiris:run_as_service' 028e511b28023788ba1ce6971d7426469efb01830dca3dd528d060b21164713e

The command finished successfully!


if it still fails, can you post the entire output of docker logs for the container?

TonyBrobston commented 3 years ago

I'm having a problem that I think is probably unrelated to this branch. However I'm curious to know if anyone else experiences this issue. After the video container has been running for a long time I get weird speeding up and slowing down of frames on all of my cameras in Blue Iris (I think I had this same issue on Unifi Video, after that docker container was long running). If I restart the container the problem seems to go away. I'll attach a video showing an example (it wouldn't let me upload a .mp4, so I put it in a folder and zipped it, since it allows zip). video.zip

luck-y13 commented 3 years ago

You got it to work on Unraid which gives me hope, but I still can't get it to install with your run_as_service branch. I've deleted my image and re-downloaded it multiple times. My docker run is the same as yours except for the TZ. I go to 8083 and see it saying the wine configuration is being updated, but it just hangs and never brings up the gecko or mono installer.

Here is the log. You'll see after it downloads the blueiris.exe, it tries to launch it with wine, but I guess since it never installed gecko or mono it just hangs.


leonowski commented 3 years ago

Is there anything in your wine cache directory in the container? ~/.cache/wine

leonowski commented 3 years ago

After it finishes building on dockerhub, give this new one a try. I put in gecko and mono msis into the package.

leonowski commented 3 years ago

ok, this newer version seems better at prebaking mono and gecko. hopefully, this fixes the issue.

johnny2678 commented 3 years ago

First off, thanks for this.

I have been trying to get your run_as_service branch for days. Was trying to figure this out on my own, but keep bumping into the same problem.

running on Unraid with this command:

docker run -d --name='blueiris' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'RESOLUTION'='1440x900x24' -p '8123:8080/tcp' -p '8987:81/tcp' -p '5903:5900/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/bi5-leonowski/':'/root/prefix':'rw'  --log-opt max-size=5m --log-opt max-file=2 --init --privileged 'jh/bi5:leonowski' 

have tried creating the local share and chown-ing to nobody:users and also just letting docker create the share specified in the run cmd, but the container fails with multiple messages like it can't find the /root/prefix

such as:

wine: '/root/prefix' is not owned by you
2020-09-12 13:08:43,293 INFO exited: dummy-taskmgr (exit status 1; not expected)
Warning: Failed to open file(/usr/share/fluxbox/nls/C.UTF-8/fluxbox.cat)


Executing wine regedit /S C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg
regedit: The file 'C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg' was not found.
Executing wine64 regedit /S C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg
regedit: The file 'C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg' was not found.


Note: command wine vc_redist.x86.exe /q returned status 2. Aborting.
0170:err:module:process_init L"C:\\windows\\system32\\blueiris.exe" not found
rm: cannot remove 'blueiris.exe': No such file or directory
unzip:  cannot find or open /root/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Blue Iris 5/ui3.zip, /root/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Blue Iris 5/ui3.zip.zip or /root/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Blue Iris 5/ui3.zip.ZIP.
00b0:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_CACHE_INFORMATION
00b0:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_CACHE_INFORMATION
00b0:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_CACHE_INFORMATION
unzip:  cannot find or open /root/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Blue Iris 5/ui3.zip, /root/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Blue Iris 5/ui3.zip.zip or /root/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Blue Iris 5/ui3.zip.ZIP.

full pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ym5Z4S7C

any ideas?