jshridha / docker-blueiris

Blueiris in a docker using wine!
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Backing Up Configuration #35

Open mohesles opened 3 years ago

mohesles commented 3 years ago

I found a way to backup the configuration for both BI and the cameras. It is not optimal and I have no clue how to do it programmatically; however these are the steps I followed to be able to do this:

Steps to create backup: 1) Minimize BI 2) Open a terminal (right click,+ Applications-->Shell-->Bash) 3) Enter the command: wine regedit This command should open the windows registry 4) Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->Software 5) Right click on the "Perspective Software" folder 6) On the submenu click on Export 7) Save the registry to the directory that is accessible outside the container. Note1: Include the ".reg" filetype in the name of the file. For example: backup.reg Note2: Make sure that at the bottom of the export window "Selected Branch" is selected and that the path is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perspective Software 8) Click on save

This should create a reg file that you can then reuse to restore the configuration in the container if needed or if any change is made.

Steps to restore backup: 1) Start the container with a shared path that includes the reg file created before. 2) Follow the installation steps if needed 3) Before making changes in BI, minimize it. 4) Open a terminal (right click,+ Applications-->Shell-->Bash) 5) Enter the command: wine regedit This command should open the windows registry 6) On the Registry editor menu click on Registry and then select "Import registry file" 7) Browse for your backup file (in my case backup.reg) 8) Click on open 9) If everything went well you should se a pop up message saying that the keys and values were successfully added to the registry 10) Click on OK and exit the Registry Editor and the Terminal window 11) Maximize BI and click on the close button at the top right corner. 12) BI should start by itself a few seconds later and include the configuration and camera setup as in the previous system.

Final note. I only tested this with the Trial Version so I am not sure if this will work for full license

jshridha commented 3 years ago

@mohesles This is a fantastic find. I'm considering adding a cron job that does this automatically on a schedule and saves to a persistent storage.

stefanvanherwijnen commented 3 years ago

These are the commands to perform the actions as described (run inside the docker container):

# Export
wine regedit /E bi.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perspective Software"

# Import
wine regedit bi.reg

Seems to work for me.

MostHated commented 2 years ago

Just an FYI to anyone who comes across this, for some reason doing wine regedit /E bi.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perspective Software" only exported 5 lines, where doing it from the interface exported 3800 lines. The command seems to have only exported the top-level key it looks like, perhaps it needs a recursive flag or something? I would just double check your export first before trying anything, so that you don't go to import, only to find out your backup reg isn't what you thought it was.