jshttp / jshttp.github.io

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Gratipay Team #66

Closed dougwilson closed 8 years ago

dougwilson commented 9 years ago

So I'm looking into putting together a Gratipay team for jshttp, after the restructuring of Gratipay. I think that, in general, a team makes more sense anyway. It is the reason why no jshttp modules have a Gratipary badge, because before it would have to have been an individual's badge, rather than that of a team.

So who here wants to be on the Gratipay team, if approved, @jshttp/owners ?

For me to apply for it, I need to put the following information together, which I will do here, and if anyone wants to help, that would be awesome :)

Product or Service

What product or service does your team provide?

Revenue Model

How does your team make money?


How can other people get involved with your team?

Paying Contributors

How do you share revenue with contributors?

Fishrock123 commented 9 years ago

I don't really do that much around here right now, so I'll pass.

:+1: for the idea though!

dougwilson commented 9 years ago

What product or service does your team provide?

The jshttp team creates and maintains many different HTTP-related modules for the Node.js runtime. These modules are heavily uses as dependencies in various major projects like Express.js, Koa.js, Hapi.js and many others.

How does your team make money?

The jshttp team is a collective and does not generate money in it's own right. Currently Gratipay is used to provide a path for interested users in contributing back to the team with money when contributing in other methods is not possible or viable.

How can other people get involved with your team?

The jshttp team welcomes new contributors and even additional owners. We aim to be a community in which anyone can positively participate regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).­ Further details available at https://github.com/jshttp/style-guide/blob/master/template/Contributing.md

How do you share revenue with contributors?

Revenue sharing is determined by sub project activity. For each sub project, the revenue is split equally amongst the designed lead maintainer, who may then choose to alter the contribution amongst contributors to the sub project. For example, with 8 sub projects, each lead maintainer will be proportioned 12.5% of total revenue, of which can be allocated to sub project contributors.

jonathanong commented 9 years ago

i'm pretty sure the team's just you now. haha. i'm just waiting on a few things that you've assigned yourself but other than that, it's just maintenance here and there.

dougwilson commented 9 years ago

The jshttp application is in and they are reviewing in https://github.com/gratipay/inside.gratipay.com/issues/211

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

i don't really care about this. @dougwilson you can have all the money :) i started to find asking for tips annoying

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

yeah, agree with @jonathanong

dougwilson commented 8 years ago

Yea, they are still going back and forth on the whole thing, so I don't see getting together a team together any time soon. So far I've just been using it to pay for the jshttp and pillarjs parked domains, which eventually will be transferred to the Node.js foundation anyway.