jsilvestre / tasky

A reboot of cozy-todos
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Link to calendar ? #25

Open Kloadut opened 9 years ago

Kloadut commented 9 years ago

It's a feature request I will implement anyway, but I don't know if it has its place into tasky. When I write "Noël #20141225" I want tasky to put a calendar event into my cozy-calendar.

We can discuss the semantic in this thread if you are interested.

jsilvestre commented 9 years ago

While I think there are valid use cases to link a task and an event, I don't see the point of creating events on the fly through tasks. I opened a ticket for apps -> Tasky interaction (https://github.com/jsilvestre/tasky/issues/20) For the other way (Tasky -> apps), I'd rather go for specific use cases, rather than implementing a "quick event creation" interface. I can definitely see this feature in the next Home "search/action" bar.

Let me know if I'm missing something obvious, I am always glad to build stuff on ideas I never had.

Kloadut commented 9 years ago

Well, I'm using tasky for brain dumping. And when you ordered your tasks, you have to had quickly an overview of your contexts (tags are OK for that purpose), but also of the priorities. For now I'm using tags for dates as well, but it is definitely not convenient. I wanted to use calendar to have this overview of the dates and priorities.

jsilvestre commented 9 years ago

Since this is really the first time that idea is brought up to me, I need time to digest it. Feel free to add more examples, more use cases, more "look today I did that and that would have been so cool if I would have been able to do that". Sometimes words aren't precise enough to express a thought!

Lich4r commented 9 years ago

An other point for linking with calendar is that you can have your tasks with caldav when connecting to your calendar from your mobile & laptop. That would be really great

jsilvestre commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the bump. As I said, it's always good to read various opinion. You raise a good point, but we removed tasks from the synchronization app in Cozy, because it's not used by "the 90%", and it was more to support, so we decided to focus on calendar features only. As a result I'm not more motivated to add it ;-)

That being said, I'm thinking about a concept I've had for a while that is "extended task". I want to increased the feature range of a tasky, without sacrificing its simplicity. Calendar integration would be a good example for that concept.

Lich4r commented 9 years ago

What kind of features are you thinking of ?

That may not be used by "the 90%" indeed. In my point, Cozy is not really mobile friendly (at least on my android browser, a bit more with firefox mobile I do not really use) and tasky isn't either. For example the menu won't show when clicked in tasky and the top bar of cozy only appears on lanscape mode. Whereas sync with calendar and caldav allow the user to choose his own way : I was using Mirakel, an android opensource tasks app, and therefore any tasks entered in Mirakel / Todos in OSX would appears in my cloud. Despite the sync features there is also a main advantage : I can edit my tasks while offline within the apps I chose. This is really usefull in countries like France where you do not always have 3G/H+/LTE.

jsilvestre commented 9 years ago

Tasky is not mobile friendly, but this has nothing to do with Cozy. I develop Tasky on my spare time, but I'm being lazy and not fixing it...sorry! Gonna fix it asap. Let us know on the forum (https://forum.cozy.io) about the other apps that are not working as you wish on mobile!

About sync and offline capabilities, iCal tasks are not at all tasky tasks, they don't work at all in the same way, so I can't just push VTODO support in Cozy, then put it in Tasky, because it would require a complete overhaul of the application, and I don't want that. I have already looked into offline capabilites. Offline is easy, synchronization and conflict management is not, which is why I didn't do it yet.

I opened two new issues based on your feedback, thank you!

About the feature, the idea would be basically plugins that would extend how a task works. For example, being able to use the current task description as a title and having a bigger text area to add notes. That could also be adding a reminder on a task. Since this is quite huge both technically and conceptually, I am still thinking about it.

Lich4r commented 9 years ago

I'll go on forum for mobile UI issues so. I didn't know anything about VTODO. I just thought that bringing up a task to calendar will make compatibility ^^ I am so naive ;)

Reminder is a great feature !


HLFH commented 9 years ago

Hi @jsilvestre. Just to link the issue to this duplicate and the related comments: https://github.com/cozy/todos/issues/41 ; it seems that CalDAV sync for tasks is too complicated to make it real on Cozy and not on ownCloud. https://github.com/owncloud/tasks :'( @Thatoo

jsilvestre commented 8 years ago

Hey I missed your comment @HLFH, sorry about that. It's not about it being too complicated, it's about me not willing to do it because a task in Tasky has nothing to do with a tasky in CalDav. Tasky is not meant to be a full-featured tasks manager, it's more a "brain dumping" app than a project manager app.