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2019 Goals — September Update #2

Closed jsjoeio closed 4 years ago

jsjoeio commented 4 years ago

Photo by Janke Laskowski on Unsplash Photo by Janke Laskowski on Unsplash


Here, I’ll share the goal followed by the related achievement of the month after the arrow.


(I'm not 100% sure if that's accurate, used a graph from my bank, but getting mixed results) I don't think I'm going to hit my target, sadly, but I am on track to hit ~$27K based how much I'm saving per month. If things go well, I may be able to hit at least $30K, which is pretty close!

I've been saving a lot lately because I'm hoping to buy my wife and I a house within the next year or two.


A friend randomly recommended this book and it was SO good! I felt immediately inspired to start my own project. If you haven't heard of Scott Young, I recommend you check out the MIT Challenge. He passed all the classes for MIT's computer science degree program in one year -- all online! Very inspiring.

Overall, I've read 12/15 books this year. 3 to go to hit my goal!

Inspired by the Ultralearning book, I've decided to set up my own project for the next three months. It's a bit of a mix between a personal and professional project. Fortunately, my company gives us 8hrs/week of "investment" time. This can be used for learning in any way that might benefit you and, hopefully the company.

We use TypeScript at work so I thought to find an ultralearning project where I could "double-dip" by using my time at work towards it.

You can see a bit more about it here: Ultralearning Project - TypeScript

In addition, I've decided to join a coworker who's doing #100DaysOfCode by doing #100DaysOfTypeScript 😄 You can follow along on Twitter


I finally taught my workshop and it was a success! 😄 We sold ~22 tickets. 13 people showed up the day of. One person did have a negative experience (due to some issues getting things setup) but other than that, the feedback was great!

I'm taking all the content from my workshop and putting it into a course on egghead. The course should be done (from my side) this weekend and then hopefully we'll get it out this month so keep your eyes peeled 👀

This has been quite the journey from when I had the initial idea about the course. I'm glad it's finally near the finish line. I hope it will help people feel less intimidated about custom hooks & open-sourcing React packages! 🤞

That's all folks! Until next month!

jsjoeio commented 4 years ago

Hey Bryan!

jsjoeio commented 4 years ago
