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jsk_pcl_rosのgroovy対応 #115

Closed k-okada closed 10 years ago

k-okada commented 10 years ago

This post was originally posted at http://sourceforge.net/p/jsk-ros-pkg/tickets/119

pr1040でroslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint.launch すると Failed to load lib/libjsk_pcl_ros.so となり色々と死ぬ。要対応。

[ERROR] [1367494107.729277585]: Failed to load nodelet [/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/PointcloudScreenpoint]: Failed to load library /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_pcl_ros/lib/libjsk_pcl_ros.so. Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_pcl_ros/lib/libjsk_pcl_ros.so: undefined symbol: _ZN7pcl_ros6Filter15config_callbackERNS_12FilterConfigEj) [FATAL] [1367494107.731804898]: Service call failed! [ERROR] [1367494107.920253650]: Failed to load nodelet [/depth_image_creator_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator]: Could not find library corresponding to plugin jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [FATAL] [1367494107.920497589]: Service call failed! [ERROR] [1367494108.555121938]: Failed to load nodelet [/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/PointcloudScreenpoint]: MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create object of class type PointcloudScreenpoint as no factory exists for it. Make sure that the library exists and was explicitly loaded through MultiLibraryClassLoader::loadLibrary() [FATAL] [1367494108.555305491]: Service call failed! [ERROR] [1367494108.734961103]: Failed to load nodelet [/depth_image_creator_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator]: Could not find library corresponding to plugin jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. .....


fuerte-devel branchを使うことも試したが、そちらはpcl_rosのビルド自体ができなくなっている。 (/usr/bin/ld: can't find -lsensor_msgs ,... -lroscpp_serialiazation,....-lrosconsole,...-lrostime...などと出力される)

k-okada commented 10 years ago


--- old
+++ new
@@ -10,4 +10,13 @@
 [ERROR] [1367494108.555121938]: Failed to load nodelet [/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/PointcloudScreenpoint]: MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create object of class type PointcloudScreenpoint as no factory exists for it. Make sure that the library exists and was explicitly loaded through MultiLibraryClassLoader::loadLibrary()
 [FATAL] [1367494108.555305491]: Service call failed!
 [ERROR] [1367494108.734961103]: Failed to load nodelet [/depth_image_creator_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator]: Could not find library corresponding to plugin jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
-[FATAL] [1367494108.
+fuerte-devel branchを使うことも試したが、そちらはpcl_rosのビルド自体ができなくなっている。
+(/usr/bin/ld: can't find -lsensor_msgs ,... -lroscpp_serialiazation,....-lrosconsole,...-lrostime...などと出力される)
k-okada commented 10 years ago

[r4279]ですこし対応しました. 多分問題は https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/9 に書いたことじゃないかと思っています.なので,現時点では jsk_pcl::Filterを親クラスになるものをgroovy/catkinだけ外しました. 幸い pointcloud_screenpoint, depth_image_creatorは生き残ったのでコンパイルはできると思います. ただ,catkinなのでbuild/devel 以下に生成されるので,cp -r build/devel/lib ./libする必要有り.やっぱこれはまずいか.


upstreamがどんどん更新される環境で,手元で開発していくのは危険すぎるので,早めに upstreamに入れるべき,jsk_pcl_rosで有用なものはpcl_rosにpushしてください. また,どうように,jsk_pcl_ros_unreleasedでどうしても使いたいものはjsk_pcl_rosにいれて, 残りは,obsoletedにするのでいいと思いますが,jsk_pcl_ros_unreleased はもう使わなくていい という判断でいいと持っているんだけど,まだ重要なものが残っているんだろうか.

k-okada commented 10 years ago

重要かはわからないですが、冷蔵庫デモでunreleasedのeuclidean_cluster_extractionを使っています。 とりあえずこれは移さないとデモが動かないです。

k-okada commented 10 years ago
k-okada commented 10 years ago


また,euclidean_cluster_extractionを追加しました detect_cans_in_fridge_201202/launch/detect_cans.launch は直していないので,なおして動くか確認してください.確認できたらcloseしてください.


k-okada commented 10 years ago
k-okada commented 10 years ago


Failed to load nodelet [/euclidean_clustering] of type [jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering]: Could not find library corresponding to plugin jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

k-okada commented 10 years ago

添付のlaunchで以下のように動いているように見えます. 動かないテスト用launchフィアルを送ってください.

== pocess[euclidean_cluster_extraction-2]: started with pid [6929] process[euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet-3]: started with pid [6931] [ INFO] [1367603414.186938390]: Loading nodelet /euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet of type jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering to manager euclidean_cluster_extraction with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1367603414.187035736]: /euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet/info -> /openni/rgb/camera_info [ INFO] [1367603414.187061736]: /euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet/input -> /openni/depth_registered/points [ INFO] [1367603414.187084916]: /euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet/output_cloud -> /pointcloud_screenpoint2/points [ INFO] [1367603414.190378922]: waitForService: Service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1367603414.550704351]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads. [ INFO] [1367603414.573434354]: waitForService: Service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] is now available. [ INFO] [1367603414.674050503]: tolerance : 0.010000 [ INFO] [1367603414.675230465]: max cluster size : 25000 [ INFO] [1367603414.676428565]: min cluster size : 20

k-okada commented 10 years ago

どんな環境でやってますか? 添付のlaunchファイルを実行するとpr1040の体内だと同じエラーが出ます

ちなみに報告が間違ってたんですが、depth_image_creatorも同じエラーが出てました pointcloud_screenpointだけエラーが出ずに動いています

k-okada commented 10 years ago

手元の12.04, 64bit , groovyでやっています. そちらでも同じ環境で確認してみてください. export ROSCONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE=$HOME/rosconsole.config として, rosconsole.config を以下のようにしてどういう 表示がでるか教えてください. log4j.logger.ros=INFO log4j.logger.ros.roscpp.superdebug=WARN


k-okada commented 10 years ago

unreleasedの方のlibを見に行ってるようです unreleasedのほうに記述のあるdepth_image_creatorとeuclidean_cluster_extractionは失敗してしまいます pathはどうやったら更新されるんでしょうか? jsk_pcl_rosをmakeしても更新されないです

applications@pr1040:~$ roslaunch test.launch ... logging to /home/applications/.ros/log/b121f128-b3bc-11e2-96e6-001517ebc305/roslaunch-pr1040-6051.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://pr1040:36295/



NODES / euclidean_cluster_extraction (nodelet/nodelet) euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet (nodelet/nodelet)


core service [/rosout] found process[euclidean_cluster_extraction-1]: started with pid [6078] [DEBUG] [1367644148.867649235]: remap: name => euclidean_cluster_extraction [DEBUG] [1367644148.867751058]: remap: log => /home/applications/.ros/log/b121f128-b3bc-11e2-96e6-001517ebc305/euclidean_cluster_extraction-1.log [DEBUG] [1367644148.867924249]: Creating ClassLoader, base = nodelet::Nodelet, address = 0x17c1030 [DEBUG] [1367644148.867958258]: Entering determineAvailableClasses()... process[euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet-2]: started with pid [6092] [DEBUG] [1367644149.322187917]: remap: __name => euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet [DEBUG] [1367644149.322297260]: remap: __log => /home/applications/.ros/log/b121f128-b3bc-11e2-96e6-001517ebc305/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet-2.log [DEBUG] [1367644149.324258190]: Adding tcp socket [6] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644149.324329240]: UDPROS server listening on port [59577] [DEBUG] [1367644149.330556932]: Started node [/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet], pid [6092], bound on [pr1040], xmlrpc port [48498], tcpros port [35016], using [real] time [ INFO] [1367644149.330869366]: Loading nodelet /euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet of type jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering to manager euclidean_cluster_extraction with the following remappings: [DEBUG] [1367644149.333136698]: Waiting for service euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet to be available... [DEBUG] [1367644149.334394383]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [ INFO] [1367644149.334434670]: waitForService: Service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [DEBUG] [1367644149.355643014]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.376776953]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.398238303]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.419556127]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.444529551]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.476778314]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.497903501]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.519157497]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.540566800]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.562106698]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.569161827]: Accepted connection on socket [6], new socket [11] [DEBUG] [1367644149.569324820]: Adding tcp socket [11] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644149.569571773]: TCPROS received a connection from [] [DEBUG] [1367644149.569728347]: Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/rosout] connected to [callerid=[/rosout] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 11]]] [DEBUG] [1367644149.583231364]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.604346932]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.625398480]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.646385576]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.667386050]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.688319465]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.709590540]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.730850712]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.751988133]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.773236613]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.794592923]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.797781893]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/utexas-art-ros-pkg/velodyne/velodyne_pointcloud/nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.815877818]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.833224186]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = velodyne_pointcloud/CloudNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644149.837686463]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.858747287]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.861918022]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = velodyne_pointcloud/RingColorsNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644149.880048332]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.890693932]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = velodyne_pointcloud/TransformNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644149.890756259]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/usc-ros-pkg/humanoid/humanoid_recognizers/nodelets/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.901308159]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.919296830]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_recognizers/schegloff_recognizer. [DEBUG] [1367644149.919345493]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_recognizers/humanoid_aggregator. [DEBUG] [1367644149.919382170]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_recognizers/pose_matcher. [DEBUG] [1367644149.919431153]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_recognizers/humanoid_retargeter. [DEBUG] [1367644149.919538895]: Processing xml file /opt/ros/groovy/share/stereo_image_proc/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.920441590]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = stereo_image_proc/disparity. [DEBUG] [1367644149.920471740]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = stereo_image_proc/point_cloud2. [DEBUG] [1367644149.920492930]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = stereo_image_proc/point_cloud. [DEBUG] [1367644149.920516871]: Processing xml file /opt/ros/groovy/share/image_view/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.920710065]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = image_view/image. [DEBUG] [1367644149.920738573]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = image_view/disparity. [DEBUG] [1367644149.920762083]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/ccny-ros-pkg/imu_tools/imu_filter_madgwick/imu_filter_nodelet.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.922376215]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.943815400]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.949378532]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = imu_filter_madgwick/ImuFilterNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644149.949425588]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/stacks/camera1394/camera1394_nodelet.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.965638688]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644149.978646593]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = camera1394/driver. [DEBUG] [1367644149.978729163]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/usc-ros-pkg/humanoid/humanoid_models/nodelets/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644149.986909593]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.007849211]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_models/openni_adapter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.007922476]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_models/gavam_adapter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.007958796]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = humanoid_models/virtual_humanoid. [DEBUG] [1367644150.008015808]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/usc-ros-pkg/quickdev/quickdev_examples/nodelets/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.008199481]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.029649059]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.044223200]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/image_proc_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044273716]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/joystick_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044305815]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/node. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044462434]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/publisher_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044497277]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/reconfigure_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044563186]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/robot_controller_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044660168]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/robot_driver_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044716457]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/service_client_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044767129]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/service_server_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044796944]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = quickdev_examples/tf_tranceiver_policy. [DEBUG] [1367644150.044832925]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/utexas-art-ros-pkg/velodyne/velodyne_driver/nodelet_velodyne.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.050879348]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.072118155]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.081204432]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = velodyne_driver/DriverNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644150.081252635]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_ros_patch/depth_image_proc_jsk_patch/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.093441878]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.114720767]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.117665834]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = depth_image_proc/undistort. [DEBUG] [1367644150.117734342]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/svn-trunk/hector_navigation/hector_elevation_mapping/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.135993836]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.154123920]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = hector_elevation_mapping/ElevationMapping. [DEBUG] [1367644150.154179944]: Processing xml file /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/common_tutorials/nodelet_tutorial_math/nodelet_math.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.157267150]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.178609995]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.190640346]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = nodelet_tutorial_math/Plus. [DEBUG] [1367644150.190700776]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/umd-ros-pkg/camera_umd/uvc_camera/nodelet_uvc_camera.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.200062459]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.221357900]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.227151328]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = uvc_camera/CameraNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644150.227202019]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = uvc_camera/StereoNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644150.227361865]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/svn-trunk/hector_localization/hector_pose_estimation/hector_pose_estimation_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.242699162]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.263727972]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = hector_pose_estimation/PoseEstimation. [DEBUG] [1367644150.263786410]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/perception_pcl_unstable/pcl_ros/pcl_nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.264047925]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.264821111]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/NodeletMUX. [DEBUG] [1367644150.264852751]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/NodeletDEMUX. [DEBUG] [1367644150.264874179]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/PCDReader. [DEBUG] [1367644150.264898846]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/BAGReader. [DEBUG] [1367644150.264918940]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/PCDWriter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.264939120]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.264966073]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265110554]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/PassThrough. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265138915]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/VoxelGrid. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265159267]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/ProjectInliers. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265179301]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/ExtractIndices. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265203252]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265228599]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/RadiusOutlierRemoval. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265248550]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pcl/CropBox. [DEBUG] [1367644150.265287618]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/alufr-ros-pkg/octomap_stacks/octomap_mapping/octomap_server/plugins/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.286380090]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.293766284]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = octomap_server/OctomapServerNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644150.293822156]: Processing xml file /opt/ros/groovy/share/image_proc/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.294700037]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = image_proc/debayer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.294729363]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = image_proc/rectify. [DEBUG] [1367644150.294750908]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = image_proc/crop_decimate. [DEBUG] [1367644150.294775244]: Processing xml file /opt/ros/groovy/share/depth_image_proc/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.294997249]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = depth_image_proc/convert_metric. [DEBUG] [1367644150.295026771]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = depth_image_proc/disparity. [DEBUG] [1367644150.295047982]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyz. [DEBUG] [1367644150.295068554]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgb. [DEBUG] [1367644150.295088825]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = depth_image_proc/register. [DEBUG] [1367644150.295117391]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg-unreleased/jsk_vision/jsk_pcl_ros_unreleased/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.307802240]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.324066870]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/CamShiftColorRange. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324117980]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointCloudFrame. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324149389]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324182545]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PolygonToFrame. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324268804]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointCloudBoxSizes. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324334212]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ChessBoardSize. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324405372]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointCloudRegistration. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324430749]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointCloudRegistrationNARF. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324456093]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324477238]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PCDWriter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324497867]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/DualPointCloudFrame. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324527065]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/RecordContactPoint. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324553752]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/HandObjectDistance. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324578164]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointImagePublisher. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324603456]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ImagePointPublisher. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324628576]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ThrottlePointsPublisher. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324652150]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ImageSnapshotter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324686127]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ImageResizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324708523]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ImageGraber. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324732332]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/CloudSnapshotter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324754517]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/NarfExtractor. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324778080]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointCloudObjectPose. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324802833]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ColorConditionalFilter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.324845068]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/tum-ros-git/mapping/autonomous_mapping/nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.329062928]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.350520506]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.353642609]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = autonomous_mapping/NextBestView. [DEBUG] [1367644150.371786087]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.392807816]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.394202559]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = autonomous_mapping/AutonomousExploration. [DEBUG] [1367644150.413757105]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.428946842]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = autonomous_mapping/DistanceFilter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.429002574]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/tum-ros-git/mapping/autonomous_mapping/nodelets_exploration.xml... [ERROR] [1367644150.429048464]: Skipping XML Document "/home/applications/ros/groovy/tum-ros-git/mapping/autonomous_mapping/nodelets_exploration.xml" which had no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing. [DEBUG] [1367644150.429144296]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/turtlebot/pointcloud_to_laserscan/nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.434734495]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.455614448]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.468371269]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pointcloud_to_laserscan/CloudThrottle. [DEBUG] [1367644150.468418514]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pointcloud_to_laserscan/CloudToScan. [DEBUG] [1367644150.468447964]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/usc-ros-pkg/sbl_experimental/proxemics/proxemic_recognizers/nodelets/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.476759739]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.497930218]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.501776064]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = proxemic_recognizers/mehrabian_recognizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.501828543]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = proxemic_recognizers/hall_recognizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.501856036]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = proxemic_recognizers/zonal_recognizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.501928837]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.503242966]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/RGBColorFilter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503271982]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/HSVColorFilter. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503321617]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/DelayPointCloud. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503407684]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/ResizePointsPublisher. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503494553]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/PointcloudScreenpoint. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503521246]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/DepthImageCreator. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503621852]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering. [DEBUG] [1367644150.503762128]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/utexas-art-ros-pkg/velodyne_utils/velodyne_height_map/nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.518968616]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.540194628]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.553835636]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = velodyne_height_map/HeightMapNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644150.553882358]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/ros-pkg-git/kinect/kinect_camera/kinect_nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.561440235]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.582616668]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.591627401]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = kinect_camera/KinectDriverNodelet. [DEBUG] [1367644150.591720816]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/usc-ros-pkg/sbl_experimental/deixis/deictic_recognizers/nodelets/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.603732374]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.624647118]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.643261558]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = deictic_recognizers/mcneil_recognizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.643310615]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = deictic_recognizers/deictic_recognizer. [DEBUG] [1367644150.643340713]: Processing xml file /opt/ros/groovy/share/openni_camera/openni_nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.644188369]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = openni_camera/driver. [DEBUG] [1367644150.644316219]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/tum-ros-git/mapping/pointcloud_registration/nodelets.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.645625713]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.666689439]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.683818988]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = pointcloud_registration/PointCloudRegistration. [DEBUG] [1367644150.683873205]: Processing xml file /home/applications/ros/groovy/usc-ros-pkg/sandbox/tfdump/nodelets/nodelet_plugins.xml... [DEBUG] [1367644150.687737632]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.708759559]: XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [DEBUG] [1367644150.711821879]: XML file specifies lookup name (i.e. magic name) = tfdump/tf_dump. [DEBUG] [1367644150.711869142]: Exiting determineAvailableClasses()... [DEBUG] [1367644150.711949549]: Finished constructring ClassLoader, base = nodelet::Nodelet, address = 0x17c1030 [DEBUG] [1367644150.714075985]: Adding tcp socket [6] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644150.715614565]: UDPROS server listening on port [39747] [DEBUG] [1367644150.721316155]: Started node [/euclidean_cluster_extraction], pid [6078], bound on [pr1040], xmlrpc port [47349], tcpros port [60376], using [real] time [ INFO] [1367644150.723135686]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads. [DEBUG] [1367644150.729802094]: Resolved publisher host [pr1040] to [] for socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644150.729941822]: connect() succeeded to [pr1040:60376] on socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644150.729960383]: Accepted connection on socket [6], new socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644150.730034273]: Adding tcp socket [10] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644150.730064497]: TCP socket [10] closed [DEBUG] [1367644150.730079766]: TCPROS received a connection from [] [ INFO] [1367644150.730108456]: waitForService: Service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] is now available. [DEBUG] [1367644150.730257258]: Connection: Creating ServiceClientLink for service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] connected to [callerid=[/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 10]]] [DEBUG] [1367644150.730311252]: Service client [/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet] wants service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/loadnodelet] with md5sum [] [DEBUG] [1367644150.730498366]: Socket [10] received 0/4 bytes, closing [DEBUG] [1367644150.730554842]: TCP socket [10] closed

[DEBUG] [1367644150.731245445]: Resolved publisher host [pr1040] to [] for socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644150.731365713]: Adding tcp socket [10] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644150.731418047]: Async connect() in progress to [pr1040:60376] on socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644150.731579226]: Accepted connection on socket [6], new socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644150.731636471]: Adding tcp socket [10] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644150.731707856]: TCPROS received a connection from [] [DEBUG] [1367644150.731777155]: Connection: Creating ServiceClientLink for service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] connected to [callerid=[/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 10]]] [DEBUG] [1367644150.731824915]: Service client [/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet] wants service [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] with md5sum [8cfbf33bf3fbd4c54a833f6e2b105331] [DEBUG] [1367644150.732116317]: Attempting to create managed instance for class jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering. [DEBUG] [1367644150.732169179]: Class jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering maps to library lib/libjsk_pcl_ros_unreleased in classesavailable. [DEBUG] [1367644150.807513193]: Iterating through all possible paths where lib/libjsk_pcl_ros_unreleased could be located... [DEBUG] [1367644150.807586546]: Checking path /opt/ros/groovy/lib/lib/libjsk_pcl_ros_unreleased.so [DEBUG] [1367644150.807626234]: Checking path /opt/ros/groovy/lib//libjsk_pcl_ros_unreleased.so [DEBUG] [1367644150.807707025]: Checking path /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg-unreleased/jsk_vision/jsk_pcl_ros_unreleased/lib/libjsk_pcl_ros_unreleased.so [DEBUG] [1367644150.807808320]: Checking path /home/applications/ros/groovy/jsk-ros-pkg-unreleased/jsk_vision/jsk_pcl_ros_unreleased//libjsk_pcl_ros_unreleased.so [DEBUG] [1367644150.807865185]: No path could be found to the library containing jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering. [ERROR] [1367644150.808086108]: Failed to load nodelet [/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet] of type [jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering]: Could not find library corresponding to plugin jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

[DEBUG] [1367644150.808348543]: TCP socket [10] closed

[DEBUG] [1367644150.808542254]: Service client from [callerid=[/euclidean_cluster_extraction] address=[TCPROS connection to [pr1040:60376 on socket 10]]] for [/euclidean_cluster_extraction/load_nodelet] dropped [FATAL] [1367644150.808612804]: Service call failed! [DEBUG] [1367644150.808735699]: TCP socket [10] closed [DEBUG] [1367644151.017975091]: Accepted connection on socket [6], new socket [10] [DEBUG] [1367644151.018050529]: Adding tcp socket [10] to pollset [DEBUG] [1367644151.018094192]: TCPROS received a connection from [] [DEBUG] [1367644151.018169555]: Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/rosout] connected to [callerid=[/rosout] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 10]]] [euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet-2] process has died [pid 6092, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/lib/nodelet/nodelet load jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering euclidean_cluster_extraction __name:=euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet __log:=/home/applications/.ros/log/b121f128-b3bc-11e2-96e6-001517ebc305/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet-2.log]. log file: /home/applications/.ros/log/b121f128-b3bc-11e2-96e6-001517ebc305/euclidean_cluster_extractionnodelet-2.log