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[pr1040] EtherCATのNICでrx errorが多くサーボが入らない #1671

Open Kanazawanaoaki opened 1 year ago

Kanazawanaoaki commented 1 year ago

pr1040でサーボが入らなくなる(入ってもガクガクする)問題が発生し,原因を調べた所,https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/794 と同じようにrx errorが多くなっていました.


pr1040が暫くaudible warningでrealtime loopについて喋っていたのでサーボを入れてみたが入らなかった.(realtime loopのwarningは一度サーボを入れると無くなるという情報有り?要出典調査)

sudo tail /var/log/upstart/jsk-pr2-startup.log  -n 1000000 | grep warn

のログをみると2022/10/15 14:36:54 あたりから

[INFO] [1665812214.234336] [/audible_warning:rosout]: audible warning error name "/Realtime Controllers/Realtime Control Loop"
[INFO] [1665812214.234614] [/audible_warning:rosout]: audible warning talking: error. realtime controllers realtime control loop halting, realtime loop only ran at 701.6667 hz


rqt_pr2_dashboardを見ると,モーターではパケットドロップしていないがMasterではドロップしている. Screenshot from 2022-10-15 18-37-07 (時々 “Could not collect WG0X diagnostics” のようなメッセージも出ている)


readMailboxInternal : [43mERROR[0m asking for read repeat after dropping 1 packets

が出ている.これを検索すると以下のpr1012でのEtherCATのNICでrx errorが多いというissueがhit. https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/794 issueを見るとこれ自体はサーボが入らなくなる様なエラーでは無い気がするが,issueで出てきているethtool -S ecat0を試してみるとrx_errorsが多かった.

root@pr1040:~# ethtool -S ecat0
NIC statistics:
     rx_packets: 197312038
     tx_packets: 197434613
     rx_bytes: 168553767856
     tx_bytes: 168697398371
     rx_broadcast: 197312038
     tx_broadcast: 197434595
     rx_multicast: 0
     tx_multicast: 18
     rx_errors: 230816
     tx_errors: 0
     tx_dropped: 0
     multicast: 0
     collisions: 0
     rx_length_errors: 0
     rx_over_errors: 0
     rx_crc_errors: 115423
     rx_frame_errors: 115393
     rx_no_buffer_count: 0
     rx_missed_errors: 0
     tx_aborted_errors: 0
     tx_carrier_errors: 0
     tx_fifo_errors: 0
     tx_heartbeat_errors: 0
     tx_window_errors: 0
     tx_abort_late_coll: 0
     tx_deferred_ok: 0
     tx_single_coll_ok: 0
     tx_multi_coll_ok: 0
     tx_timeout_count: 0
     tx_restart_queue: 0
     rx_long_length_errors: 0
     rx_short_length_errors: 0
     rx_align_errors: 115393
     tx_tcp_seg_good: 0
     tx_tcp_seg_failed: 0
     rx_flow_control_xon: 0
     rx_flow_control_xoff: 0
     tx_flow_control_xon: 0
     tx_flow_control_xoff: 0
     rx_csum_offload_good: 0
     rx_csum_offload_errors: 0
     rx_header_split: 0
     alloc_rx_buff_failed: 0
     tx_smbus: 0
     rx_smbus: 0
     dropped_smbus: 0
     rx_dma_failed: 0
     tx_dma_failed: 0
     rx_hwtstamp_cleared: 0
     uncorr_ecc_errors: 0
     corr_ecc_errors: 0
     tx_hwtstamp_timeouts: 0
     tx_hwtstamp_skipped: 0

issueで報告されているpr1040の値は rx_errors: 4 なのでとても多くなっている.

rx_errorsをcountするscriptで確認.出力されたcsvファイルを見ると,l_elbow_flex_motorのRX Error Port 1の値が大きく,上昇もしているので怪しい.

/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) - RX Error Port 1




復活した後のrx_errorのcsvを見ると,l_elbow_flex_motorのRX Error Port 1の値は固定値で上がっていない,やはりこれが今回の原因なのか?

/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) - RX Error Port 1


Kanazawanaoaki commented 1 year ago






audible warningrealtime controllers realtime control loop realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.; が出ている.

2022年の9月に入ってからpr1040でRealtime loopが遅くなり audible warning で以下のようなwarningが出ることが報告されるようになった.https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/1623

[INFO] [1664417978.378555] [/audible_warning:rosout]: audible warning talking: error. realtime controllers realtime control loop halting, realtime loop only ran at 740.0000 hz

さらにrealtime controllers realtime control loop realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.; が同時に表示されていることがある.

[INFO] [1665932713.034740] [/audible_warning:rosout]: audible warning talking: error. realtime controllers realtime control loop realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.; halting, realtime loop only ran at 740.0000 hz

このようなwarningの場合はサーボを入れるとwarningが出なくなる(しばらくすると再発することもある)ことが報告されています https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/1623#issuecomment-1267112863 . 確かに昨日のログでも今日のログでもランストップを押してサーボを入れるとそれまで連続していたwarningが出なくなっている.
これは,https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/1623#issuecomment-1267150609 で言われているように

しかし,以下のようにrealtime loop used too much time in the last 30 secondのwarningも出ている時にランストップを入れるとサーボが入らないようである.(昨日の該当箇所のログ今日の該当箇所のログ

[INFO] [1664309197.368809] [/audible_warning:rosout]: audible warning talking: error. realtime controllers realtime control loop realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.; halting, realtime loop only ran at 740.0000 hz

これまでもhzのwarningとtoo muchのwarningが一緒に出ていたことはあるようだが,そのタイミングでサーボを入れていなかったからこの問題が発生しなかっただけ?


この情報で検索してhitしたのは以下の2つ. 詳しくみる必要があるかも.

robot.log[ERROR] [1664324590.399660822] [/realtime_loop:ros.ethercat_hardware]: Device 16 : previous port error counters less current valuesのようなエラーが出ている


readMailboxInternal : [43mERROR[0m asking for read repeat after dropping 1 packets

だけではなく,以下のエラーログも出ていた.今日のログにもDevice の番号は違うが出ていたので,これがサーボがつかない直接的な原因かもしれない.

[ERROR] [1665826174.272734993] [/realtime_loop:ros.ethercat_hardware]: Device 16 : previous port error counters less current values



EtherCATの rx error が発生している

https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/1671#issue-1410142269 でも報告した通り,rx errorが発生している時にサーボが入らなくなり,サーボが安定している時にはrx errorは増えていない.これが根本の原因の可能性もある.

$ rosrun jsk_pr2_startup diagnostics_rx_error_summarizer.py
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 208261
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Master RX Errors: 288952
[Max Device]
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 208261

Forwarded 以外の RX Error Port でみると,やはり l_elbow_flex_motor でエラーがおきているように思える.サーボが復活した時にはMasterもl_elbow_flex_motorもrx errorが上がらなくなった.


/Motors/EtherCAT Master RX Errorsが何を示しているか等は不明.RX Error Portの合計値という訳でも無い.しかしethtool -S ecat0したときのrx_crc_errorsrx_frame_errorsの値の合計がrx_errorsになっている.

 (rx_errors) = (rx_crc_errors) + (rx_frame_errors)

ちなみに関連していそうな話題としてEtherCAT Masterにおいてros wiki に載っている以下の関係式があるが RX Errorとの関連性は不明.値は微妙に一致していない...

(Dropped Packets) = (CRC Errors) + (RX Late Packet)


     rx_errors: 460752
     rx_crc_errors: 230412
     rx_frame_errors: 230340
Dropped Packets: 154664
RX Late Packet: 8
CRC Errors (Dropped Packets - RX Late Packet): 154656
Kanazawanaoaki commented 1 year ago

pr1012のrx errorを調べるとそこそこ発生している様子

/Motors/EtherCAT Device #10 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #10 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #10 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #10 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #11 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #11 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #11 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #11 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #35 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #35 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #35 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #35 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #36 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #36 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #36 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #36 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 44
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 255
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 8
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 83767
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 180355
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 2
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 24048
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 1033
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Master RX Errors: 347906
[Max Device]
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 180355



realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.;が発生していたlogは


Device 27 : previous port error counters less current valuesのエラーが発生していたlogは





realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.;が発生していたlogは


Device 27 : previous port error counters less current valuesのエラーが発生していたlogは



Kanazawanaoaki commented 1 year ago


/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 92621
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 362
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Master RX Errors: 270586
[Max Device]
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 92621

実際に,今調べてみると,l_elbow_flex_motorl_forearm_roll_motorでRX Errorが発生していることを確認しました.今後の予定ですが,本格的に直すにはここの接続をバイパスしてチェックしてみるとかが必要になるかもしれません. cc. @knorth55

Kanazawanaoaki commented 1 year ago


audible warningrealtime controllers realtime control loop realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.; が出ている.

[INFO] [1666323521.378856] [/audible_warning:rosout]: audible warning talking: error. realtime controllers realtime control loop realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.; halting, realtime loop only ran at 735.0000 hz

というaudible_warningを喋っていたので,確認の為にRun Stopをonにした所,やはりサーボが上手くつかずガクガクする状態になりました.

~robot.log[ERROR] [1664324590.399660822] [/realtime_loop:ros.ethercat_hardware]: Device 16 : previous port error counters less current valuesのようなエラーが出ている~


readMailboxInternal : ERROR asking for read repeat after dropping 1 packets

のログは出ていましたが,https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/1671#issuecomment-1280037795 で報告していた[/realtime_loop:ros.ethercat_hardware]: Device 16 : previous port error counters less current valuesのエラーは出ていませんでした.このエラーは本件とは直接は関係しないエラーのかも知れません.

EtherCATの rx error が発生している

rx_errorを確認すると今度は,l_forearm_roll_motorでのみ発生していて,サーボが落ちている(or ガクガクしている)時には値が増えていきました.

/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #00 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #01 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #15 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 2: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device #16 (WG014) RX Error Port 3: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 9120
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (led_projector) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_gripper_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 0: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) RX Error Port 1: 0
/Motors/EtherCAT Master RX Errors: 10295
[Devices with errors]
/Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 9120


EtherCAT Master Dropped Packets: 5578
EtherCAT Master RX Late Packet: 0
EtherCAT Master CRC Errors (Dropped Packets - RX Late Packet): 5578
EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_gripper_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_gripper_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor) Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor) Drops: 0


Kanazawanaoaki commented 9 months ago

同じような問題が現在も発生していて, https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/794 と同じように,

clearReadMailbox : WARN read mbx contained garbage data


EtherCAT Master Dropped Packets: 4893961
EtherCAT Master RX Late Packet: 0
EtherCAT Device (br_caster_r_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (br_caster_l_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (br_caster_rotation_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_l_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_rotation_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_r_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_l_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (bl_caster_rotation_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_r_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_l_wheel_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (fr_caster_rotation_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (torso_lift_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_pan_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_shoulder_lift_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_upper_arm_roll_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor)Drops: 10153
EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_l_motor)Drops: 10153
EtherCAT Device (l_wrist_r_motor)Drops: 10153
EtherCAT Device (l_gripper_motor)Drops: 10153
EtherCAT Device (head_pan_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_pan_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_shoulder_lift_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_upper_arm_roll_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_elbow_flex_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_forearm_roll_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_l_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_wrist_r_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (r_gripper_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (head_tilt_motor)Drops: 0
EtherCAT Device (laser_tilt_mount_motor)Drops: 0
[Devices with errors]
1696574170 : /Motors/EtherCAT Device (fl_caster_r_wheel_motor) RX Error Port 1: 2
1696574170 : /Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_elbow_flex_motor) RX Error Port 1: 167859
1696574170 : /Motors/EtherCAT Device (l_forearm_roll_motor) RX Error Port 0: 704


k-okada commented 9 months ago



Kanazawanaoaki commented 9 months ago

一年前にも同じような状態で緊急ではないということで何もしていないのでNoで, スリップリングの換えは機械加工すれば使えるものがあるので交換するか,スリップリングを飛ばして直接ボード同士をケーブルを時期をみてやって様子をみることになるかと思います.

k-okada commented 9 months ago



が先にやって、動くならスリップリングが問題なので加工するのが正解じゃないでしょうか? eus経由で動かしていれば、意図的にプログラム書かなければ無限回転しないはずなので、安全見て長めのケーブルでつないでみましょう。

◉ Kei Okada

2023年10月6日(金) 15:53 Naoaki Kanazawa @.***>:



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