jsk-ros-pkg / jsk_robot

73 stars 97 forks source link

[jsk_pepper_robot] jsk_pepper_startup.launchの立ち上がりが遅いか, 立ち上がらないことがある #567

Closed kochigami closed 8 years ago

kochigami commented 8 years ago

roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launchを実行した時,中に含まれるnaoqi_driver/launch/naoqi_driver.launchの立ち上がりが遅い時がある.(またはnaoqi_dashboardのノードが落ちて,naoqi_driver.launchも上がらないこともある (ログは取り忘れ))

可能性は, 起動直後 or AutonomousLifeがsolitaryかinteractive ではないか. 分かったらこのissueを閉じる.

roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launchの実行結果

ここで止まる### で止まる(naoqi_driverの立ち上がる前の部分)

 roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launch network_interface:=eth1
... logging to /home/kochigami/.ros/log/199232b6-e98b-11e5-8619-bc5ff4fcfea0/roslaunch-kochigami-desktop-26517.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/kochigami/.ros/log] is over 1GB.
It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.

started roslaunch server


 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/

 * /image_saver/filename_format: /tmp/pepper_camer...
 * /image_saver/save_all_image: False
 * /joy_node/autorepeat_rate: 20
 * /joy_node/deadzone: 0.3
 * /joy_node/dev: /dev/input/js0
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/discard_stale: True
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/find_and_remove_prefix: joy_node
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/path: Joystick
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_comp...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/path: Computer
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_joints:
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/path: Joints
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_batt...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/path: Power System
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/path: NAOqi
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/find_and_remove_prefix: tf_monitor:
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/path: TF
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/joint_names: ['Body']
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 1.39, ...
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/time_from_start: 1.5
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/joint_names: ['Body']
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/time_from_start: 1.5
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/xap: /home/kochigami/c...
 * /robot/name: dhcp41
 * /robot/type: pepper
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.16
 * /teleop_twist_joy/axis_angular/yaw: 3
 * /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear/x: 1.0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear/y: 0.0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/enable_button: 4
 * /teleop_twist_joy/enable_turbo_button: 0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_angular/yaw: 1.0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_augular_turbo/yaw: 1.5
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear/x: 0.7
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear/y: 0.7
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo/x: 1.5
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo/y: 1.5

    image_saver (image_view/image_saver)
    joy_client (jsk_pepper_startup/joy-client.l)
    joy_node (joy/joy_node)
    naoqi_dashboard (naoqi_dashboard/naoqi_dashboard)
    naoqi_dashboard_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
    pepper_twitter (jsk_pepper_startup/tweet.l)
    teleop_twist_joy (teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node)
    tf_monitor (diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py)
    tweet (rostwitter/tweet.py)
    pose_controller (naoqi_pose/pose_controller.py)
    pose_manager (naoqi_pose/pose_manager.py)
    naoqi_driver (naoqi_driver/naoqi_driver_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [28653]

setting /run_id to 199232b6-e98b-11e5-8619-bc5ff4fcfea0
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [29498]
started core service [/rosout]
process[pepper_robot/naoqi_driver-2]: started with pid [29566]
process[pepper_robot/pose/pose_controller-3]: started with pid [29573]
process[pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager-4]: started with pid [29588]
process[joy_node-5]: started with pid [29596]
process[teleop_twist_joy-6]: started with pid [29597]
process[pepper_twitter-7]: started with pid [29631]
process[tweet-8]: started with pid [29657]
[ERROR] [1457921935.273256443]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second.
process[image_saver-9]: started with pid [29672]
process[naoqi_dashboard-10]: started with pid [29680]
Receiving information about robot model
process[tf_monitor-11]: started with pid [29690]
process[naoqi_dashboard_aggregator-12]: started with pid [29706]
[W] 29566 qimessaging.remoteobject: Return signature might be incorrect depending on the value, from m to s
process[joy_client-13]: started with pid [29720]
configuring by "/opt/ros/indigo/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus//lib/eusrt.l"
;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus ;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem ;; Xtext ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin [W] 29566 qimessaging.remoteobject: Return signature might be incorrect depending on the value, from m to [[m]]

connected to Xserver DISPLAY=:0
set prefix successfully to 
[I] 29566 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp://
[I] 29566 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[I] 29566 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
configuring by "/opt/ros/indigo/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus//lib/eusrt.l"
;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants X events are being asynchronously monitored.
;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; pbmfile ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel using ip address: @ eth1
;; trans ;; comp ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign ;; builtins ;; par ;; gldecl ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; glconst ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; Xeus ;; gluforeign ;; glxconst ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview ;; Xevent ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem irtmath ;; Xtext irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin pgsql 
connected to Xserver DISPLAY=:0
found a catkin prefix /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/boot_config.json
load boot config from /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/boot_config.json
irtgeo euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel X events are being asynchronously monitored.
;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage irtdyna ;; pbmfile ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign irtrobot irtsensor ;; gldecl irtbvh ;; glconst irtcollada irtpointcloud irtx ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign ;; glxconst eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb 
;; extending gcstack 0x4d9ade0[16374] --> 0x51f8f10[32748] top=3c6d
;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph pgsql irtgl [INFO] [WallTime: 1457921935.578486] Connecting to NaoQi at
irtgeo euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel irtviewer [I] 29573 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp://
[I] 29573 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[I] 29573 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://

EusLisp 9.16( 1.0.11) for Linux64 created on host04.storm.ros.org(Wed Nov 11 00:20:12 UTC 2015)
irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor irtbvh roseus ;; loading roseus("") on euslisp((9.16 host04.storm.ros.org Wed Nov 11 00:20:12 UTC 2015  1.0.11))
irtcollada irtpointcloud eustf irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb 
;; extending gcstack 0x63c0de0[16374] --> 0x681ef10[32748] top=3c6d
irtgl irtviewer 
EusLisp 9.16( 1.0.11) for Linux64 created on host04.storm.ros.org(Wed Nov 11 00:20:12 UTC 2015)
roseus ;; loading roseus("") on euslisp((9.16 host04.storm.ros.org Wed Nov 11 00:20:12 UTC 2015  1.0.11))
eustf [WARN] [WallTime: 1457921935.735097] Collection LLeg not found on your robot.
[WARN] [WallTime: 1457921935.738326] Collection RLeg not found on your robot.
roseus_c_util roseus_c_util [INFO] [WallTime: 1457921935.892863] nao_controller initialized
[INFO] [WallTime: 1457921935.893285] nao pose_controller running...
[WARN] [WallTime: 1457921937.955987] stop_walk_srv not available, pose_manager will not stop the walker before executing a trajectory. This is normal if there is no nao_walker running.
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1457921951.099293] /tweet /tmp/pepper_camera.png could not find  ###ここで止まる###
no camera information found for camera_source 3 and res: 1 ###naoqi_driverの立ち上げに関するところ###
found a catkin URDF /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/urdf/pepper.urdf
Audio Extractor: Start
ROS-Driver-RightBumperPressed : Start
ROS-Driver-FrontTactilTouched : Start
ROS-Driver-HandRightBackTouched : Start
registered subscriber:  teleop
registered subscriber:  moveto
registered subscriber:  speech
registered subscriber:  animated_speech
nodehandle reset 
using master ip:
NOT going to re-register the converters
camera/bottom/image_raw is resetting
camera/bottom/image_raw reset
camera/depth/image_raw is resetting
camera/depth/image_raw reset
/diagnostics is resetting
/diagnostics reset
camera/front/image_raw is resetting
camera/front/image_raw reset
imu/base is resetting
imu/base reset
imu/torso is resetting
imu/torso reset
info is resetting
load robot description from file
info reset
camera/ir/image_raw is resetting
camera/ir/image_raw reset
/joint_states is resetting
/joint_states reset
laser is resetting
laser reset
/rosout is resetting
/rosout reset
sonar is resetting
sonar reset
resetting subscriber teleop
teleop is resetting
teleop reset
resetting subscriber moveto
moveto is resetting
moveto reset
resetting subscriber speech
speech is resetting
speech reset
resetting subscriber animated_speech
animated_speech is resetting
animated_speech reset
resetting service robot config service
robot config service is resetting
kochigami commented 8 years ago

I think it's different from the problem mentioned above. This time roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launch sometimes fails. I use ubuntu 14.04, ros indigo, naoqi_driver from source (master branch , top commit is "0.5.8" )

I think this part is problem.

[WARN] [WallTime: 1464073031.515735] unable to communicate with ROS Master, registrations are now out of sync
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py", line 185, in <module>
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 245, in update
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 320, in _check_diagnostic_period
    self.period = rospy.get_param("~diagnostic_period", 1)
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/client.py", line 462, in get_param
    return _param_server[param_name] #MasterProxy does all the magic for us
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/msproxy.py", line 121, in __getitem__
    code, msg, value = self.target.getParam(rospy.names.get_caller_id(), resolved_key)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1233, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1587, in __request
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1273, in request
    return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1301, in single_request
    self.send_content(h, request_body)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1448, in send_content
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 975, in endheaders
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 835, in _send_output
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 797, in send
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 778, in connect
    self.timeout, self.source_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection
    raise err
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
[tf_monitor-10] process has died [pid 27185, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py __name:=tf_monitor __log:=/home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10.log].
log file: /home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10*.log

All launching message is below.

roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launch network_interface:=eth1
... logging to /home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/roslaunch-kochigami-desktop-27099.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/kochigami/.ros/log] is over 1GB.
It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.

started roslaunch server


 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/

 * /image_saver/filename_format: /tmp/pepper_camer...
 * /image_saver/save_all_image: False
 * /joy_node/autorepeat_rate: 20
 * /joy_node/deadzone: 0.3
 * /joy_node/dev: /dev/input/js0
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/discard_stale: True
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/find_and_remove_prefix: joy_node
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/path: Joystick
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_comp...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/path: Computer
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_joints:
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/path: Joints
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_batt...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/path: Power System
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/path: NAOqi
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/find_and_remove_prefix: tf_monitor:
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/path: TF
 * /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/joint_names: ['Body']
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 1.39, ...
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/time_from_start: 1.5
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/joint_names: ['Body']
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/time_from_start: 1.5
 * /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/xap: /home/kochigami/c...
 * /robot/name: dhcp87
 * /robot/type: pepper
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.19
 * /teleop_twist_joy/axis_angular/yaw: 3
 * /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear/x: 1.0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear/y: 0.0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/enable_button: 4
 * /teleop_twist_joy/enable_turbo_button: 0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_angular/yaw: 1.0
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_augular_turbo/yaw: 1.5
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear/x: 0.7
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear/y: 0.7
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo/x: 1.5
 * /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo/y: 1.5

    image_saver (image_view/image_saver)
    joy_client (jsk_pepper_startup/joy-client.l)
    joy_node (joy/joy_node)
    naoqi_dashboard (naoqi_dashboard/naoqi_dashboard)
    naoqi_dashboard_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
    pepper_twitter (jsk_pepper_startup/tweet.l)
    teleop_twist_joy (teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node)
    tf_monitor (diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py)
    tweet (rostwitter/tweet.py)
    pose_controller (naoqi_pose/pose_controller.py)
    pose_manager (naoqi_pose/pose_manager.py)
    naoqi_driver (naoqi_driver/naoqi_driver_node)


core service [/rosout] found
process[pepper_robot/naoqi_driver-1]: started with pid [27123]
process[pepper_robot/pose/pose_controller-2]: started with pid [27124]
process[pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager-3]: started with pid [27125]
process[joy_node-4]: started with pid [27126]
process[teleop_twist_joy-5]: started with pid [27127]
process[pepper_twitter-6]: started with pid [27135]
process[tweet-7]: started with pid [27151]
process[image_saver-8]: started with pid [27161]
[ERROR] [1464072921.579928041]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second.
process[naoqi_dashboard-9]: started with pid [27180]
Receiving information about robot model
process[tf_monitor-10]: started with pid [27185]
process[naoqi_dashboard_aggregator-11]: started with pid [27198]
[W] 27123 qimessaging.remoteobject: Return signature might be incorrect depending on the value, from m to s
process[joy_client-12]: started with pid [27210]
configuring by "/opt/ros/indigo/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus//lib/eusrt.l"
;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus [W] 27123 qimessaging.remoteobject: Return signature might be incorrect depending on the value, from m to [[m]]
;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem set prefix successfully to 
[I] 27123 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp://
;; Xtext [I] 27123 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[I] 27123 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin using ip address: @ eth1

connected to Xserver DISPLAY=:0
configuring by "/opt/ros/indigo/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus//lib/eusrt.l"
;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins X events are being asynchronously monitored.
;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; pbmfile ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; gldecl ;; glconst ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign ;; glxconst ;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem ;; Xtext ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph 
connected to Xserver DISPLAY=:0
pgsql X events are being asynchronously monitored.
;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage found a catkin prefix /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/boot_config.json
load boot config from /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/boot_config.json
;; pbmfile irtgeo ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel ;; gldecl ;; glconst irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign irtbvh ;; glxconst ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview irtcollada ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtpointcloud irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb 
;; extending gcstack 0x583cde0[16374] --> 0x5c9af10[32748] top=3c7e
pgsql irtgl irtgeo euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel irtviewer 
EusLisp 9.19( 1.0.12) for Linux64 created on ip-172-31-15-39(Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016)
irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor irtbvh roseus ;; loading roseus("") on euslisp((9.19 ip-172-31-15-39 Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016  1.0.12))
irtcollada irtpointcloud irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb eustf 
;; extending gcstack 0x599ade0[16374] --> 0x5df8f10[32748] top=3c7e
irtgl irtviewer 
EusLisp 9.19( 1.0.12) for Linux64 created on ip-172-31-15-39(Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016)
roseus ;; loading roseus("") on euslisp((9.19 ip-172-31-15-39 Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016  1.0.12))
[INFO] [WallTime: 1464072922.065954] Connecting to NaoQi at
eustf [I] 27124 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp://
[I] 27124 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[I] 27124 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
roseus_c_util [WARN] [WallTime: 1464072922.200799] Collection LLeg not found on your robot.
[WARN] [WallTime: 1464072922.212013] Collection RLeg not found on your robot.
roseus_c_util [INFO] [WallTime: 1464072922.334406] nao_controller initialized
[INFO] [WallTime: 1464072922.334849] nao pose_controller running...
no camera information found for camera_source 3 and res: 1
found a catkin URDF /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/urdf/pepper.urdf
Audio Extractor: Start
ROS-Driver-RightBumperPressed : Start
ROS-Driver-FrontTactilTouched : Start
registered subscriber:  teleop
registered subscriber:  moveto
registered subscriber:  speech
nodehandle reset 
using master ip:
NOT going to re-register the converters
camera/bottom/image_raw is resetting
camera/bottom/image_raw reset
camera/depth/image_raw is resetting
camera/depth/image_raw reset
/diagnostics is resetting
/diagnostics reset
camera/front/image_raw is resetting
camera/front/image_raw reset
imu/base is resetting
imu/base reset
imu/torso is resetting
imu/torso reset
info is resetting
load robot description from file
info reset
camera/ir/image_raw is resetting
camera/ir/image_raw reset
/joint_states is resetting
/joint_states reset
laser is resetting
laser reset
/rosout is resetting
/rosout reset
sonar is resetting
sonar reset
resetting subscriber teleop
teleop is resetting
teleop reset
resetting subscriber moveto
moveto is resetting
moveto reset
resetting subscriber speech
speech is resetting
speech reset
resetting service robot config service
robot config service is resetting
resetting service speech recognition service
speech recognition service is resetting
resetting service speech recognition service
speech recognition service is resetting
[WARN] [WallTime: 1464072924.441360] stop_walk_srv not available, pose_manager will not stop the walker before executing a trajectory. This is normal if there is no nao_walker running.
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1464072938.197565] /tweet /tmp/pepper_camera.png could not find
[WARN] [WallTime: 1464073031.515735] unable to communicate with ROS Master, registrations are now out of sync
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py", line 185, in <module>
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 245, in update
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 320, in _check_diagnostic_period
    self.period = rospy.get_param("~diagnostic_period", 1)
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/client.py", line 462, in get_param
    return _param_server[param_name] #MasterProxy does all the magic for us
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/msproxy.py", line 121, in __getitem__
    code, msg, value = self.target.getParam(rospy.names.get_caller_id(), resolved_key)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1233, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1587, in __request
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1273, in request
    return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1301, in single_request
    self.send_content(h, request_body)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1448, in send_content
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 975, in endheaders
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 835, in _send_output
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 797, in send
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 778, in connect
    self.timeout, self.source_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection
    raise err
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
[tf_monitor-10] process has died [pid 27185, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py __name:=tf_monitor __log:=/home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10.log].
log file: /home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10*.log
k-okada commented 8 years ago

please make sure that you do not have existing roscore service (ps -auxwww | grep rosmaster or reboot) and run again, if it does not help, please provide following information

env | grep ROS
cat /etc/hosts
ifconfig -a

◉ Kei Okada

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Kanae Kochigami notifications@github.com wrote:

I think it's different from the problem mentioned above: roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launch sometimes fails. I use ubuntu 14.04, ros indigo, naoqi_driver from source (master branch , top commit is "0.5.8" )

  • yesterday I updated my naoqi_driver package
  • I have to wait for a long time before launching my other programs?

    my created programs do bad things on jsk_pepper_startup? (<=> after

    trying three times, my programs seem to work properly.)

    see commits of naoqi_driver

  • wait for a while and then launching my other programs
  • check topic names of my programs

I think this part is problem.

[WARN] [WallTime: 1464073031.515735] unable to communicate with ROS Master, registrations are now out of sync Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py", line 185, in diag_updater.update() File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 245, in update self._check_diagnostic_period() File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 320, in _check_diagnostic_period self.period = rospy.get_param("~diagnostic_period", 1) File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/client.py", line 462, in get_param return _param_server[param_name] #MasterProxy does all the magic for us File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/msproxy.py", line 121, in getitem code, msg, value = self.target.getParam(rospy.names.get_caller_id(), resolved_key) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1233, in call return self.send(self.name, args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1587, in request verbose=self.verbose File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1273, in request return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1301, in single_request self.send_content(h, request_body) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1448, in send_content connection.endheaders(request_body) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 975, in endheaders self._send_output(message_body) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 835, in _send_output self.send(msg) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 797, in send self.connect() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 778, in connect self.timeout, self.source_address) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection raise err socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [tf_monitor-10] process has died [pid 27185, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py __name:=tf_monitor __log:=/home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10.log]. log file: /home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10*.log

All launching message is below.

roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_startup.launch network_interface:=eth1 ... logging to /home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/roslaunch-kochigami-desktop-27099.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/kochigami/.ros/log] is over 1GB. It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.

started roslaunch server



  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/


  • /image_saver/filename_format: /tmp/pepper_camer...
  • /image_saver/save_all_image: False
  • /joy_node/autorepeat_rate: 20
  • /joy_node/deadzone: 0.3
  • /joy_node/dev: /dev/input/js0
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/discard_stale: True
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/find_and_remove_prefix: joy_node
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/path: Joystick
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/joystick/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_comp...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/path: Computer
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Computer/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_joints:
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/path: Joints
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/Joints/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/find_and_remove_prefix: naoqi_driver_batt...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/path: Power System
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/analyzers/PowerSystem/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/path: NAOqi
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/naoqi/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/find_and_remove_prefix: tf_monitor:
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/path: TF
  • /naoqi_dashboard_aggregator/analyzers/tf/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/joint_names: ['Body']
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 1.39, ...
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/init/time_from_start: 1.5
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/joint_names: ['Body']
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/poses/zero/time_from_start: 1.5
  • /pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager/xap: /home/kochigami/c...
  • /robot/name: dhcp87
  • /robot/type: pepper
  • /rosdistro: indigo
  • /rosversion: 1.11.19
  • /teleop_twist_joy/axis_angular/yaw: 3
  • /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear/x: 1.0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear/y: 0.0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/enable_button: 4
  • /teleop_twist_joy/enable_turbo_button: 0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_angular/yaw: 1.0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_augular_turbo/yaw: 1.5
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear/x: 0.7
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear/y: 0.7
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo/x: 1.5
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo/y: 1.5

NODES / image_saver (image_view/image_saver) joy_client (jsk_pepper_startup/joy-client.l) joy_node (joy/joy_node) naoqi_dashboard (naoqi_dashboard/naoqi_dashboard) naoqi_dashboard_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node) pepper_twitter (jsk_pepper_startup/tweet.l) teleop_twist_joy (teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node) tf_monitor (diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py) tweet (rostwitter/tweet.py) /pepper_robot/pose/ pose_controller (naoqi_pose/pose_controller.py) pose_manager (naoqi_pose/pose_manager.py) /pepper_robot/ naoqi_driver (naoqi_driver/naoqi_driver_node)


core service [/rosout] found process[pepper_robot/naoqi_driver-1]: started with pid [27123] process[pepper_robot/pose/pose_controller-2]: started with pid [27124] process[pepper_robot/pose/pose_manager-3]: started with pid [27125] process[joy_node-4]: started with pid [27126] process[teleop_twist_joy-5]: started with pid [27127] process[pepper_twitter-6]: started with pid [27135] process[tweet-7]: started with pid [27151] process[image_saver-8]: started with pid [27161] [ERROR] [1464072921.579928041]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second. process[naoqi_dashboard-9]: started with pid [27180] Receiving information about robot model process[tf_monitor-10]: started with pid [27185] process[naoqi_dashboard_aggregator-11]: started with pid [27198] [W] 27123 qimessaging.remoteobject: Return signature might be incorrect depending on the value, from m to s process[joy_client-12]: started with pid [27210] configuring by "/opt/ros/indigo/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus//lib/eusrt.l" ;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus [W] 27123 qimessaging.remoteobject: Return signature might be incorrect depending on the value, from m to [[m]] ;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem set prefix successfully to [I] 27123 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp:// ;; Xtext [I] 27123 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [I] 27123 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin using ip address: @ eth1

connected to Xserver DISPLAY=:0 configuring by "/opt/ros/indigo/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus//lib/eusrt.l" ;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins X events are being asynchronously monitored. ;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; pbmfile ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; gldecl ;; glconst ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign ;; glxconst ;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem ;; Xtext ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph connected to Xserver DISPLAY=:0 pgsql X events are being asynchronously monitored. ;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage found a catkin prefix /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/boot_config.json load boot config from /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/boot_config.json ;; pbmfile irtgeo ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel ;; gldecl ;; glconst irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign irtbvh ;; glxconst ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview irtcollada ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtpointcloud irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb ;; extending gcstack 0x583cde0[16374] --> 0x5c9af10[32748] top=3c7e pgsql irtgl irtgeo euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel irtviewer EusLisp 9.19( 1.0.12) for Linux64 created on ip-172-31-15-39(Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016) irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor irtbvh roseus ;; loading roseus("") on euslisp((9.19 ip-172-31-15-39 Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016 1.0.12)) irtcollada irtpointcloud irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb eustf ;; extending gcstack 0x599ade0[16374] --> 0x5df8f10[32748] top=3c7e irtgl irtviewer EusLisp 9.19( 1.0.12) for Linux64 created on ip-172-31-15-39(Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016) roseus ;; loading roseus("") on euslisp((9.19 ip-172-31-15-39 Thu May 5 01:33:05 PDT 2016 1.0.12)) [INFO] [WallTime: 1464072922.065954] Connecting to NaoQi at eustf [I] 27124 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp:// [I] 27124 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [I] 27124 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// roseus_c_util [WARN] [WallTime: 1464072922.200799] Collection LLeg not found on your robot. [WARN] [WallTime: 1464072922.212013] Collection RLeg not found on your robot. roseus_c_util [INFO] [WallTime: 1464072922.334406] nao_controller initialized [INFO] [WallTime: 1464072922.334849] nao pose_controller running... no camera information found for camera_source 3 and res: 1 found a catkin URDF /home/kochigami/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver/share/urdf/pepper.urdf Audio Extractor: Start RightBumperPressed LeftBumperPressed BackBumperPressed ROS-Driver-RightBumperPressed : Start FrontTactilTouched MiddleTactilTouched RearTactilTouched ROS-Driver-FrontTactilTouched : Start registered subscriber: teleop registered subscriber: moveto registered subscriber: speech nodehandle reset using master ip: NOT going to re-register the converters camera/bottom/image_raw is resetting camera/bottom/image_raw reset camera/depth/image_raw is resetting camera/depth/image_raw reset /diagnostics is resetting /diagnostics reset camera/front/image_raw is resetting camera/front/image_raw reset imu/base is resetting imu/base reset imu/torso is resetting imu/torso reset info is resetting load robot description from file info reset camera/ir/image_raw is resetting camera/ir/image_raw reset /joint_states is resetting /joint_states reset laser is resetting laser reset /rosout is resetting /rosout reset sonar is resetting sonar reset resetting subscriber teleop teleop is resetting teleop reset resetting subscriber moveto moveto is resetting moveto reset resetting subscriber speech speech is resetting speech reset resetting service robot config service robot config service is resetting resetting service speech recognition service speech recognition service is resetting resetting service speech recognition service speech recognition service is resetting [WARN] [WallTime: 1464072924.441360] stop_walk_srv not available, pose_manager will not stop the walker before executing a trajectory. This is normal if there is no nao_walker running. [ERROR] [WallTime: 1464072938.197565] /tweet /tmp/pepper_camera.png could not find [WARN] [WallTime: 1464073031.515735] unable to communicate with ROS Master, registrations are now out of sync Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py", line 185, in diag_updater.update() File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 245, in update self._check_diagnostic_period() File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diagnostic_updater/_diagnostic_updater.py", line 320, in _check_diagnostic_period self.period = rospy.get_param("~diagnostic_period", 1) File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/client.py", line 462, in get_param return _param_server[param_name] #MasterProxy does all the magic for us File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/msproxy.py", line 121, in getitem code, msg, value = self.target.getParam(rospy.names.get_caller_id(), resolved_key) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1233, in call return self.send(self.name, args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1587, in request verbose=self.verbose File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1273, in request return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1301, in single_request self.send_content(h, request_body) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1448, in send_content connection.endheaders(request_body) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 975, in endheaders self._send_output(message_body) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 835, in _send_output self.send(msg) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 797, in send self.connect() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 778, in connect self.timeout, self.source_address) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection raise err socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [tf_monitor-10] process has died [pid 27185, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/diagnostic_common_diagnostics/tf_monitor.py __name:=tf_monitor __log:=/home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10.log]. log file: /home/kochigami/.ros/log/4c7438a4-217c-11e6-9d6a-bc5ff4fcfea0/tf_monitor-10*.log

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/issues/567#issuecomment-221187456

kochigami commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry for keeping this issue open for a long time. Recently, I haven't met the situation.

If the same problem occurs, I'll re-open the issue.