jsk-ros-pkg / jsk_robot

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mognodbの使い方 #667

Closed furushchev closed 7 years ago

furushchev commented 7 years ago
  1. 画像を入れる
  2. イベントを入れる
  3. 認識結果を入れる
furushchev commented 7 years ago


store message

(ros::roseus "sample_node")
(require :mongo-client "package://roseus_mongo/euslisp/mongo-client.l")

;; store event
(mongo::insert (instance jsk_demo_common::FunctionEvent :init :name "pick") :meta '((:result . "success")))

;; store result
(setq *ac* (instance ros::simple-action-client :init "awesome_recognition" ActionMsg))
(send *ac* :send-goal goal)
(mongo::insert (send *ac* :get-result))

;; store image
(ros::subscribe "image" sensor_msgs::Image
  #'(lambda (m)
       (mongo::insert m :meta '((:memo . "my awesome image")))))

see more detail: sample code

store by topic

$ rosrun jsk_pr2_startup mongodb_log.py --help
Usage: mongodb_log.py [options] [TOPICs...]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Prefix for worker node names
  --mongodb-host=HOST   Hostname of MongoDB
  --mongodb-port=PORT   Hostname of MongoDB
  --mongodb-name=NAME   Name of DB in which to store values
                        Name of Collection in which to store values. All
                        topics are stored in the collection if used this
                        option, otherwise topic names are used as collections
  -a, --all-topics      Log all existing topics (still excludes /rosout,
  -e, --regex           Log topics matching the follow regular expression
                        Time in seconds between checks for new topics
  -x REGEX, --exclude=REGEX
                        Exclude topics matching REGEX, may be given multiple
  --no-specific         Disable specific loggers
$ rosrun jsk_pr2_startup mongodb_log.py /camera/rgb/image_rect_color
furushchev commented 7 years ago


comming soon... (deprecated: https://github.com/furushchev/ros_mongo_viewer)

furushchev commented 7 years ago

Cc: @k-okada @knorth55

furushchev commented 7 years ago

@knorth55 認識結果は過去のJSKのプログラムではposedetection_msgs/ObjectDetectionというメッセージでやりとりされていて、これをロボットの位置などとともに蓄積するプログラムが、現在ではjsk_pr2_startup/jsk_pr2_lifelog/objectdetection_db.pyにあります。 PR2固有のプログラムでもないので、ドキュメントとともにjsk_robot_startup/lifelogに移そうと思っています。 https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/pull/672 マージされるまでは上リンクを見てもらえるといいと思います。

knorth55 commented 7 years ago

@furushchev ありがとうございます。参考にさせていただきます