jslegendre / AfloatX

An alternative to Afloat that lives in the dock icon menu
356 stars 12 forks source link

Why is this not using a .config/afloatx/config file?? #40

Closed aspauldingcode closed 2 months ago

aspauldingcode commented 2 months ago

This software is tedius at best. I think you need to re-write the whole functionality.

context menues inside context menus on a dock that auto-hides... these subcontext menus kill this app. UI/UX like this makes FREE software like MUSESCORE better than industry standards like AVID Sibelius.

When a user uses the software, it shouldn't be hidden behind context menus like this, and a perfect solution is a set-and-forget philosophy followed by linux/unix. This will make AFloatX better than AFloatX or AFloat ever was/has been.

just my 2 cents... k thx

aspauldingcode commented 2 months ago

Create a simple blacklist section, whitelist section, and allow users to select apps by application id. for example. com.apple.safari would select safari... I think you could make a few changes to which front-app selection is used. Maybe even make AFloatX as a CLI command. AT LEAST that way we can invoke changes without opening a freaking dock. I hate the dock... Don't make users do this.

aspauldingcode commented 2 months ago


I've solved this using my very own fork of AfloatX: https://github.com/aspauldingcode/AfloatY