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Time to drop fs-access dependency? #42

Closed ronkorving closed 5 years ago

ronkorving commented 5 years ago

I assume everybody is getting the same warning as I am:

npm WARN deprecated fs-access@2.0.0: This package is no longer relevant as Node.js 0.12 is unmaintained.

Node.js 0.12 is ancient, so maybe it's time to drop this dependency?

ljharb commented 5 years ago

Most of my personal packages support back to 0.6; I'd instead file an issue on fs-access to remove the unnecessary and unhelpful warning. 0.12 being unmaintained is irrelevant; what's relevant is that there's still people using it.

kemitchell commented 5 years ago

I personally support keeping compat as far back as possible. There’s a limit. I can’t say offhand what it is. But lots of folks working at companies need licensee more than they need to upgrade Node.

For the record: Upgrade Node.

ronkorving commented 5 years ago

Sure thing :) Thanks for clarifying.