jslicense / licensee.js

check dependency licenses against rules
Apache License 2.0
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Harmonize package-tree analysis with and without `--production` #65

Closed amonks closed 4 years ago

amonks commented 4 years ago

In #48, @nzacca and @kemitchell discussed the possibility of ignoring peer dependency errors.

@kemitchell said,

@nzacca ideally, I think licensee would succeed if it can do its job, and fail only if it can't, independent of whether other tools succeed or fail.

When npm ls encounters a peer-dependency violation or other error, it does three things:


This commit adds a flag, --ignore-npm-errors that makes licensee proceed normally with the logged result, even if npm ls exits with a non-zero code.


I'm suspect this could produce operational errors down the line, if there are cases where npm ls does not log a result to stdout.

amonks commented 4 years ago

This needs a test and maybe some cleanup (see RISK above), but I'd be happy to do those things if you're comfortable with the spirit of this change. šŸ˜„

Big fan of your blogs btw!

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

Can we ignore all npm errors that lead to nonzero exit codes, or just peer dependency errors?

A step back: Has this been an issue in the wild?

amonks commented 4 years ago


When I run npm ls --production --json in the package I'm interested in, I get errors of three forms:

npm ERR! peer dep missing: peer-package@^1.0.0, required by old-package@1.0.0
npm ERR! missing: transient-package@latest, required by rude-package@1.0.0
npm ERR! invalid: my-forked-package@1.0.0 /home/my/project/my-forked-package

In all cases, I could take steps on my end to "fix" the error, like installing different versions of packages, or forking them to have different dependency specifications. I don't want to do this. I have good integration tests and my build works fine. Licensee.js also works fine, given this patch.

One check that could be added is "does every line in stderr match a pattern that we know still produces reasonable json output?"

Another check that could be added is "does every line in stderr match some explicit user-configured whitelist pattern?"

ljharb commented 4 years ago

If it actually works with v2 but declares it needs v1, your dep graph is invalid with v2, so thatā€™s a real error - i hear that you donā€™t want to correct your dep graph, and perhaps licensee could be made to still work in that case, but it seems to me like itā€™s trying to cure the symptoms instead of the disease.

Have you tried forking old-package as well and updating its peer dep range, so that you donā€™t have to have those errors at all?

amonks commented 4 years ago

@ljharb Yes, I could make the error go away by forking old-package and rude-package. I probably even should do this.

But fundamentally, I think it is valid to ask the question "under what licenses am I using my dependencies" even if my dependency graph is invalid. These seem to me like orthogonal issues.

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

One check that could be added is "does every line in stderr match a pattern that we know still produces reasonable json output?"

Another check that could be added is "does every line in stderr match some explicit user-configured whitelist pattern?"

Do we need to look at stderr? I believe licensee currently only parses stdout

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

By the by, I think everyone here is "right". I agree with @amonks that if npm ls gives a usable tree, licensee could say whether its license meet the rules or not. But I also agree with @ljharb that we shouldn't go out of our way too far to make project problems licensee problems.

amonks commented 4 years ago

@kemitchell As far as I am aware, stderr is the only place npm ls tells us which errors happened. The change I'm thinking about is something like,

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 451ec71..9a5db0c 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -83,16 +83,26 @@ function licensee (configuration, path, callback) {
     var outputError
     var json
+    var errorIsUnworkable
     simpleConcat(child.stdout, function (error, buffer) {
       if (error) outputError = error
       else json = buffer
+    simpleConcat(child.stderr, function (error, buffer) {
+      if (error) outputError = error
+      else {
+        var errorLines = buffer.toString().split('\n')
+        if (errorLines.some(l => !errorMatchesPatternWeAreOkWith(l))) errorIsUnworkable = true
+      }
+    })
     child.once('error', function (error) {
       outputError = error
     child.once('close', function (code) {
       if (code !== 0 && !configuration.ignoreNpmErrors) {
         done(new Error('npm exited with status ' + code))
+      } else if (configuration.ignoreNpmErrors && code !== 0 && errorIsUnworkable) {
+        done(new Error('npm produced an unacceptable error and exited with status ' + code))
       } else if (outputError) {
       } else {

[edited] [untested but you get the idea]

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

How about, with the new flag enabled:

  1. Note the exit code of npm ls. If it's non-zero, report that to stderr, but don't bail.

  2. Ignore npm ls error output entirely.

  3. If we can parse the JSON output of npm ls, process it.

amonks commented 4 years ago

I'll make that change. Thanks!

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

Maybe a slightly different flag for that approach, like --with-npm-errors.

I don't mean to nitpick or micromanage. I'm just thinking about the pressure SemVer puts to get the interface/API right the first time.

amonks commented 4 years ago

I learned while testing this that I was mistaken. stderr is not the only place that npm ls reports errors. It also includes a key problems in the json printed to stdout. Since we were not going to read stderr anyway, I will also not look at the problems value. Happy to do so if you'd like, though.

  "name": "with-npm-errors",
  "problems": [
    "missing: with-invalid-dependency@^1.0.0, required by with-npm-errors@",
    "missing: mit-licensed@^1.0.0, required by with-npm-errors@"
  "dependencies": {
    "with-invalid-dependency": {
      "required": "^1.0.0",
      "missing": true
    "mit-licensed": {
      "required": "^1.0.0",
      "missing": true
amonks commented 4 years ago

I also learned that since licensee only invokes npm ls if configuration.production is set, licensee always ignores these sorts of package integrity errors without that flag.

So, with the change I've submitted, the behavior would be,

--with-npm-errors --with-npm-errors unset
--production ignore dependency graph errors fail on dependency graph errors
--production unset ignore dependency graph errors ignore dependency graph errors

currently on master, the behavior is

--production fail on dependency graph errors
--production unset ignore dependency graph errors

I think this is confusingā€”I don't know that users would expect that the production flag would have anything to do with dependency graph integrity checking. In my opinion, there are two good ways and one mediocre way to handle this:

  1. add explicit flag to check dependency graph integrity
    • add an npm ls check even with --production disabled, so licensee exits 1 if there are dependency graph errors and production is disabled
    • introduce a --with-npm-errors flag to ignore dependency graph integrity checking
  2. change --production behavior so that licensee never checks dependency graph integrity
    • introduce the behavior from this PR without a flag
  3. rename --with-npm-errors to something that is explicit that it depends on --production. I don't have a good suggestion.
kemitchell commented 4 years ago

Nice catch! Of the options you laid out, my favorite is:

change --production behavior so that licensee never checks dependency graph integrity

Simple. Simple. Simpler.

PS: @amonks, this is a lot of good work, on a Friday, after a US federal holiday. Do you have good support for all this work that you're doing? If not, let's make sure you do. E-mail me separately if you prefer to discuss privately. kyle@kemitchell.com

amonks commented 4 years ago

I updated the PR to the proposed change, and added a test that failed before this change.

In conclusion,

While this work on licensee.js is my own and not conducted on behalf of my employer, I am plenty well supported.

You can consider this PR a thank you for /dev/lawyer, license zero, Blue Oak, jslicense, and all the rest šŸ˜„

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

@amonks, do you have written permission from your employer to contribute this PR under Apache 2.0 terms?

ljharb commented 4 years ago

Perhaps the PR title should be updated as well?

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

@amonks, if the licensing situation is green, you should add yourself to package.json, too.

amonks commented 4 years ago

[still here; working on getting written confirmation of open source licensing policy; will make suggested changes when that lands]

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

@amonks thanks!

rowanoulton commented 4 years ago

šŸ‘‹ Hello! We're running into the behaviour this PR would fix, and would love to see it merged.

@amonks did you ever get confirmation from your employer?

Thank you all

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

Hi, @rowanoulton. Thanks for following up with @amonks.

rowanoulton commented 4 years ago

@kemitchell I don't want to steal @amonks's thunder, but if we don't hear back from them is this something you or I could commit to the project in their stead?

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

@rowanoulton we don't have a clear license for @amonks' work yet. We can't merge without one.

Worse comes to worst, we have to drop this and clean room the functionality.

amonks commented 4 years ago

hi! still alive! still working on an outbound open source policy, which is takingā€¦ more legal rigamarole than I expected.

in hindsight, that was too big a project to block this on, so I'll seek one-off permission for this change.

sorry for the wait!

Whoaa512 commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? I'd really like to have this in the mainline release instead of using a fork.

amonks commented 4 years ago

I got one-off legal permission. I'll make the suggested changes tonight, then merge.

Thanks for your patience, all!

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

@amonks thank you for making sure this code is safe to share!

amonks commented 4 years ago

I made the suggested error message change and rebased.

Pending licensing confirmation, this LGTM, with one nit: We should git add --force tests/with-npm-errors-in-production/package-lock.json.

It looks like the package-lock.json is never created, perhaps because cd tests/with-npm-errors-in-production && npm install (intentionally) fails. I think this is probably fine.

> cd tests/with-npm-errors-in-production/; and npm install
npm ERR! code ETARGET
npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for mit-licensed@^2.0.0.
npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
npm ERR! notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
npm ERR! notarget
npm ERR! notarget It was specified as a dependency of 'with-invalid-dependency'
npm ERR! notarget

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/ajm/.npm/_logs/2020-05-16T18_17_26_851Z-debug.log

One more note,

In hindsight, "mit-licensed": "^2.0.0" might not be the most robust invalid dependency. I don't think you're likely to push a version 2.0 of mit-licensed, but if you did, with-invalid-dependency would no longer have an invalid dependency. It may be safer to create a new package explicitly for this purpose.

I'm happy to merge as is or to make further changes. Since @kemitchell I'm not following your nit about package-lock.json, I will hold off on merging until you give me a šŸ‘.

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

@amonks, add yourself to package.json and let me know? I will merge, deal with the testing thing, and release.

Forgive me if I've just forgotten: Did we decide whether this is SemVer-major, -minor, or -patch?

ljharb commented 4 years ago

Since it errors in fewer cases, it seems like it could be a patch?

amonks commented 4 years ago

@amonks, add yourself to package.json and let me know? I will merge, deal with the testing thing, and release.


Forgive me if I've just forgotten: Did we decide whether this is SemVer-major, -minor, or -patch?

I don't think we did.

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

I'm going to release as a patch bump. It might be right. It might be wrong. It's better than thinking about SemVer for an hour.

kemitchell commented 4 years ago

v8.0.2 out

rowanoulton commented 4 years ago

Ya'll the best. Thanks ā¤ļø