jsmarcus / Iconize

Use icon fonts in your Xamarin.Forms application!
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Icons appears as a question mark #130

Open saimel opened 5 years ago

saimel commented 5 years ago


After installing this plugin into a new app, all icons appear as a question mark, I also updated versions of Xamarin Forms and Iconize to latest into another app I developed a few months ago and now I have this problem in both apps. Any idea about it??

venixsoftwaregeneral commented 5 years ago

Same problem here. Icons appear as question mark when called in canvas and stay in text "fas-iconname" when used with IconButton.

Xamarin.Forms Xam.Plugin.Iconize

ClausElmann commented 5 years ago

Same problem in IconTabbedPage

jrcpereira commented 5 years ago

Rollback to v3.5.0.114 and it's working.

Duplicate of #126

Mr-Pearce commented 5 years ago

Rollback to v3.5.0.114 and it's working.

v is working fine on android but on ios i get the question mark icons i also tried downgrading to but it still wont show the proper icons on ios I am using fontawesome only

jrcpereira commented 5 years ago is working fine for me on iOS with Forms Did you tried to clean up solution and delete bin and obj folders?

Mr-Pearce commented 5 years ago

i had Forms downgrading to is not working with iconize also cleaned and rebuilded everything

Xam.Plugin.Iconize (114) is installed in my main project(net standard) and two shared project(net standard)

FontAwesome is only installed inside my main project

hjavaher commented 5 years ago

Same here, I'm on forms and the icon shows up as a question mark. Any workarounds other than downgrading Forms?

I installed Xam.Plugin.Iconize and FontAwesome in all three of my projects.

saimel commented 5 years ago

I found out a solution in another thread: I downloaded ttffiles, added as BundleResource to my iOS project and everything works out. I've not test it on Android.

Jsberry92 commented 5 years ago

@saimel what version of Forms and Iconize are you running?

saimel commented 5 years ago

@Jsberry92 sorry about not specifying versions info, I just forgot it. I'm running these ones:

I'd like to add I just updated Xamarin.Forms from version 3.6.XX three days ago, I tried to solve this issue by using different versions of Xamarin.Forms and Xam.Plugin.Iconize with no success.

Tmaturano commented 5 years ago

@saimel I tried to download the .ttf files from this repository and added inside the Resources folder in the iOS project (as BundleResource), but didn't work. I'm using Xamarin.Forms Xaml.Plugin.Iconize Xaml.Plugin.Iconize.FontAwesome Also I tried to downgrade to Iconize but didn't work.

saimel commented 5 years ago

@Tmaturano did you add Fonts to info.plist file ?

hjavaher commented 5 years ago

@Tmaturano exactly what @saimel said, I added the fonts(the ones you need, in my case all the ones that said fontawesome) to the info.plist and then added the ttf files from the repo with the same name (rename if necessary) and in the properties of each ttf file make sure the build action is set to BundleRespource (should be default). This did it for me


iconize-entypoplus.ttf iconize-fontawesome-regular.ttf iconize-fontawesome-solid.ttf iconize-fontawesome-brands.ttf iconize-ionicons.ttf iconize-material.ttf iconize-meteocons.ttf iconize-simplelineicons.ttf iconize-typicons.ttf iconize-weathericons.ttf `
Tmaturano commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that did the trick, thanks guys

Mr-Pearce commented 5 years ago

just tested it and it works Xamarin.Forms Xaml.Plugin.Iconize Xaml.Plugin.Iconize.FontAwesome and putting the fontawesome ttfs inside the ios projcet root

Thanks guys!

Jsberry92 commented 5 years ago

So this seems to fix iOS but breaks Android. To get Android to work I'm having to role back (on the Android project) Iconize & Iconize.FontAwesome to

I have also tried multiple versions of Xamarin.Forms but nothing works on Android until I roll Iconize back.

Wasn't sure if other people were experiencing this or if I am doing something wrong. But I suppose if that's all I have to do to get Android working for now then that's what I will do.

jsmarcus commented 5 years ago

Currently to get Android to work with the latest you will need to target SDK 28. There is a fix for this coming.

Jsberry92 commented 5 years ago

Thank you @jsmarcus works like a charm!

Pirate911 commented 5 years ago

@jsmarcus I'm having the same issue . It happens on IOS . I tried everything but it didn't work .

Xamarin.Forms Xam.Plugin.Iconize

Please man , I've been trying for two weeks now . Can you help pleaseee

saimel commented 5 years ago

@Pirate911 had you try to download ttf files and add it as Bundle Resource to your iOS project?

Pirate911 commented 5 years ago

@Pirate911 had you try to download ttf files and add it as Bundle Resource to your iOS project?

Yes I did all that and I'm certain all required steps are correct .

Chris-Niles commented 5 years ago

I can confirm after going through each above step, including ttf files, I am still seeing questions marks as well

Waaheeda commented 3 years ago

@Chris-Niles @Pirate911 did u find any solution?