jsmreese / moment-duration-format

Format function plugin for the Moment Duration object.
MIT License
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Add Locale extension packages to this repository. #106

Open Noitidart opened 6 years ago

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

Is there anywhere that all the locale packages are listed/available for us? That would be real awesome to have a shared repo or something of that.

Btw does regular moment have a repo of their locales?

jsmreese commented 6 years ago

Moment itself stores locales within its repository, and there are instructions in the moment docs on how to build with specific locales, all locales, etc. https://github.com/moment/moment/tree/develop/locale

It hadn't occurred to me to add a folder of duration-format locale extensions to this plugin's repository, but it's a pretty nice idea. It would make localization that much more straightforward.

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much sir!!

sibelius commented 4 years ago

should we close this?

maartenvandillen commented 4 years ago

for reference, I got it working adding this:

  moment.updateLocale('nl', {
    durationLabelsStandard: {
      S: 'milliseconde',
      SS: 'milliseconden',
      s: 'seconde',
      ss: 'seconden',
      m: 'minuut',
      mm: 'minuten',
      h: 'uur',
      hh: 'uur',
      d: 'dag',
      dd: 'dagen',
      w: 'week',
      ww: 'weken',
      M: 'maand',
      MM: 'maanden',
      y: 'jaar',
      yy: 'jaar'
    durationLabelsShort: {
      S: 'msec',
      SS: 'msec',
      s: 'sec',
      ss: 'sec',
      m: 'min',
      mm: 'min',
      h: 'uur',
      hh: 'uur',
      d: 'dag',
      dd: 'dgn',
      w: 'wk',
      ww: 'wkn',
      M: 'mnd',
      MM: 'mnd',
      y: 'jr',
      yy: 'jr'
    relativeTime : {
      future : 'over %s',
      past : '%s',
      s : "zojuist",
      m : 'één minuut',
      mm : '%d minuten',
      h : 'één uur',
      hh : '%d uur',
      d : "gisteren",
      dd : '%d dagen',
      M : "vorige maand",
      MM : '%d maanden',
      y : "vorig jaar",
      yy : '%d jaar'
    durationTimeTemplates: {
      HMS: 'h:mm:ss',
      HM: 'h:mm',
      MS: 'm:ss'
    durationLabelTypes: [
      { type: "standard", string: "__" },
      { type: "short", string: "_" }
    durationPluralKey: function (token: string, integerValue: number, decimalValue: number) {
      // Singular for a value of `1`, but not for `1.0`.
      if (integerValue === 1 && decimalValue === null) {
        return token;

      return token + token;