jsmreese / moment-duration-format

Format function plugin for the Moment Duration object.
MIT License
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When format("h [hrs], m [mins]") and minutes are 0 it still shows 0 minutes? How can I remedy that? #64

Closed jfrux closed 6 years ago

jfrux commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to figure it out from the documentation but can't seem to find a way to make it clear out that number if it's 0?

dennishansen commented 7 years ago

Having this same issue. Passing in {trim: "right"} to config removes the 'minutes' string when the value is 0 however, the value 0 still displays. @joshuairl

redroot commented 7 years ago

+1 I've come across this just now as well

azizfcb commented 7 years ago

{trim: "right"} actually removes the STRING s or m but doesn't remove the :0.

I managed to handle it this way: ( I could do the same for hours but that's not my usecase)

moment.duration(seconds, "seconds")
                .replace(/\:0s$/, "")
                .replace(/\:0m$/, "")
jsmreese commented 7 years ago

trim left and right are implemented to not remove the final value, i.e. to always give some output. trim both is implemented in the version now on master branch, and it does the same thing... it will always give some output.

I think a trim zero option that automatically trims all zero-value tokens (even down to an empty output) would solve this, and it would be pretty easy to do in the updated plugin.

jsmreese commented 7 years ago

Just an FYI, I'm working on an updated trim API, which is the last feature I think for version 2.0.0.

The version 1 trim options will be fully supported and not break anything. Here's the docs for the new version:


The default trim value is "largest".

Largest-magnitude tokens are automatically trimmed when they have no value.

moment.duration(123, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss");
// "2:03:00"

Trimming also functions when the format string is oriented with token magnitude increasing from left to right.

moment.duration(123, "minutes").format("s [seconds], m [minutes], h [hours], d [days]");
// "0 seconds, 3 minutes, 2 hours"

To stop trimming altogether, set { trim: false }.

moment.duration(123, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: false });
// "0d 2:03:00"

trim can be a string, a delimited list of strings, an array of strings, or a boolean. Accepted values are as follows:

moment.duration(123, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: "large" }); // "2:03:00"

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: "large" }); // "0"

- `"small"`
Trim smallest-magnitude zero-value tokens until finding a token with a value, a token identified as `stopTrim`, or the final token of the format string.

moment.duration(123, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: "small" }); // "0d 2:03"

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: "small" }); // "0d"

- `"both"`
Execute `"large"` trim then `"small"` trim.

moment.duration(123, "minutes").format("d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "both" }); // "2h 3m"

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "both" }); // "0s"

- `"mid"`
Trim any zero-value tokens that are not the first or last tokens. Usually used in conjunction with `"large"` or `"both"`. e.g. `"large mid"` or `"both mid"`.

moment.duration(1441, "minutes").format("w[w] d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "mid" }); // "0w 1d 1m 0s"

moment.duration(1441, "minutes").format("w[w] d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "large mid" }); // "1d 1m 0s"

moment.duration(1441, "minutes").format("w[w] d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "small mid" }); // "0w 1d 1m"

moment.duration(1441, "minutes").format("w[w] d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "both mid" }); // "1d 1m"

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("w[w] d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "both mid" }); // "0s"

- `"final"`
Trim the final token if it is zero-value. Use this option with `"large"` or `"both"` to output an empty string when formatting a zero-value duration. e.g. `"large final"` or `"both final"`.

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: "large final" }); // ""

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h:mm:ss", { trim: "small final" }); // ""

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "both final" }); // ""

- `"all"`
Trim all zero-value tokens. Shorthand for `"both mid final"`.

moment.duration(0, "minutes").format("d[d] h[h] m[m] s[s]", { trim: "all" }); // ""

- `"left"`
Maps to `"large"` to support this plugin's version 1 API.
- `"right"`
Maps to `"large"` to support this plugin's version 1 API.
- `true`
Maps to `"large"`.
- `false`
Disables trimming.