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Twitterbot for party donations [Project] #101

Closed marcelpauly closed 6 years ago

marcelpauly commented 6 years ago



For once a project without a visual: a few weeks ago I launched a Twitterbot that scrapes the German parliament's website where party donations larger than €50,000 are published. Unfortunately the website is completely managed by hand and they make mistakes. A lot of mistakes. Some of them drive my scraper completely crazy and that drove the bot's followers crazy. That's why I want to spend time on make the script bulletproof.


Possible headline(s): Twitterbot for party donations 2.0

Data set(s): https://www.bundestag.de/parlament/praesidium/parteienfinanzierung/fundstellen50000/2017/2017-inhalt/488236

Code repository: https://github.com/marcelpauly/parteispenden (going to translate it very soon)

Possible problems/fears/questions: to anticipate all possible mistakes they could make

Work so far

The scraper works - if the websites content is like it is supposed to be.


This checklist must be completed before you submit your draft.

demetriospogkas commented 6 years ago

Congrats for amazing work during Lede @marcelpauly, keep it up!!

marcelpauly commented 6 years ago

I'm very flattered, thank you very much @demetriospogkas!