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What's up with adoptable pets in New York City #140

Open kevinlitman-navarro opened 6 years ago

kevinlitman-navarro commented 6 years ago



I wanted to explore the database of adoptable pets in New York City on the listing site Petfinder. I really didn't think this one through so I had no idea what I was looking for/what I would find ¯(ツ)


Possible headline(s): New York's Adoptable Dogs Are Way More Loving Than New York's Adoptable Cats

Data set(s): Scraped petfinder data

Code repository: https://github.com/kevinlitman-navarro/DataStudio/tree/master/Code/01_petfinder

Possible problems/fears/questions: I'm not sure if I will have enough data to make anything meaningful

Work so far

I scraped and cleaned for way too long, then made some bar graphs like this one

output2 output1 output4

ella24 commented 6 years ago

This is so cool! I do believe that you should focus on a species-pit bulls,for sure-. And try to map it by zip code or check if the owners have to have them registered in an official (government) database. I believe something quite awesome can come out of this.

julialedur commented 6 years ago
ksliney commented 6 years ago

I really like the break down of the most common dogs available for adoption--the chihuahua is a surprise after the pit bull! Going forward, you might want to define what makes up 'Hateful dogs' and 'Non-Hateful dogs.'

jessimckenzi commented 6 years ago

Going thru everyone's work for inspiration and literally LOLed at the "dogs and cats hate children at the same rate", 10/10 should graph again

kevinlitman-navarro commented 6 years ago


Your project content: images/words/etc






Any changes in direction or topic?

I ended up spending alot of time playing with wide data so I could better compare cats and dogs across different characteristics. I also played with NLTK to help pull out adjectives and then manually culled my list to get only personality characteristics to get a better idea of how people describe pets.


I tried playing with labeling my bars but gave up after an unsuccessful hour or so. Exporting everything properly was also tedious, and I kept accidentally erasing my colored background in illustrator.


vpenney commented 6 years ago

Nice charts! Using wide data and looking at a few parameters for both cats and dogs was a good move. Your color palette looks nice, and other than the font size issue that you mentioned, I think visually everything ties together well.

Consider adding some context in just a text paragraph, like the website you got this info from, how many pets out of the total population of adoptable pets of NYC are represented on that website, and the timeframe that you looked at. Also, are less-adoptable pets often on this website for a long time? Is it possible that a lot of pets that don't hate other cats, dogs, or people are adopted more quickly and therefore aren't on the website?

hakantan commented 6 years ago

I love the idea and this is cool to look at, also you'd share this stuff, because it is funny and easily digestable. One exception, to me at least, is the chart "Who hates whom?". I didn't immediately understand what 'kids' was supposed to mean.

Also, I would make the fontsize bigger, because it is harder to read.

playfairbot commented 6 years ago

Hello! I'm a little robot, just having a little look around.

You need some feedback, let me summon @ElinaMak, @Katerinavts, @SimoneLuc for you

Katerinavts commented 6 years ago

It is a good idea, but I would like to have some context on the charts. For example, where did your data come from? Are we talking about the US?

kevinlitman-navarro commented 6 years ago


Project visuals/text


There are more visuals and lots of text at the link below. Go look there!


Headline: This Story Is About Pets

Published website version: https://kevinlitman-navarro.github.io/pets/

Code repository: This guy

Final data set(s): Made my own by scraping Petfinder.com

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

Motivating myself to revisit portions of the project that I should have done better the first time i.e. realizing I wanted different visuals, which required me to change the form of my data, so lots of backtracking.

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?

Yeah, but I would definitely make a bigger database of pets from different cities if I were selling this piece.


SimoneLuc commented 6 years ago

-Great work! Cool idea, people love pets! Also your website looks very good, ideal amount of text :-) This story is a wonderful exemple for what you can do with a little bit of the stuff we learned in these weeks :-) -what I don't unterstand: "who hates what?"

ElinaMak commented 6 years ago

Really cool idea! Nice combination of colors, the only thing I do not grasp also is the x axis on "who hates what!", guess is 8% on NY residents?

sarahslo commented 6 years ago

so, i don't understand this. how do we know pets hate people? who are boring people and how do we know they are boring?

i think this data could be interesting, but you are not letting me in on the joke in the way you present the information. i'm not going to read about your charts to figure them out, that's a #fail. i want to look at them and get them and in this case i don't.

think about your reader.