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All earthquakes in Greece in 2018 #143

Open nickospi opened 6 years ago

nickospi commented 6 years ago


I have found this data set from the Geophysics Department of the University of Athens, Greece. It contains geographical, chronological and measuring data of every earthquake that happened in Greece from 01.01.2018 until today.


Possible headline(s): Earthquakes in Greece in 2018

Data set(s): Earthquakes in Greece in 2018 with geographical, chronological and measuring data.

Code repository: https://github.com/nickospi/data_studio/tree/master/code/01-Earthquakes_in_Greece_in2018

Possible problems/fears/questions: NaN

Work so far

A word on cleaning: I got this as a .tsv file straight from the above url, I opened it in pandas and got 55 columns which had 2 main issues: some of them were completely full of NaN values and had to be dropped, whereas some series from the original had split data in 2 columns [eg. on index 0, I got magnitude level in column 15 and on index 1 in column 16] so I had to merge these and drop NaNs]

Graph 1: Which was the month with the most earthquakes in Greece in 2018 [up till today] ?


Graph 2: All 2018 quakes per magnitude and focal depth


Graph 3: All 2018 quakes in Greece on lattitude axis


Graph 4. [wannabe Animated] All 2018 quakes per second


Nice to have :


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castorsia commented 6 years ago

-Great work cleaning the data and visualising it in imaginative ways!

vpenney commented 6 years ago

This is great. I really enjoy the different types of graphs that you use. I think it would be nice to invert that depth of earthquake graph (could it be as easy as changing the axis to sort by the opposite, i.e. ascending vs descending? That'd be nice!) The colors and fonts all look clean and polished as well. I'm excited to see your final project!

malbasi commented 6 years ago

I love the depth chart type and the overall idea.

I'd like to see some analysis of the frequency and severity of the earthquakes. And the depth chart should be flipped upside down to convey its meaning better. The North Vs South graph is confusing. Maybe just axes labels or legend would help

nickospi commented 6 years ago


Project content:

allquakes magvsdepth northvssouth astheyhappened


After the peer review, I put in some legends and changed the sorting in the y axis in the second graph. I guess that in an ideal world I could've also added a soil/grass vector as this axis actually depicts the focal depth of an earthquake providing that it wouldn't look amazingly kitsch.



kellykiki commented 6 years ago

Very nice work! What about finding a styling pattern to follow (mainly colors thing) for each chart of this project?

ElinaMak commented 6 years ago

Excellent work!!! The ONLY thing I would "reproach" as an editor is that those graphs are great for a savvy audience!

jsoma commented 6 years ago
nickospi commented 6 years ago


Your project content: images/words/etc





Any changes in direction or topic?

Tried to make something newsworthy out of this dataset. I've tried to remake every chart on Adobe Illustrator.




playfairbot commented 6 years ago

Howdy! I'm a little robot, beep beep boop boop.

You need some feedback, let me summon @hakantan, @SiruiZhu, @zle2105 for you

nickospi commented 6 years ago


Project visuals/text

All these make much more sense here

If you prefer the standalone version, it's this one:

qks_1 qks_2 qks_3 qks_4


Headline: What does it mean to be one of the world's most seismically active countries? Published website version: https://nickospi.github.io/Earthquakes/ Code repository: https://github.com/nickospi/data_studio/tree/master/code/Earthquakes_in_Greece_in%202018/Finalised%20Project

Final data set(s): https://github.com/nickospi/data_studio/blob/master/code/Earthquakes_in_Greece_in%202018/Finalised%20Project/quakeswthdatetime.csv

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

The most difficult was definitely the cleaning of the dataset. Also making something newsworthy out of this, but it was not my prime goal to have something newsworthy.

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?

With my zero Adobe Illustrator skills and this dataset, I am happy. I feel that a story like that could be published on a let's say popular science website.


hakantan commented 6 years ago

First things first. I really enjoy watching at those graphics. For the purpose of what we're doing – understanding the charting and finding visually appealing ways to do that – this is a 10/10. However, I am lost most of the times as to what it is that I can see in your charts.

For example: The "Did you feel that"-chart is great, but what does 5.3R mean? (I would also make the bubbles smaller, because they are overlapping too often, I think). Only after I saw the other chart, I understood that this has to do with Richter scale. Because four charts a different in their layout I didn't think they belonged together. They do, tho. (In this case, I'd just re-explain what R stands for.

SiruiZhu commented 6 years ago

Wow, those visuals are very pretty!! and your black background with blue and red colors really nice-looking!

I also have some problem when trying to understand your graphics:

However it's still very attractive overall!

zle2105 commented 6 years ago

These charts look amazing. I love the layout and color scheme. Since you have a ton of room and empty space, it might be nice to add some annotations or comments.