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The US is suffering less international students especially Chinese students over past few years #151

Open SiruiZhu opened 6 years ago

SiruiZhu commented 6 years ago



I read a news that International students in the US dropped over past two years. https://www.jiemian.com/article/2119580.html


Findings: the student visas US issued to Chines and international has dropped dramatically after 2015.

The factors might be various. The first one, according to some background reading, is because of the student visa policy to China. It changed to period of studnets visa ftom one-year to five-years on 2014 OPEC. Obama announced that. So the student visa application is less than before. Also because the immigration policy during Trump era, so students are more likely to go to Austrilia or Canada. The high tuition fee is also another factor might influence the result.


Possible headlines. The US is suffering less international students especially Chinese students over past few years

Data set(s).
[travel.state.gov] government statistics iie Research

code repository. https://github.com/SiruiZhu/Data-Studio/tree/master/code/01-internationalstudent

Possible problems/fears/questions. Improvements:

  1. Need to do one with international student's influence on the US economical impact or so. Which is more straightforward.
  2. Improve the graph a bit, like the way to show the data. Maybe highlight the drop line part, and have a label saying the reason for that.
  3. Not just Chinese students, maybe look into the different continents, like "Asia", "Europe" etc.

Work so far

I downloaded a csv from US Homeland security, it has data from 1997 to 2007 of the US issued all types of data to other countries. It has several sheets in one Excel. So I get filter them one by one from different sheets. I just get the F-1 visa type and "China" as country. Also the total number of F-1 for that year, want to compare the percentage of the US issued F-1 visa numbers to China.

The international student numbers csv I directly downloaded from Quarts, they've done a piece about this topic before. I've also find the date source, which is nice to use.

output1 output2 output3 output4

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dz2383 commented 6 years ago

For the last map, starting from 0.6 may confuse people in some way. Could you start from 0?

SiruiZhu commented 6 years ago


Your project content:

1 2 4 3

Any changes in direction or topic?

I've styled the charts a bit.


(unsolved) there is two points in my image 3:line graph, don't know what happened there.


castorsia commented 6 years ago

I liked the visuals a lot, the color grade is lovely, and overall good story angle.

What I would like to see:

-More context. How many people applied? Does the same trend applied in other countries?

Overall, great work!

kidaemon commented 6 years ago

How about add grid on second graph? All others have grid.

jsoma commented 6 years ago
playfairbot commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm a little robot, let's take a peek.

You need some feedback, let me summon @SimoneLuc, @maxarvid, @jlstro for you

jlstro commented 6 years ago

Hey, the color is great, I like it. I would make a decision on the ticks, probably against using them at all on the bar chart. Also, not sure if you need the axis titles there, maybe that can go to where the numbers are?

There's one thing that confuses me a bit: The one line chart says that in 2009 around 50% of visas went to Chinese students, in the bar chart it looks more like maybe 1/3?

SiruiZhu commented 6 years ago


Your project content:

output1 output2 output3 output4

Any changes in direction or topic?



SiruiZhu commented 6 years ago

Pre Final

Project Content:

output1-01 output2-01 output3-01 output4-01

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

I think to get the data in a format that I want to visualize is the most difficult part.

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?

I'm kind of satisfied with them so far, although the charts and colors are not the best, it's a worth trying one.


maxarvid commented 6 years ago

Chiming in here a bit late, only to say that I love the purple, and would have suggested combining the line graphs of decrease in Chinese visas and the overall drop could be worthwhile. On the 2nd graph change the title and maybe get rid of the y-axis label (and change the numbers accordingly). My favorite is the stacked bar graph.

jlstro commented 6 years ago

Hey, even though you finished the project, two small things: I'd support Max's suggestion to get rid of the titles that are written vertically and I think your font is a bit small for the legend and the ticks... Otherwise, they look great!

SiruiZhu commented 6 years ago


Project visuals/text






Headline: The US is suffering less international students

Published website version: https://siruizhu.github.io/index1.html

Code repository: https://github.com/SiruiZhu/Data-Studio/tree/master/code/01-internationalstudent

Final data set(s): [travel.state.gov] government statistics iie Research

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?
