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[Project] Human Rights Recommendations in Geneva #220

Open maxarvid opened 6 years ago

maxarvid commented 6 years ago


This one requires a bit of background. In the Human Rights Council (yes, the one that the Trump administration recently bowed out of) there is a process called the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). In short, it's a review process where every country goes in front of a panel of three other countries and has its human rights record review. The panel of three countries (the troika) then makes recommendations that the country under review can either 'note' or 'support.' To translate this from diplomatic language: noted = screw you, we don't agree, and supported = yes, we recognize we have a problem here and will try to fix it.


I'm going to show which countries accept and reject the most recommendations. The point is to boil down a very complicated UN process into two simple visuals.


Possible headline(s): Yay or Nay at the Human Rights Council

Data set(s): Comes from a Swiss NGO called UPR Info

Code repository: https://github.com/maxarvid/data-studio/tree/master/code/03_UPR

Possible problems/fears/questions: Topic requires a lot of explanation, only truly representative of what goes down in Geneva.

Work so far

Here two graphs on the states that have received and given most recommendations on the right to privacy:

skarmavbild 2018-07-26 kl 12 11 48

Here the top 10 states that reject human rights recommendations in the Council (in %):

skarmavbild 2018-07-26 kl 12 14 04

And the top 10 states that accept the most recommendations:

skarmavbild 2018-07-26 kl 12 15 20

(You can probably guess that SuR stands for State under Review)

And the less enthusiastic states again, as a bar chart:

skarmavbild 2018-07-26 kl 12 17 08


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kevinlitman-navarro commented 6 years ago
sarahslo commented 6 years ago

original idea and i want to see/know more. can you show me all of the issues each country is under review for and divide them by noted or supported?

almost like a slope chart split in two on one side, and then on the other side you can lay out the countries and how they voted. screen shot 2018-08-02 at 8 19 21 pm