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Lula's popularity over the past two years #238

Open julialedur opened 6 years ago

julialedur commented 6 years ago



This year we have presidential elections in Brazil and, surprisingly, the candidate who's been leading the polls is Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, former president of Brazil and currently behind bars for money laundering and passive corruption. Despite the charges against him, he is one of the Brazilian political personas with the highest rates of approval.

My idea is to analyze the correlation between his popularity rates and relevant political events that took place over the past two years, such as his arrest, Dilma Rousseff's impeachment, among others.


Possible headline(s):

Data set(s): My data set is from Barômetro Político Estadão-Ipsos, a project that measures the popularity rates of different Brazilian politicians each month.

Code repository: https://github.com/julialedur/data-studio/tree/master/code/04-lula-popularity

Possible problems/fears/questions: I had to type the values manually into a spreadsheet because they weren't available for download on the website (I contacted the reasearch institute but they haven't gotten back to me yet). Also, my data set does not have many variables, so I'll probably focus more on design and reporting on this project.

I might add a graph in the end of my piece with the most recent voting intentions poll of presidential candidates.

Work so far

So far I've put together a graph with Lula's popularity rates since 2016.


My idea is to build a page similar to this one, where I would have a timeline of political events in Brazil since 2016 and highlited dots indicating Lula's popularity rates in those particular dates. On the sides, I'll add circular pictures and short pieces of text explaining the facts. I thought of doing it as a big png image, although the dream would be to have something kind of animated on the page.

I sketched it:



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julialedur commented 6 years ago


I started my timeline graph, which analyzes Lula's popularity in specific political events that took place in Brazil in the last two years. I still need to scale the events so that they are placed in the right month, but I'll wait to do that once I have all the texts.

After the timeline, I also want to add some graphs showing the elections polls, in two scenarios: first, if Lula is able to run for president; and second, if he isn't.



Any changes in direction or topic?

Not really.


No problems.


dz2383 commented 6 years ago

Love your design! I know it may be too complicated but would it be possible to combine the two charts? For example, make the first graph bigger and make some annotation on it. I love the idea of the second graph but it seems too long to follow.

sarahslo commented 6 years ago

the timeline: if you were charting data ON a timeline, march 31, 2016 would be 3 months in, august -8. the timeline is not really organized by time. it's very clean and appealing in it's design but it's not supporting the data. the events don't happen at even intervals, and as such, the data may not change if something happens one month after the other, for instance, it may take time for approval ratings to drop because of the fallout.

time is data as well.

julialedur commented 6 years ago


Your project content: images/words/etc




Any changes in direction or topic?

Not really. I just added annotations to the first graph, adjusted the time in the second graph and made a third graph with the presidential poll data.


It was a little tricky getting the months distribution right in the timeline graph because I did everything from scratch on Illustrator. The equal distribution tool was really helpful.


christina10211 commented 6 years ago

I really like your design! For your new chart with four scenarios, i think maybe add some explanations in your website or a title for the chart will make readers better understand the chart, since for now I am a little bit confused by the context. I can see how much work you have put in your timeline and the revision, good job! I have one minor suggestion/opinion regarding the timeline, I feel like the dash line for months is creating some noise in the timeline, I'm not 100% sure but will it be okay it you remove the dash line for months? Or label the dash line with month so that readers don't get confused in the middle of the timeline?