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Cycling on a sidewalk? No problem! The Changes in Summons in NYC #240

Open Palarisk opened 6 years ago

Palarisk commented 6 years ago



There has been a huge decrease (around 50 %) in summons in NYC from the peak year of 2009 to the year 2016. I want to explore in more details, what kind of unlawful thing you can get away with more easily than 10 years ago.


Possible headline(s): No dog license? No problem! The Changes in Summons in NYC

Data set(s): https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/Criminal-Court-Summonses/j8nm-zs7q/data

Code repository: https://github.com/Palarisk/data-studio/tree/master/code/04-summons

Possible problems/fears/questions:

Ho should I represent the info in most interesting way, there are so many interesting changes and so many interesting things that doesn't get summoned like it used to be.

Work so far

As you can clearly see, this is just the beginning of the exploration of this data.

screen shot 2018-07-31 at 0 02 29 screen shot 2018-07-31 at 0 02 56


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sarahslo commented 6 years ago

this is a topic i truly want to understand. you can already see that mostly everything has gone down by the same percentage point. but i don't know if that's meaningful because i don't have the hard number. can you show these data over time as both values and then calculate them as a percentage change?

also, i'd get rid of the 'other' data because it tells us nothing and obscures the other numbers. pick up hail in bus stop!!

keep going, can't wait to see what you turn up

Palarisk commented 6 years ago


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screen shot 2018-08-02 at 23 17 52

Any changes in direction or topic?

Yes. I decided to concentrate on summons given for cycling violations. I'll use them as an example of the huge decrease in summons that has been caused partly because of the 2016 the Criminal Justice Reform Act. I might still include a graph on total violations too.

So my story, which I'll do for my reporting class, will be about the decrease in general but it will use cycling violations as an tangible example of the reform. What does the reform mean for an average citizen?


I'm planning to compare the summons in Manhattan and in NYC in general. I'm not sure should I do graphs showing "Manhattan vs Whole NYC" or "Manhattan vs The Rest of the NYC". What do you think? And should I then adjust the summons to the population? (Although I bet there are lots more of non-Manhattanite cycling in Manhattan than vice versa)


sarahslo commented 6 years ago

interesting... in terms of manhattan vs., it's tricky because the of the different sizes of populations. i like to see NYC as a whole and i'd also now love to see other types of summons. could you add bicycle-type summons? bicycle no-bell?

have to say this makes me curious. i want to know if dog summons things are down too and pot summons...! but keep following your idea, it's going well.

Palarisk commented 6 years ago


Your project content: images/words/etc

I've added this chart. It shows ALL summons in the NYC, not just bike-related. Here you can see that the overall trend is clear, and much like the one for cycling on a sidewalk . So I think as for the story I'm writing, sidewalk cycling will be a great example of the decline in summons in NYC (but note: the decline for bike summons happened couple of years earlier than for summons in general. Maybe they were testing their ideas on biking summons first?)

So as Sarah suggested, I might add some graphs of other summons as well to the end of my story. Cause these numbers are so interesting to look at.

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Any changes in direction or topic?



I juuuuuuust found the data for the year 2017 so I have to update the first graph, I haven't yet decided wether I'll do it manually or wether I'll do all the data cleaning again for the whole chart.

The data for other cycling related summons is not that interesting because they are much more uncommon. E.g. in its peak year (2007) summon for riding without a bell has been issued only 13 times. So it's no use to track trends for those kinds of numbers.

The problem I'm facing now is, that while it's clear that sidewalk-summons have decreased, I have no idea how they are punished now. I mean, nowadays they are punished, if they are punished, as a moving violations, which is similar to a speeding ticket, and the NYPD are not giving detailed statistics on them. I'm going to ask them, though. But anyway I have to make clear in the graph/story that cycling on the sidewalk still get punished, but in a not so serious way.


Palarisk commented 6 years ago


Project visuals/text

See here: https://palarisk.github.io/summons/


Headline: Huge Decrease in Summons in NYC

Published website version: Huge Decrease in Summons in NYC

Code repository: https://github.com/Palarisk/data-studio/tree/master/code/04-summons Final data set(s): https://github.com/Palarisk/data-studio/blob/master/code/04-summons/summons.csv https://github.com/Palarisk/data-studio/blob/master/code/04-summons/summons_nyc_total.csv

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

Finding the data: I'd love to have civil summons as well but that's not online. I'm planning to do FOIL request for that.

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?

Yes. I'd love to explore also the civil summons, but for that I need to do a FOIL request.
