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04-Film Permits/Film Shootings in NYC #245

Open kellykiki opened 6 years ago

kellykiki commented 6 years ago

Please complete all of the following sections, or the ghost of Joseph Pulitzer will spookily dance around your issue! A completed version of this template can be found at https://github.com/jsoma/data-studio-projects/issues/1



How often do you see a film shooting when you walk around NYC? I wish to figure out how many film shootings happen in the city and what are the most popular locations for the producers/broadcasters. [Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment] (https://www1.nyc.gov/site/mome/index.page) provides film permits data which are available on [NYC Open Data] (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Film-Permits/tg4x-b46p).

The dataset includes data about film permits from 2012 onwards. I have excluded 2018 and I have been analyzing data from 2012 to 2017, including 48240 film permits.


Possible headline(s):

Data set(s): https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Film-Permits/tg4x-b46p

Code repository: https://github.com/kellykiki/data-studio/tree/master/code/04-film_shootings-NYC

Possible problems/fears/questions: 1. I would like to calculate how many minutes per day shootings happen in NYC. To do this, I will need to find solutions to some datetime format problems. 2. I need a line chart for film shootings per year by top-street, but I haven't made it to get it yet. 3. I will need to figure out how I can get coordinates to map permits in those six years under study.

Work so far

-Cleaning -Analysis -Draft graphs

Film permits by category


What exactly to do you mean by "television"?


Permits by year


What is the most popular month for a shooting?


Most preferred streets (more than 150 shootings in each one)


Countries of productions that took permission (excluding the US)


Areas where most film shootings happening


Production categories by area


Top-streets for films


Most popular streets for films in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens respectively

manhatta_films brooklyn_films queens_films

Streets mostly in the news

news (Does everything happen basically with Times Square in the background? Or do the numbers show limited reporters' preference? What happened in 44 Str. in 2013?)

Next steps


This checklist must be completed before you submit your draft.

kevinlitman-navarro commented 6 years ago
sarahslo commented 6 years ago

Can you map some of this for us? The streets?

And since you have this interesting data on TV/Episodic series, which makes sense because if you have a series you will shoot in the same place, can you dig in and figure out for us what those series are? It's cool to know what type of shows are shooting, all this is something I'd be interested in knowing about as well.

I want to know more about WHY and WHO? Do they have that in the data? Could you take that one location and give us a chronology of which shows have shot there?

This is also a project that is crying out for pictures...!

kellykiki commented 6 years ago

Data about specific shows/programs/movies/etc are not provided in the dataset. It would definitely be my first graph if I had the information. I would like to try to get a map, if possible -no coordinates available till now.

kellykiki commented 6 years ago


Graph 1

Shooting categories


Graph 2

What do you mean by "television"?


Graph 3

Film permits by year


Graph 4

Shootings by borough


Graph 5

Most filmed streets in the NYC (top-10)


Graph 6

Most filmed streets in Manhattan


Graph 7

Most filmed streets in Brooklyn


Graph 8

Most filmed streets in Queens


Graph 9

Streets in the NYC with the longest duration of shootings


Graph 10

Films vs TV shootings by year


Graph 11

Streets which have been mostly on the news by year


Any changes in direction or topic?



Dealing with time to plot duration was hard.


kellykiki commented 6 years ago


Additional Content

Mapping film permits in NYC, 2012 - 2017


Any changes in direction or topic?

No, I'm just adding the map.


I had streets where shootings took place, but I didn't have numbers in those streets. So, I couldn't have a points map using geocoder, as I aimed at first. I created my map using neighborhood codes.


kellykiki commented 6 years ago

Final version comment template


Project visuals/text

For the final version of this project, I made some more calculations that I needed to include in my texts and/or charts' subtitles. I also reviewed headlines and I made the website. Please find visuals and texts directly on the webpage.


Headline: 110 years of filming in 6 years of everyday life

Published website version: https://kellykiki.github.io/film-shootings/

Code repository: https://github.com/kellykiki/data-studio/tree/master/code/04-film_shootings-NYC

Final data set(s): https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Film-Permits/tg4x-b46p

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

Dealing with time to plot shootings duration and refreshing my memory regarding QJIS staff.

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?

I could do some reporting/editing research in order to enrich the piece with specific series/films/shows shooted in the streets referred, since they are not provided in the dataset. In the time given, I decided not to work on things which are not data related and they are mostly editorial work.


sarahslo commented 6 years ago

love all the energy here!

clever on the tv, but there are too many categories here. can you combine them into categories somehow?

the area charts for all the years, is that a total number when you add all the years together?

and how did you choose the numbers to make the color ramp? can those numbers be rounded and more reader friendly? no way i will remember 2804-3768...

also on the streets, do they give you the avenues they are between or some more information on them? each street goes for miles, so it is very interesting to know where is popular, but WHERE on those streets specifically?

maxarvid commented 6 years ago

We discussed this in class last week, so the below is really just a regurgitation of some of the things we said:

Such a nice project, I really like it!

kellykiki commented 6 years ago

@sarahslo, thank you for your feedback! Yes, I will group things for the tv graph and I will round these weird, annoying numbers on the map (now that I know I can round things in QJIS!). For the area charts, yes, the total number is correct; but I can probably switch to line chart for this. For the streets, yes, I have "betweens"; I can probably give you some further analysis on these regarding the top-streets!

kellykiki commented 6 years ago

@maxarvid, I didn't have a pen with me while presenting last Friday! You wrote down for me whatever we discussed with Maryanne! Thanks for that!