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"Solar gardens" in the US #252

Open mattrehbein opened 6 years ago

mattrehbein commented 6 years ago


Community "solar gardens" are big fields of solar panels that produce energy. I generally knew of their existence but did realize how much they're growing or how they are organized. Businesses, local governments and regular people can apparently sign up to draw part of their electricity from a community solar garden. It's frequently billed as an option for homeowners who for whatever reason don't have the option of installing rooftop solar panels.

This sounds pretty cool, and I wanted to learn more about where solar gardens are in the US, how that number has grown, and how much energy they are producing. I've found a database of them in the US, which I'd like to use to map and visualize the answers to my questions.


I found my dataset after a mind-numbing amount of time poking around solar energy reports from DOE, EPA and the solar energy trade group, SEIA.

The database is from NREL, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, part of the DOE.

I have at least three other datasets dealing with energy use and viability of various energy sources. These are quite technical, but it's possible I'll make use of them.


Possible headline(s):

Data set(s): NREL's community solar project database

Code repository: https://github.com/mattrehbein/data_studio/tree/master/code

Possible problems/fears/questions: I have not done much with maps since we went over them in class forever ago. So I fear them, a little.

Work so far

Finding my data took a long time, but the database is pretty clean and doesn't appear to need too much cleaning.

I've done some very quick and basic analysis thus far. Looks like three states, Maine, Minnesota and Colorado, have by far the most solar gardens. I've looked into Minnesota a bit, and its lawmakers have passed legislation to incentivize solar. As time permits, I'll look into Maine and Colorado, too, and see whether any interesting aspects about those three solar leaders lend themselves to visualization.

Here's a basic map from a Vox story that I'm drawing some inspiration from, though I'm hoping to include some more functionality in the map.



This checklist must be completed before you submit your draft. ***I keep getting an error that I'm trying to fix when I try to push my code from my desktop git app.

mattrehbein commented 6 years ago


Your project content: images/words/etc


Here's my first stab at a map -- pretty straightforward, each point is a solar garden and they are sized based on their output in kW (I will add a key/legend).

Right now I'm working in QGIS, which may hamstring my pursuit of 'more functionality,' mentioned in the original pitch. I was envisioning a map that would pop up some details about each garden with the user hovers over the point (when it opened, how much power it makes), but looks like I'll have to switch over the Leaflet for that. An alternative I may look into is using Time Manager in QGIS to make a geogiffy (I just learned that word: https://medium.com/@tjukanov/geogiffery-in-a-nutshell-introduction-to-qgis-time-manager-31bb79f2af19) showing the growth of solar gardens, since my data includes the year gardens were built.

I will also likely highlight in the map some number of states that are the leaders in solar gardens (likely Maine, Minnesota and Colorado), as I'm planning to focus my story on those states and the solar-encouraging policies they've enacted.

Any changes in direction or topic?



I'm researching more about California's solar gardens -- I find it curious that they have NO solar gardens, according to the NREL database. A cursory look around online suggests Cali is a latecomer to the solar garden game, despite the state's strong solar profile overall. Anyway, we'll see if I discover info about solar gardens that do exist in the state, and if so I'll see about adding that to my data set.


julialedur commented 6 years ago

Hey Matt! Fascinating project!

I love the style of your map so far and I agree that you should look into the states with the most and the least solar gardens (I cannot believe that California has zero!). It might even be interesting to map the state with the most solar gardens separately and check if where these gardens are located. Are they usually close to a specific type of place?

I also like your idea of looking at the time variable, it probably tells an interesting story. I didn't know that you could use QGIS to make interactive maps! Another solution is to make something like this. I think it's a pretty clear and aesthetically nice way to show change over time.

Looking forward to seeing how this turns out! 😄

mattrehbein commented 6 years ago


Your project content: images/words/etc

The three states with the most solar gardens far outstrip everyone below them (#3 Colorado has 79; #4 Washington has 25), so I'm focusing on them. In my original map I've simply highlighted them (with a sunshiny color I'm not married to if anyone has thoughts). I've also made a zoomed-in map of Massachusetts, which has the most solar gardens and is pretty hard to see under the umbrella of its orange glow in the national map. For the MA map, I changed it to simple dots so we can see things a bit better -- but now it's really boring. Still working on it, but also welcome any suggestions on how to add detail/meaning to the zoomed-in look. Also thinking that if I do a geogiffy image, Massachusetts might be a good place to do it since they have more than 125 solar gardens, all of which sprung up from 2012 until now.



Any changes in direction or topic?



Figuring out how to style to individual state maps.


sarahslo commented 6 years ago

i think your exploration here is good, you are following the data. once you zoom into Massachusetts there is nothing notable about the geographic distribution. and once you look closer at the provenance of the data, you see that the way it's gathered is pretty weak.

The project list was compiled from numerous sources. Information for many of the projects were gathered from the following resources: Clean Energy Collective. 2017. Community Solar Hub. Clean Energy Resource Team. 2017. Clean Energy Project Builder. http://www.cleanenergyprojectbuilder.org/company/minnesota-community-solar. Shwastyk, D., J. Sterling. 2015. Community Solar Program Design Models. SEPA.

you've done what you should do to figure out where there are stories, but the data are too randomly put together to show anything other than the way they were collected.

mattrehbein commented 6 years ago


Project visuals/text



I've published what I'm calling a working draft on this. Even though there do not seem to be patterns to be found in the data because of how it was gathered, I want to keep working on this to get more data viz practice. I've done a lot of the work to make an animated map but don't have it done yet, and there are some other graphs I'd like to make to get more Ai reps in.

Headline: Solar Gardens: A Blooming Trade

Published website version: https://mattrehbein.github.io/SolarGardens/

Code repository: https://github.com/mattrehbein/data_studio/tree/master/code

Final data set(s): NREL's community solar project database

What did you find to be the most difficult part of this project?

I did a deep dive to try to understand the lack of solar gardens in California. The reason there are none on record -- and why there are likely very few if any in actual existence -- appears to be that the regulatory framework the legislature put in place is not congruent with the economic realities for utilities and their prospective solar developers. More on this though, as I keep working on the topic.

Are you satisfied with what you produced? Is there anything you would like to change or improve?

I want to build more viz for it and flesh it out with some reporting.


sarahslo commented 6 years ago

great to keep practicing! (is there a difference between the top and the bottom map? they look the same.)