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[Project] Business and Human Rights - Who cares? #312

Open maxarvid opened 6 years ago

maxarvid commented 6 years ago


How do companies react when pesky human rights activists call them out?


The Business and Human Rights Resource Center maintains a database of company responses (and lack thereof) to human rights abuse/harm allegations. The data includes columns on sector and type of harm.

The internet and social media sector has a tendency to claim they are saving the world. How do they compare with say, the mining sector in responding to allegations of malfeasance?


Possible headline(s): Do tech bros care about human rights?

Data set(s): https://github.com/maxarvid/data-studio/tree/master/code/07_bhr

Code repository: https://github.com/maxarvid/data-studio/tree/master/code/07_bhr

Possible problems/fears/questions: Maybe a bit simplistic, dataset is fairly small, so error would be large if I intend to do any serious statistical analysis. I'll try to focus on sectors and companies that have more than 50 entries (i.e. have been called out 50 times).

Work so far

Data acquired, some initial EDA below.

Number of complaints per year, note a slight upward trend as Business and Human Rights becomes more and more mainstreamed.

skarmavbild 2018-08-21 kl 15 47 36

Did the company respond? All industries:

skarmavbild 2018-08-21 kl 15 49 19

Did the company respond? Telcos and Internet sectors:

skarmavbild 2018-08-21 kl 15 50 13

Did the company respond? Mining:

skarmavbild 2018-08-21 kl 15 51 17


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sarahslo commented 6 years ago

wishing for more granular data. you have this topic which is so important, and i don't know what kind of human rights violations these companies are responding about, and if they respond what they are saying.