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Globalization of higher education: who goes where? #185

Closed miaomiaorepo closed 7 years ago

miaomiaorepo commented 8 years ago


Which country is most popular for international students? Students in each country prefer to go where? What's the proportion of foreign students in your country? How about the flow of tertiary-level students in each country?

I am going to make my own version based on UNESCO's datasets.


Data Source:

UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization): http://data.uis.unesco.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=EDULIT_DS&popupcustomise=true&lang=en#


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spm2164 commented 8 years ago

Pretty cool idea. I'd love to see this as a static map that highlights the biggest student migrations. That would be a pretty big and complicated map, but who knows! I think it'll be great.

barjacks commented 8 years ago

I like your first question: Which country is most popular for international students? Could you work this out related by size of the destination country? And could you maybe developed different categories of destinations. This could reveal some interesting results (might not be US).

nickyforster commented 8 years ago

With a dataset like this it can be easy to fall into the trap of making a visual/story that is too exploratory, so asking specific questions like you have is definitely the way to go.