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Political Prisoners in Venezuela #201

Closed mercybenzaquen closed 8 years ago

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

Story issue checklist

My pitch was (use the number): #175

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I'm the Playfair Bot!

Thanks for posting your story issue, but would you mind adding editing the original issue to add the first draft of your image? You have my sincere apologies, but it's easier for dumb robots like me when the comments are only used for updates.

Thanks! :pray:

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

I am integrating data from two sources while I wait from a response for the biggest non-profit in Venezuela that keeps a record of political prisoners (Foro Penal).



This is a very very very rough draft of my political prisoners chart. The chart shows the number of prisoners per month from 2002 to 2016. I am trying to fix a problem I am having with matplotlib because I could not get it to set my x axis from 2002 to 2016. project4_political_prisoners_draft2

Possible Headlines -Most political prisoners in Venezuela where detained during February 2014 wave of protests -A look at the Venezuelan government detention of opposition politicians -Detention of political prisoners peaked in 2015 -Most political prisoners in Venezuela are male, although the detention of women has increased in the past 2 years -Venezuela is the country with the most political prisoners in South America (no idea..)

I am still waiting to get data from Foro Penal, but once I do these could be other headline ideas. -X people have been detained for making anti-government comments in social media -Most political prisoners in Venezuela are professional and students

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

For inspiration I liked something like this. Maybe comparing the political prisoners in Venezuela with those in other countries.


skkandrach commented 8 years ago

This is a really intriguing idea! I think focusing on South America first would be a nice start. For the prisoners awaiting their prison sentence is it possible to create a timeline of how long they generally wait to hear?

kbennion commented 8 years ago

This is a neat project! I'm sure getting the data from Foro Penal will expand it but I like the graphic you have currently too. I liked your idea of adding annotations to show historical events (protests, coups, etc). and think those could really enrich the visualization. Was there a regime change in 2013 that led to more arrests?

gcgruen commented 8 years ago

In case you want to look for icons to use (also if you are not allowed to put them into your bar graphs ;)...) you might want to check out The Noun Project, in case you didn't know about it yet and need some prison wires and stuff like that for your final composition.

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

This is an update of what I've been working on. It is not ready yet! I think the annotations might be making the visualization less striking. Before adding annotations it was interesting to see the white space (lack of arrests) between 2004 and 2013.


So... basically after Chavez died the government started arresting people from the opposition. The Venezuelan government is using the criminal justice system to prosecute the people they want. It is no surprise then that Venezuela, a country with 86 political prisoners rank the lowest of 102 in the perception of Rule of Law by its citizens . I will create two charts with data from the 2015 Rule of Law Index study. This is a study that "provides original, impartial data on how the rule of law is experienced by the general public in 102 countries around the globe."

Venezuela ranked last of 102 in the study. The study takes into consideration 44 indicators across eight categories: Constraints on Government Powers Absence of Corruption Open Government Fundamental Rights Order and Security Regulatory Enforcement Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice.

2) The first of these two charts will be a map showing the overall score of each of the 102 countries. I ALREADY HAVE THE MAP BUT IT HAS BEEN IMPOSIBLE TO WORK WITH IT IN ILLUSTRATOR! TAKES YEARS TO LOAD :S!!! after_qgis_version_2

3) The last chart will be a comparison of how Venezuela did in the Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice categories compared to other countries. ***Venezuela score nearly 0 in the Criminal Justice category, in other words, Venezuelans feel there is no criminal justice in their country.

These are the 5 countries that ranked the lowest for criminal justice: Venezuela is the one that ranks the lowest.


oargueso commented 8 years ago

Wow! I love the first viz, it is really awsome. If I were to find a small detail to add clarity, I would say that maybe you want to add a legend explaining that the dashed line means people or events that are connected (it took me a little while to get it, especially for the left part of the graph! ;)).

As of the other two graphs, I guess it is still work in progress, so I am not sure if I can be of any help there. I'll try, though :). If you are color-coding the map (like a choropleth map), I would suggest to make somehow clear that Venezuela scored last, because I guess it would get the same color as some other countries at the end of the list? Regarding the bar chart, you may need to add some annotation explaining what "criminal justice = 0" means and why it is important (or why did you choose this aspect and not any other).

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

VERSION 2 political-arrests_version_3

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

VERSION 3 -Played a bit with the hierarchy... still not convinced. Looks kind of messy to me. -Added one important political prisoner, Manuel Rosales... political-arrests_version_4

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

Chart 2 VERSION 1 project4_2

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Closing since pull request #239 has been accepted

jsoma commented 8 years ago

Commenting here so the bot doesn't yell at me since we talked about this in class.

Also a general note - if your color code is just one color, you can always just label underneath or above your chart without the color sample box. "Criminal Justice Score" all by itself should be fine 👍