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Clustering speeches of the Geneva parliament #211

Closed palrogg closed 8 years ago

palrogg commented 8 years ago

I'd like to cluster the speeches held at the Geneva parliament and see what kind of speeches will arise. Or: to perform a TF-IDF search by politician, then plot the results in small multiples.




Clustering debates from UK politicians [Blog]

Also interesting:

The Words They Used [NYT]

Words in Politics: Some extensions of the word cloud [Blog]

Choice words [NYT]

Pitch issue checklist

barjacks commented 8 years ago

I like this graph but still too many words per category I think. Do you think it would be possible to reduce each politician to one favorite word, preferably a noun? Or maybe two, a noun and a verb?

thisss commented 8 years ago

It's a good idea to experiment with the clustering. Maybe you want to look at subgroups like the parties in order to get some interesting results.

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Closing pitch since story has been opened at #272