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Do critics and public agreed on the best James Bond Movie? #237

Closed paolorivas closed 7 years ago

paolorivas commented 8 years ago

Here I have my charts for this story!

I still need to add more information to it to (statistical) to settle down the debate o who is the best bond and made the best movies according to the people and critics! THIS IS PRELIMINARY WORK.

bond_franchise_complete-01 bond_franchise_complete-03 bond_franchise_complete-02

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I'm the Playfair Bot!

Would you mind posting the appropriate checklist in the main body of your issue? You might have posted it as the first comment, but it turns out it works way better in the actual body of the issue - just go up to the veeery top right and click the pencil icon to edit. You'll probably want to edit the comment to copy the checklist, then edit the original issue to paste it in.

Thanks! :pray:

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I'm the Playfair Bot!

Would you mind linking to your pitch issue by using the '#1' method (but with your actual pitch issue number)? It'll hopefully help us keep things neat and organized.

Thanks a zillion! :pray:

radhikapc commented 8 years ago

Adding images of the actors would be interesting :-)

junebugseo commented 8 years ago

article-2086469-0f738cff00000578-977_634x799 I really like! You need this image for your visualizations. I want last chart to be in chronological order rather than box office $.

honjy commented 8 years ago

I love James Bond! And I absolutely agree that we need a visual reminder of why Daniel Craig is a great Bond.

(Constructive feedback: The bar chart could be chronological? Would make it easier to read!)

paolorivas commented 8 years ago

All them together! I still need to improve them


jsoma commented 8 years ago

You can draw multiple artboards if you'd like to separate the graphics from one another :) - just select the artboard tool and click and drag in an empty area.


Area Legend: I would put a few different circle sizes, and size them in more standard increments. Maybe three of them, 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion? I'm guessing right now you took the largest and smallest? It's a little tougher to make custom ones - you might need to draw it in matplotlib (ugh) or do a little bit of math calculations on the ones you have (also ugh). I think it would pay off in the end, though!

Colors: This could also apply to the other graphics too, but I think going with a colorbrewer scheme could be a good idea. While your colors all stand out against one another and are easy to differentiate, I think the options from ColorBrewer tend to be a little more... thematic? The way they balance them makes them look both pleasant and very separate.

Movie legend: I would normally be against providing a list of every data point along with a graphic, but I think it's a fine decision in this case! I would left-align the titles so they all sits up nice against the years. I'm thinking you might also be able to combine the Bonds with the movies list - what if you actually moved the lists under the bonds, so each Bond had a column of his movies underneath? Then instead of drawing long lines you could just call out a couple films with labels right next to them.

Bar graph

I agree with @honjy, I think that chronological would be good idea for the bar chart. Usually ordering them by amount works best, but in this case since they're actually time-based going in order of production would probably allow the reader to follow the story a bit more.

For the axis labels you might want to talk about millions instead of billions to make it a little more glance-able - instead of labeling the axis "in billions" just call it "box office revenue" and then label the ticks. Have "200 million," then "400" "600" "800" then "1 billion" and "1.2" etc. Maybe label the one on the further right with "billion" as well.

Line graph

I feel like the last graph is a little aggressive (lots of sharp ups/downs) and although it might be cheating, I think it might look nicer if you make it the same width but less tall (figsize in matplotlib) - that way the sharp ups and downs would be less sharp and you could stress the general feel instead.

At first I was thinking if you wanted to stress the differences between the critics and the peoples' ratings, you could color in the differences, similar to one of Harsha's pieces:


But!! really I think points might work a bit better, esp if you drew a line between them vertically (one color if the critic was higher, one color if the peoples' was higher) - kind of like @mercybenzaquen's piece but vertical instead of horizontal.


You could even do it without re-exporting from matplotlib by centering circles on each point and then deleting the lines.

barjacks commented 8 years ago

Really like them. Especially the scatter plot. I don't think you need the lines on the scatter plot one. Connecting the bubbles to the films. It just messes things up. And if I really want to know, which movie is which, I can check on the x axis and with the release date you've provided per film. I'd work on your colors as well. Think you could find something a bit more bond-like. Pink and Purple and green just doesn't feel right for Bond :-).