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New York State School Demographics #238

Closed M0nica closed 7 years ago

M0nica commented 8 years ago

I would like to further explore NYC/NYS school data to look at racial demographic and median income.

Eventually, I would like to combine with my other school district data (https://github.com/jsoma/playfair-projects/issues/183) and see if a correlation can be made b/w racial demographic, median income and amount of money spent per student.

Pitch issue checklist

oargueso commented 8 years ago

Very interesting project, indeed. I think it is really amazing that the difference between schools is so huge in terms of the money they spend per student. It definitely deserves digging into it to find the possible causes behind those differences.

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

This is an interesting project! I think you could actually make this one your big project and create separate charts for the different correlations that you have in mind. I think this would work as a D3 project and you could make it as a map with an option of choosing the parameter you want to look at. For example median income, race demographics, etc.

M0nica commented 8 years ago

Demographic Snapshot Data Source http://schools.nyc.gov/Accountability/data/default.htm

M0nica commented 8 years ago

Created a D3 visualization of demographic (racial and gender) break-down of NYC school districts (each district is referred to by its number). I need to figure out how to add X and Y axis labels to this graphic. Currently, I am using raw numbers as opposed to percentages. Is it weird to graph percentages with a bar chart?

screen shot 2016-08-22 at 10 36 06 pm

screen shot 2016-08-22 at 10 39 59 pm

D3 Code https://github.com/M0nica/data-studio-proj/commit/6d2c896f0b120218a4c3b85809bcb3aab30ffd5a

M0nica commented 8 years ago

From the same data source, I also have #s for Poverty, English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities.

Maybe I could have multiple buttons to transition b/w various demographic information: Display Racial Demographic, Gender Breakdown, Poverty Level, # of English Language Learners and # of Students with Disabilities. Still not sure if raw numbers or percentage are better for displaying this type of information.

In order to make these transitions I would need to:

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

These look great! As we were discussing, I think it would be very interesting to see the school districts on a map as well. I like your idea of having a map below the bar chart and highlighting the corresponding bar as the viewer hovers over the district on the map. I like the colors, they look cool!

M0nica commented 8 years ago

NYC School Districts are 1-31, 75, 79 and 84. I would like to represent each district separately, as well as comparing 1-31 (regular public school districts), 75 (special education), 79 (alternative high schools) and 84 (charter schools) to each other.

  • District 75 Special Education: District 75 provides citywide educational, vocational and behavior support programs for students who are on the autism spectrum, severely emotionally challenged, and/or multiply disabled. Learn more here.
  • District 79 Alternative Schools and Programs: Helps students under 21 years old, who have experienced an interruption to their studies to stay on track to a high school or high school equivalency diploma, build the skills to succeed in postsecondary opportunities, and gain the social-emotional skills necessary to become confident and productive members of society. Learn more here.
  • District 84 Charter Schools: Publicly funded and open to all students in New York City through a non-discriminatory admissions lottery. Each charter school is governed by a not-for-profit board of trustees which may include educators, community members, and leaders from the private sector. Learn more here.

Source: [NYC Acronym Reference] http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/0C56D9B8-8DDB-46B8-AA5F-BF77AE8C2803/0/ACRONYMReferenceGuide.pdf

kbennion commented 8 years ago

I love these visuals -- I liked what you talked about about incorporating a map somehow so people could easily identify what district the data is for (a map on the side that highlighted what district the mouse was over would be so cool). I'm not sure the best way to transition between different data sets as you mentioned. It might also be worth seeing how it looks when you order the districts in numeric order so people who are looking for their district specifically can find that information?

For the first graphic, I might change the color for "Black" so it looks less like a gradient scale between "Hispanic" and "Asian."

M0nica commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-08-24 at 3 15 54 pm

Grouped by type of school in order to tell a more cohesive story.

M0nica commented 8 years ago


Updated with information about private school enrollment, contrasting colors and brief write up.

M0nica commented 8 years ago

D3 Visualization can be viewed live on my website (with interactive tooltip), here: http://aboutmonica.com/nyc_school_demographics/