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Dataviz series on water #244

Closed gcgruen closed 7 years ago

gcgruen commented 8 years ago

I would like to dive into some water data -- there's such a variety! Usually we take water for granted, though we somehow know in the back of our minds that it is not. With these visuals I would like to draw attention to how scarce it actually is.


Inspired by @kromreig playing with this idea, I would like to do a slope graph on annual freshwater withdrawl: fullsizerender 4

Also, I would like to find a way to like visualize the correlation between water scarcity and conflict. Either by a spider-web-thing (which I would like to try for some project) or by something similar @HarshaDevulapalli did for his GDP-military coup story: fullsizerender 3

Third visual will be a map -- either of water scarcity prediction or drought. But that would be just replicating what is there (advantange: I know it is feasible) and that's a bit (disadvantage) boring. So I thought, maybe I could focus on rivers -- cluster them based on baseline water stress predictions and map them in a specific colour for each cluster.

More topics to explore visually, based on available data:

Freshwater Conflicts linked to water -- needs scraping, which I wanted to do for a project anyway Data on water and sanitation Water and conflict -- overview Geospatial data -- many indicators Geospatial data -- water stress prediction Geospatial data -- river basin indicators Water footprint and water pollution Water and drought

Clip search/ primary sources

Pacific Institute: Peak water WRI: Water Cool thing: Live updating counter how much water has been consumed this year World Bank - Feature on Water FAO resources on Water Water Management Global Water Resource Collection

Possible headlines

mercye commented 8 years ago

there are so many entry points for this, and i am super excited to see which direction you will go with this. i think it would be super interesting to look at what level of water scarcity a conflict breaks out/if water scarcity can predict conflicts.

ghost commented 8 years ago

So, I reserve making much comment until I see what data you're going to use and what you decide to visualize :)

I think that this is a big topic, and that focusing on specific topics might work really well. Maybe that means you pick a specific region, a specific time range, or a specific context (during/before/after a conflict, for instance).

So yeah! Go for it! Exciting!