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Tracking the International Space Station (ISS) Using NASA API, Carto DB, and then maybe D3 #249

Closed radhikapc closed 7 years ago

radhikapc commented 8 years ago

Being a Space enthusiast, I have been following the development of ISS since it's conception. I get an alert in my Inbox when it crosses the Santa Clara - Sunnyvale area ! I am following the humans on board on ISS via twitter feeds. Well, after learning to play around with API, then Carto, I thought why don't I try plotting its movement across the sky for a day. In fact, ISS makes 16 rotation around earth daily. To get an interesting animation of the movement of ISS, I collected data by using the http://open-notify.org APIs (thanks Stephen for helping me fix the issues !). I initially tried a simple plotting on Carto, but the image didn't look that attractive ! Yes, I did a spatial-join of a shape file of the globe (thanks Nicky for directing me to the right one!) and the CSV file I have created . capture

The image captures the movement for a day, implies 16 rotation around earth.

Thanks to Soma, who suggested to try Torque feature on Carto. Now it looks better, but I need to make lots of modification to make it look pretty. I wish to do it on D3.


My pitch was (use the number): # 249

-# Pitch issue checklist

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I'm the Playfair Bot!

Would you mind posting the appropriate checklist in the main body of your issue? You might have posted it as the first comment, but it turns out it works way better in the actual body of the issue - just go up to the veeery top right and click the pencil icon to edit. You'll probably want to edit the comment to copy the checklist, then edit the original issue to paste it in.

Thanks! :pray: