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Two Venezuelan cities make the top 5 list of most dangerous cities in the world #251

Closed mercybenzaquen closed 8 years ago

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

I am using data from Mexico's Citizen Council for Public security and annual ranking: http://www.seguridadjusticiaypaz.org.mx/biblioteca/prensa/send/6-prensa/231-caracas-venezuela-the-most-violent-city-in-the-world.

Project has two parts:

1) I will compare the 50 top dangerous cities based on rate of murders and total number of murders. I will use the following inspiration images in this first part.

Inspiration images:

screen shot 2016-08-18 at 4 33 05 pm screen shot 2016-08-15 at 4 18 27 pm

My first draft (still needs A LOT of work): project5

Now, we know that 8 of Venezuela's cities have a spot in this list. And that its capitals takes the first place. How violent is Venezuela? Depends on who you ask....

2) I will compare the Venezuelan government official numbers with those of two non-profits.

Attorney general ---> There were 17,875 murders in Venezuela in 2015 ( 58 per 100,000)

Observatory of Venezuela Violene ---> There were 27,875 murders in Venezuela in 2015 (91 per 100,000)

Mexican Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice ---> 73 or 80 per 100,000 (still trying to get a specific number).

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I'm the Playfair Bot!

Would you mind posting the appropriate checklist in the main body of your issue? You might have posted it as the first comment, but it turns out it works way better in the actual body of the issue - just go up to the veeery top right and click the pencil icon to edit. You'll probably want to edit the comment to copy the checklist, then edit the original issue to paste it in.

Thanks! :pray:

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I'm the Playfair Bot!

Would you mind linking to your pitch issue by using the '#1' method (but with your actual pitch issue number)? It'll hopefully help us keep things neat and organized.

Thanks a zillion! :pray:

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

Story issue checklist

My pitch was (use the number): #230

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

This is the second version of my chart 1 I will go with the headline: "Venezuela's capital tops list of world's most murderous cities in 2015"


ghost commented 8 years ago

Hey, this is a very cool project!

I think going with a one-color scheme is really good here. The rainbow categorical color scheme was really just overwhelming. This way, your eye is drawn to circles based on their size, not any other criteria. Good decision!

I have a couple of questions/comments...

  1. is the sizing on the circles continuous (like, does it increase based on your data, calculating the size when you plot) or have you categorized them into 100, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 and whichever size range they fall into, that is the size of the circle?
  2. Have you thought about eliminating perhaps the 100 homicide per 100,000 category? It seems like you have a lot on your graph-- especially in Mexico and Brazil (no surprises there), and it would maybe work better to pare it down... just my two cents' worth :)
  3. I'm not sure lines around the circles you want to highlight is the best strategy to highlight them-- maybe this is where you can start playing with colour, or opacity, maybe turn the opacity up on those so they really pop!!
  4. Not sure how I feel about the little lines leading to the names. They mess with your overall very elegant visualization. Maybe they could be interactives in D3 instead!


oargueso commented 8 years ago

I would remove the color from the legend, so that you only keep the size of the bubbles. Otherwise, it is a bit misleading - you may think that the bubbles are also color coded (and not only size coded).

As of the rest, I think it looks cool!

M0nica commented 8 years ago

I really like your project. It would be cool if it was possible to zoom into specific sections (For more information/clearer view) such as Brazil where there is a higher concentration of cities within close proximity of each other. Also, for the legend, it would be helpful if you emphasized that the size of the circle, as opposed to its shading, indicates the raw # of murders.

kbennion commented 8 years ago

I really love how you can see rate and actual number of homicides in this graphic. I like the line labels for clarity's sake (the one that IS hard to see is Salvador vs Fortaleza). Are the countries ordered in a certain way?

Small typo: "Guatemala city" should probably be "Guatemala City"

mercybenzaquen commented 8 years ago

Hey @kromreig ! Thank you for your comments :)

1) The sizing of the circles is continuous so it increases based on the number of murders. I am working on making that clearer.

2)I am not sure I understand your second suggestion :s. Do you mean getting rid of the rate category and just using the number of homicides per city?

3) Yes, I don't really like these lines either. I had tried playing with color in a previous version but Soma suggested I stick to either color or circle size, because using both was confusing. I decided to stick with circle size but I will try to use another aspect to highlight the cities that are labelled.

Thanks again!

ghost commented 8 years ago

2) I think maybe you could just raise your threshold to 500? Do you really want to show cities with 100 homicides per 100,000? Also, then you could tune the contrast between sizes and generally maybe have a clearer chart. I guess the original chart does that also, which I kind of don't like :) Up to you!

3) Why not change color, but opacity instead to highlight them?

playfairbot commented 8 years ago

Closing since pull request #262 has been accepted