json-iterator / go

A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
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Recursive struct type causes stack overflow / Handling of overlapping field tagged name is not aligned to std #657

Open ngicks opened 1 year ago

ngicks commented 1 year ago

Searching through issues with "recursive" does not give me any similar issues. Are these behaviors intentionally dropped?

> go version
go version go1.20 linux/amd64
require github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12

I've uploaded test code here.


package testjsoniter_test

import (

    jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"

type OverlappingKey1 struct {
    Foo string
    Bar string `json:"Baz"`
    Baz string

type OverlappingKey2 struct {
    Foo string
    Bar string `json:"Bar"`
    Baz string `json:"Bar"`

type OverlappingKey3 struct {
    Foo string
    Bar string `json:"Baz"`
    Baz string
    Qux string `json:"Baz"`

type Sub1 struct {
    Foo string
    Bar string `json:"Bar"`

type OverlappingKey4 struct {
    Foo string
    Bar string
    Baz string

type Recursive1 struct {
    R string `json:"r"`

type Recursive2 struct {
    R  string `json:"r"`
    RR string `json:"rr"`

type OverlappingKey5 struct {
    Foo string

func TestJsonIter_behavioral_deference(t *testing.T) {
    for _, config := range []jsoniter.API{
    } {
        for _, v := range []any{
            OverlappingKey1{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
            OverlappingKey2{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
            OverlappingKey3{"foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"},
            OverlappingKey4{Foo: "foo", Bar: "bar", Baz: "baz", Sub1: Sub1{Foo: "foofoo", Bar: "barbar"}},
            // These cause stack overflow
            // OverlappingKey5{Foo: "foo", Recursive1: Recursive1{R: "r", Recursive2: Recursive2{R: "rr"}}},
            // OverlappingKey5{Foo: "foo", Recursive1: Recursive1{R: "r", Recursive2: Recursive2{R: "rr", OverlappingKey5: &OverlappingKey5{Foo: "foo"}}}},
        } {
            binOrg, err := json.Marshal(v)
            if err != nil {
            binMimic, err := config.Marshal(v)
            if err != nil {

            str1, str2 := string(binOrg), string(binMimic)
            if str1 != str2 {
                t.Errorf("not same, type = %T. org = %s, jsoniter = %s\n", v, str1, str2)


This gives result of

> go test -v ./...
=== RUN   TestJsonIter_behavioral_deference
    recursive_test.go:82: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.OverlappingKey1. org = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"bar"}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"baz"}
    recursive_test.go:82: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.OverlappingKey3. org = {"Foo":"foo"}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"qux"}
    recursive_test.go:82: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.OverlappingKey4. org = {"Foo":"foo","Bar":"bar","Baz":"baz"}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"baz","Bar":"barbar"}
    recursive_test.go:82: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.OverlappingKey1. org = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"bar"}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"baz"}
    recursive_test.go:82: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.OverlappingKey3. org = {"Foo":"foo"}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"qux"}
    recursive_test.go:82: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.OverlappingKey4. org = {"Foo":"foo","Bar":"bar","Baz":"baz"}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"foo","Baz":"baz","Bar":"barbar"}
--- FAIL: TestJsonIter_behavioral_deference (0.00s)
FAIL    github.com/ngicks/test-jsoniter.git     0.002s
ngicks commented 1 year ago

Oh it doesn't also align its behavior to std where ,string option should not apply to null or non-applicable type. The former one is poorly documented. The latter is explicit.

type Quote struct {
    Foo int  `json:",string"`
    Bar *int `json:",string"`
    Baz Sub  `json:",string"`

type Sub struct {
    Qux string

func TestQuote_behavior(t *testing.T) {
    v := Quote{
        Foo: 10,
        Bar: nil,
        Baz: Sub{
            Qux: "qux",

    binOrg, err := json.Marshal(v)
    if err != nil {
    binMimic, err := jsoniter.Marshal(v)
    if err != nil {

    str1, str2 := string(binOrg), string(binMimic)
    if str1 != str2 {
        t.Errorf("not same, type = %T. org = %s, jsoniter = %s\n", v, str1, str2)
--- FAIL: TestQuote_behavior (0.00s)
    string_opt_test.go:40: not same, type = testjsoniter_test.Quote. org = {"Foo":"10","Bar":null,"Baz":{"Qux":"qux"}}, jsoniter = {"Foo":"10","Bar":"null","Baz":"{"Qux":"qux"}"}