json-ld / yaml-ld

CG specification for YAML-LD and UCR
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Leave YAML-LD Extended profile out of bounds of the Community Report #88

Open anatoly-scherbakov opened 1 year ago

anatoly-scherbakov commented 1 year ago

The Extended YAML-LD profile #35 was conceived as a way to improve the user experience by utilizing expressive means that YAML 1.2 enjoys and which JSON does not possess, in particular:

Two alternative methods of tackling this have been proposed:

Each of these approaches requires efforts, and it is unclear whether the participants of this community have sufficient time to put into the project. That said, we still want to drive the Community Group Draft document to a state where it can be accepted by the Working Group and thereafter be published as a Recommendation.

On the Feb 15, 2023 Community Group meeting, @gkellogg had proposed that we postpone the implementation of the Extended Profile.


This issue is to present this proposal for public discussion as a request for comments. I suggest we use reactions on this issue to vote: :+1: to support and :-1: to disapprove.


anatoly-scherbakov commented 1 year ago


This diagram tries to illustrate what kind of steps we are going to take for each alternative of the ones listed above. Every arrow on the diagram means "blocks". For instance, "Document motivations …" blocks "Document alternatives …" because (IMHO) we should first explain WHY we're thinking about the Extended Profile and then we should explain the possible choices we had considered.

The ⊻ symbol is XOR: it means we choose exactly one option among the alternatives the box with this symbol provides.

During the discussion I expect to be updating this diagram in-place, editing this message, to reflect the feedback from everyone.

gkellogg commented 1 year ago

Very nice diagram and work plan!