json-schema-language / spec

Deprecated. See instead github.com/jddf/spec
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Suggestions to get closer to JSON Schema and current OpenAPI variant #11

Open epoberezkin opened 4 years ago

epoberezkin commented 4 years ago

The rest looks good.

Happy to make PRs for this items

epoberezkin commented 4 years ago

also: require (allow?) type array/object (but must be compatible with the form). If you require, you would be able to define loose meta-schema for all forms. For object, there is no reason not to consider discriminator and properties as one form allowing all three keywords, where in case of discriminator, properties and optionalProperties would define shared properties for all mappings - it would also allow to define the schema for tag e.g. string or number as you cannot imply it from the schema.

So in general, love the simplicity, but it violates "explicit better than implicit" idea and does not allow creating meta-schema. It would be very easy to rectify.

epoberezkin commented 4 years ago

One more thing:

"values": I would allow schema for "keys", particularly if you support "size" in addition to "type". That would allow defining sparse arrays for example or limit the size of the dictionary keys.