Closed Julian closed 1 year ago
This Slack thread (re-)raised the missing test added here.
As mentioned in the thread, around half of all implementations supported by Bowtie get this wrong:
⊙ 2>/dev/null bowtie validate -D 2019 $(find ~/Development/bowtie/implementations/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed 's/.*\/implementations\//-i /') <(printf '{
"$schema": "",
"additionalItems": {"type": "number"},
"unevaluatedItems": {"type": "string"}
') <(printf '["foo", 1]') | rg implementation | jq '{implementation: .implementation, valid: .results[0].valid}'
"implementation": "",
"valid": false
"implementation": "",
"valid": true
"implementation": "",
"valid": false
"implementation": "",
"valid": false
"implementation": "",
"valid": false
"implementation": "",
"valid": true
"implementation": "",
"valid": null
"implementation": "",
"valid": true
Where the reasoning is likely easy to understand -- any implementation which implements unevaluatedItems
by essentially doing a if additionalItems in instance: short_circuit()
is forgetting that that needs to be if additionalItems in instance *and* items in instance: ...
to comply with that ignore behavior.
The interesting bit here actually only applies to 2019, as it's the only draft containing both unevaluatedItems as well as additionalItems -- the latter in its specified behavior containing:
if "items" is absent or its annotation result is the boolean true, "additionalItems" MUST be ignored.
In newer drafts (i.e. 2020), when additionalItems "became" items, this condition was dropped (i.e. items without a neighboring prefixItems now is indeed not ignored).
Closes: #292