json-schema-org / JSON-Schema-Test-Suite

A language agnostic test suite for the JSON Schema specifications
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Make CI annotate pull requests with links to the {section} specified in "specification" #728

Closed Era-cell closed 2 months ago

Era-cell commented 3 months ago

sections here refer to sections of core, validation of jsonschema, rfcXXX, ecma etc..

Come up with something for annotating the review with a link to the section.

Probably custom logic for each specification which knows what the right URL is given what we have put in the corresponding field, yes, which the simplest version is just "a base URI".

But exactly right. Some CI script for that, which annotates PRs, and warns for broken links.

Reference to this conversation: PR #726

Era-cell commented 3 months ago

@gregsdennis @Julian I am trying to run unittest, by using: python .\bin\jsonschema_suite check this command, I am not able to understand why it gives failures and errors. I am too struck in this. Can I get help from anyone in resolving tests, so that I can proceed. Because of many errors I am not able to see how the annotations are being collected

MeastroZI commented 3 months ago

@Era-cell just run .bin\jsonschema_suit check , there is already python env present in bin

MeastroZI commented 3 months ago

And to help with your error failures, please provide more details about it.

Era-cell commented 3 months ago

Yeah I am sharing you teh error I got: https://elmah.io/tools/stack-trace-formatter/f5a9f5ccb7ed45e3a0450b4a863c1757/ its much longer, it would be great if you can help

Julian commented 2 months ago

That sounds like you have a quite old version of the python-jsonschema implementation I maintain which is used to run sanity checks on the suite's test cases. You could run pip install -U jsonschema, or you could use tox and run that which will always give you the right version, but none of that has anything to do with this issue so not 100% sure what you're trying to do! This issue was about creating a GitHub action workflow to comment on pull requests, it doesn't involve any of that stuff.

Era-cell commented 2 months ago

Hey! It works now except the UnicodeDecodeError. And I thought the annotations have to be logged by using print() in tests as I wasn't aware that its possible in workflows. Dumb me. It seems interesting to create a workflow. But I guess I will need authorization for that..

Julian commented 2 months ago

You should be able to get it working on a fork of yours, then send a PR for review!

Era-cell commented 2 months ago

You should be able to get it working on a fork of yours, then send a PR for review!

Ohh! I see, I get it now. Thank you ❤️‍🔥

Era-cell commented 2 months ago

I am asking this before I work on this technique completely: Can I write a python script like this which will be called by a .github/workflow/new_workflow new_workflow will trigger on pull_request making changes on tests/** folder

from github import Github
import os
import sys

def main():
    # GitHub authentication using personal access token
    # Replace 'YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN' with your actual token
    g = Github(os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN'))

    # Get repository and pull request number from environment variables
    repo_name = os.environ.get('GITHUB_REPOSITORY')
    pull_request_number = os.environ.get('GITHUB_REF').split('/')[-1]

    if not repo_name or not pull_request_number:
        print("Repository name or pull request number not found in environment variables.")

    # Get repository object
    repo = g.get_repo(repo_name)

    # Get the pull request object
    pr = repo.get_pull(int(pull_request_number))

    # Get the list of changed files in the pull request
    changed_files = [file.filename for file in pr.get_files()]

    # Filter the list to include only JSON files in the 'tests' directory
    # changed_json_files = [file for file in changed_files if file.startswith('tests/') and file.endswith('.json')]

    # if changed_json_files:
    #     # Commit and push changes
    #     commit_message = "Update JSON files"
    #     commit_and_push_changes(repo, pr.base.ref, commit_message)
    # else:
    #     print("No changes detected in JSON files.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

So, can I use this method?

Julian commented 2 months ago

The format you need to output is the format needed for GitHub Actions annotations -- see e.g. here -- it's a sort of funny looking string starting with ::. So you should print a string like that for each line containing a specification link.

I would recommend starting by completely ignoring git, in other words simply output annotations for all specification links! I think it's possible GitHub will then even automatically handle filtering showing only the ones which are relevant for a diff on a PR. I.e. if you spit out everything, GitHub will only render the ones for lines changed in the PR. It's been awhile since I looked at this API / docs, but yeah I'd start there, and if need be we can do the filtering afterwards if it turns out not to happen automatically, but undoubtedly this will be a very common thing that anyone using these will have needed to do.

Lemme know if that helps. (And thanks again!)

Era-cell commented 2 months ago

I felt this easy, it was time taking but I have raised the PR, I hope this is what is expected. But yeah I understood partially what you said 😅