json-schema-org / community

A space to discuss community and organisational related things
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Open Community Working Meeting 2024-04-29 - 14:00 PT #703

Closed benjagm closed 5 months ago

benjagm commented 5 months ago

Open Community Working Meeting 2024-04-29 - 14:00 PT

Zoom Meeting link: https://postman.zoom.us/j/89562933116?pwd=OWlsQ0RrcDY4S1JQU2d2Q2M0aFFlZz09

Meeting accessibility:

Agenda: Compiling!

Topic Owner Decision/NextStep
Review last call's action items [facilitator]
[TOPIC] [IssuePRDiscussion] [owner]
<!-- [TOPIC] [IssuePRDiscussion] [owner] -->

You can have a PR or an issue added to this agenda by just adding them the agenda label.

AOB? If you want to discuss any other business not on the agenda, please add comments during the meeting. If we do not complete the agenda, your discussion item will likely be rolled over to the next call.

Action items:


Agenda Items rolling over:

Recording: [link]

benjagm commented 5 months ago

After a review of the agenda for today's meeting it appears that we don't have any specific items to discuss. Therefore, we've decided to cancel the meeting and make the most of everyone's time.

Let's continue the discussion here or in Slack. Have a good rest of the day!