json-schema-org / json-schema-spec

The JSON Schema specification
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Clean-up of stable features and removal of unstable features #1444

Open gregsdennis opened 11 months ago

gregsdennis commented 11 months ago

In What current features should be considered unstable? we determined that most everything available in 2020-12 will be considered stable, with some things having a few changes.

This issue will catalog the things we need to do to resolve that discussion.

I think that's everything. Edit this comment to add more. I'd like to keep everything here instead of having to search below.

If you start work on one of these, please edit the issue and put your name next to what you're working on so that effort isn't duplicated.

It should also be noted that this is not intended to be everything we need for stable release; only those things covered in the discussion.

gregsdennis commented 11 months ago

I checked the following for $schema and it all seems mostly good to me:

There is also https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-spec/issues/1442 where we're discussing a possible tweak to the meta-schema validation language (9.3.3), but I don't think the concept is going to change.

gregsdennis commented 11 months ago

Checking for $id raises some questions:

Any other references are minor usages or examples that don't describe the behavior of $id.

It should also be noted that a lot of these sections have references to $dynamic* operating within the same referencing system as $id/$anchor/$ref. Part of the "removing bookending" and "removing initial resolution step" work is also "disconnecting$dynamicRef and $ref referencing systems." These sections will need to be revisited to address that. (Added to the list above)

jdesrosiers commented 11 months ago

I think the identification stuff needs a lot of attention. Probably after the initial release, I'd like to look into completely reworking this area.

Schema document roots SHOULD have an $id (maybe relax this? we have 9.1.1 Initial Base IRI to determine an identifier. also this isn't a requirement of implementors, but of authors, which... can we put a SHOULD requirement on authors? how would an implementation enforce that?)

Agree. I say relax it to make it informal or remove it entirely.

Pointers that cross resource boundaries are not explicitly disallowed, but as guidance to schema authors, the spec recommends using the value in $id (which defines the schema boundary) rather than a pointer that goes through it in order to support the case where a schema could be decomposed into its resources. We've had some discussion around this, but I'm not sure if we want to change it. It seems fine as is to me.

We identified that the behavior of pointers crossing schema resource boundaries needs to specified as "undefined" rather than "allowed" for compatibility reasons. (I feel like we talked about this in more detail than the short convo I linked to, but this is what I found.)

This section might actually be a candidate for removal since we're disallowing unknown keywords now.

That makes sense to me.

gregsdennis commented 11 months ago

Probably after the initial release, I'd like to look into completely reworking this area.

Remember that we can't break things, so it's important to get this right with the first release.

That said, I'm uninterested in re-hashing old conversations, if that's what you're getting at.

jdesrosiers commented 11 months ago

I wasn't referring to any old conversations or any behavior changes. I just want to clean up the way the spec presents the concepts. That's why I said it can be done after the initial release.