json-schema-org / json-schema-spec

The JSON Schema specification
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Clarification Needed on the Status and Future Updates of JSON Schema Specification #1530

Open VimukthiRajapaksha opened 2 days ago

VimukthiRajapaksha commented 2 days ago

Hi Team,

It appears that the draft-bhutton-json-schema-01 specification is marked as "Expired & Archived" on the datatracker.ietf.org website. See the attached image for reference:

  1. Do you have plans to update this specification? If so, could you provide a timeline for the new draft?
  2. Alternatively, is there a different specification that will replace the current "JSON Schema" specification?

Any insights or updates on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

gregsdennis commented 2 days ago

Hey @VimukthiRajapaksha. Thanks for the questions.

The team is currently working towarda new release of the specification, but we've made some organizational (like JSON Schema Org) and process changes since the last time we released, and we want to make sure we've got everything right. Please see the current roadmap.

Secondly, the existing releases ("drafts") are production-ready releases, and many people and orgs use them as such. They were only published under the IETF draft system because that was what was available. We never intended for them to expire, but that's what that publication route requires. We have republished all of the documents on our website just in case they are ever taken from the IETF site. Future releases will be self-published.